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If the World Were a Village

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Presentation on theme: "If the World Were a Village"— Presentation transcript:

1 If the World Were a Village

2 Slides from the project introduction Powerpoint would be inserted as an intro to the slide set.
Each student group would complete the following for a master presentation as follows: Question stated from topic area with animation for answer to appear Graph of data imported from Excel Proportional Wordle to relate to elaboration data Animated graphic page while students read selected journal entries and ask reflective question for their topic

3 In a village of 100 people How many people would have electricity? 76 people would have electricity 24 people would NOT have electricity

4 In a village of 100 people

5 Of the 76 people that have electricity this many people have…

6 Electricity Group Reflections
Journal Entries: **These would be verbal I’m lucky to live in Tappahannock because all the people in my group have electricity. It would be boring if I didn’t have electricity for my television and computer. I would not have nothing to do at night when I finished my work. Questions: What do kids do on weekends when it is raining if they do not have electricity?

7 Student groups will read selected journal entries and state summarizing
reflection questions in regards to topic.

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