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By:Erin Bernat.  Strength and conditioning exercises are good for students and athletes health and wellness.  Having good strength helps keep bones.

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Presentation on theme: "By:Erin Bernat.  Strength and conditioning exercises are good for students and athletes health and wellness.  Having good strength helps keep bones."— Presentation transcript:

1 By:Erin Bernat

2  Strength and conditioning exercises are good for students and athletes health and wellness.  Having good strength helps keep bones and muscles strong.  Having endurance is good for your heart and lungs.  When teaching students and athletes strength and conditioning it’s good to use a variety of different equipment.

3  Using a stop watch can help you time how long you want to do something.  They are good to use when doing different endurance exercises.  Easy for students and athletes to use.

4 Only $8.95 online. You can even find these in sporting good stores near you. Very light and portable. Great way to see your time and push your endurance level when doing an activity.

5 AA good fitness training device. EExcellent for doing different strength and balance exercises. EEasy for students and athletes to do on there own. YYou can use this ball a lot of different ways for a lot different exercises.

6 Can purchase online or in a sporting goods store. Price ranges from $70 to $130.

7  Great tool to use for tempo conditioning.  Increases strength in all muscle groups.  Simple to install anywhere.  Very strong and durable.  Fun and different exercise for your students and athletes.

8  You can find these ropes anywhere online or in a sporting goods store.  Cost is about $129.

9  Great for agility and speed.  You can do many different types of footwork drills.  Enhances your balance and coordination.  Works on conditioning.  Great for coaching and teaching.

10 Can find these in any sporting good store or online. Prices range from $54 to $90

11  Excellent tool to test your endurance and strength.  You are running a continuous 20 meters back and forth. You run to a C.D that beeps every time you need to get to the 20 meter mark. It increases it’s speed each time. You go until you feel like you can’t anymore.  You can do this inside or outside.  Just need markers to mark your space and length.

12 Can find this beep test for free online! Or can buy on iTunes. Good to test your students and athletes aerobic capacity.

13  Very easy to find and use.  They all help with strength and conditioning.  Can use these with your athletes and students.  Fun to use in physical education classes and the gym.  is a great website where you can find all this equipment.

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