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How does your brain work? What’s your mindset?.

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Presentation on theme: "How does your brain work? What’s your mindset?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does your brain work? What’s your mindset?



4 £50,000,000 in earnings last year World’s highest earning footballer at age 37 Most capped England outfield player


6 First business failed – he ended up eating dog food He was told that Mickey Mouse would terrify people He was told that the ‘Three little pigs’ needed more characters It took him 16 years to get permission to film Mary Poppins


8 He was told he was ‘stupid’ He was fired from many jobs He had many technical difficulties and money worries He obtained 1093 patents – including the light bulb, battery and record player (this is how we played music before CDs!) Genius is ‘1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’

9 Is it… their parents? natural talent? Where they live? Fearlessness? The equipment they use? Lots and lots of practice? Persistence and learning from mistakes?







16 How can you become a better learner? Change your mindset… Growth mindset

17 John McEnroe was the world champion of tennis for 4 consecutive years, but McEnroe has acknowledged that he responded badly to setbacks. He has admitted that he didn’t maximise his potential and could have performed better for longer.


19 A GIFT? HARD WORK AND SACRIFICE? Starting playing tennis aged 2. Practised 5 days a week; every week. By aged 5 playing in tournaments for under 10s. By 8 he was allowed to play against adults in competitions. Had few friends in secondary school and trained in all of his spare time. Aged 15 asks his mum to move to Barcelona so he can be trained with the world’s best.

20 TYPICAL DAY FOR ANDY MURRAY: 7:30 – porridge and protein shake 9:00-11:30 – running drills 12:00 – rest/lunch 13:00 - 16:00 – technical hitting drills and endurance training 16:30 – 18:30 – in the gym for stretching and weights 19:15 – dinner and T.V. 21:30 - bed

21 “I can’t do it” “I’m stuck” “I can’t be bothered” “It’s too hard” “I’m not clever enough” “Can I do something easier?” “What’s the point in showing me that, I’ll never be able to do it”

22 Student: “I can’t do this……”

23 Student: “I can’t do this…… yet ”


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