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Seattle Children's Hospital Student Names go here Small Group Communication – North Seattle Community College Summer 2011 Doing something worthwhile for.

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Presentation on theme: "Seattle Children's Hospital Student Names go here Small Group Communication – North Seattle Community College Summer 2011 Doing something worthwhile for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seattle Children's Hospital Student Names go here Small Group Communication – North Seattle Community College Summer 2011 Doing something worthwhile for children.

2 Where to Begin? Guidelines  Meeting community need  Form a group within course students  Practice principles introduced in CMST&230 course.

3 Group Formation Mutual interest in a project that serves children in the community. Similar availabilities Initial idea proposed by Susie that sparked group interest.

4 Group's Mission To collect safe toys to help children who are undergoing difficult and scary procedures in the Orthopedic department at Seattle Children's Hospital.

5 Step by step.. Cooperatively comprised two letters to send to potential donors: personal and corporate. Listed appropriate options for donating: stuffed toys, books, art supplies, and no potential choking hazards. Set a deadline for all donations at July 31 st.

6 Involving the Community We received a larger response from local and personal donors compared to corporate donors. Enthusiasm for the person and project possibly drove the results.

7 Go Team! Each group member sent out 5 letters to businesses (local and corporate), with mixed responses. Target in Federal Way donated a gift card for new toy purchases in their store. Dragon's Toy Box in Downtown Seattle donated two large bags of treasures!

8 “Battle of the Donors” Corporate  Slower response  Formal legalities  Less donations Personal  Immediate response  Casual exchange  More donations

9 Delivery Day! At Children's Hospital all of the donations were dropped off to smiles and “thank you's.” There were so many toys that the prize box was not big enough!

10 Delivery Day Cont.! These are the ones we didn’t want to let go. So cuddly These bears are about to go into surgery to have limbs amputated as a comfort for the kids who are going to need their own amputations. PICTURE OF GROUP INSERTED HERE

11 Dora and Diego?! One gracious donor was right on track with donating a Diego doll. The hospital has a Dora doll that introduces stitches procedures to the children. Now they are reunited! PICTURE INSERT HERE

12 Children's Hospital SCH has a colorful, animated design which benefits the atmosphere, welcoming children. As a group, we felt comfortable and honored to work with such a gracious company. Children that had been at the hospital were smiling and never without a friend by their side (nurse or parent).

13 How Did We Do? Group meetings were via Skype and in-person on alternating weeks. Open, honest interpersonal communication resulted in a comfortable group identity. Deadlines and responsibilities were delegated by interest and with respect to each member's lifestyle.

14 Reflections Chrissie: “I have seen how a strong foundation of respect can have a significant and positive effect on the outcome of a group...thoroughly enjoyed working on this project with my team...our genuine appreciation for one another motivated everyone to work hard.” Liz: “I was nervous about it, wondering if there was going to be a few people doing all the work or if the group would be accepting...the experience was incredible and beyond what I could of hoped for as...we were totally accepting of each other, our differences...instantly worked as a team, dividing up the project, each pulling our own weight...I found our group to be a safe place I enjoyed participating in and I could rely on my group members.”

15 Reflections, cont. Nasa: “I've learned a lot taking this course...Although we are different than one another, we had the same goal...and similar interest for helping the community...I've learned a valuable lesson to listen to people, understand different culture, and most importantly working as a team. I've learned to see the bigger picture of things, and not to take too personally.” Leigh: “I can't express with words how thankful I am for this group and the results we achieved. So proud of everyone.” Candace: “I can think of many reasons why we were successful...the two that stand out most are dedication and support. We each have different strengths…we all are dedicated to doing our best work whatever it takes and…I found it refreshing that the support and positive encouragement were not anything we talked about initially or set as a goal, but just something that happened instinctively.”

16 Special “Thanks!” The Hardy Family, The Bergstrom Family, The Stavros Family, The Gregg Family, The Mussler Family, Sage Samuels, Sarah Fine, Target, and Dragon's Toy Box! Seattle Children's Hospital for all of the hard work they do every day for children in the Pacific Northwest.

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