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Your key to effective communication.
Etiquette Your key to effective communication. This presentation was designed in response to the growing popularity of and the subsequent need for information on how to craft appropriate messages, send resumes and cover letters via , communicate with colleagues and classmates, and how to participate in electronic mailing lists. Anyone who uses (regardless of regularity or purpose) will find this workshop to be useful. Contributions from the following sources: Angell, David, and Heslop, Brent. The Elements of Style: Communicate Effectively via Electronic Mail. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994. Bailey, Jr., Edward P. The Plain English Approach to Business Writing. New York: University Press, 1990. Caudron, Shari. “Virtual Manners.” Workforce 79.2 (2000):
Agenda Importance of etiquette Format of etiquette
Why is email etiquette important?
We all interact with the printed word as though it has a personality and that personality makes positive and negative impressions upon us. Without immediate feedback your document can easily be misinterpreted by your reader, so it is crucial that you follow the basic rules of etiquette to construct an appropriate tone. has become very prevalent in most people’s lives and many use it to cheaply and quickly communicate with friends, family, and co-workers. Although this technology is available to everyone, and most people are accustomed to using , people still are not very savvy when it comes to understanding how functions in a relationship both personally and professionally. How we interpret While most people are aware that the computer is not a person and that s do not have a character of their own, many people still react to them as though they do. Readers assign meaning to everything that people write and tend to perceive it as concrete because it is in black and white (or whatever color you may choose). This response, coupled with a lack of nonverbal cues, poses a serious challenge for writers. It is easy for s to be misinterpreted because people write as though they are having a conversation; however, the receiver does not read that way. Ask the audience: How many times have you received an and felt a little put off by the message even though it was from a good friend? Have you ever sent an that upset or confused someone? What was it like to be in that situation and what did you do to clear up the misunderstanding? It is because of these uncomfortable situations that some ground rules on etiquette were established and why writers should be mindful of them.
The elements of email etiquette
General format Writing long messages Attachments The curse of surprises Flaming Delivering information Delivering bad news Electronic Mailing Lists This slide provides an overview of the entire workshop. Workshop participants will benefit from information on the general format of writing, content development, and tips on how to use electronic mailing lists.
General Format: The Basics
Subject Dear Mr/Ms <<Name>>, Intro statement [Optional] Thank you for meeting with me.. I was referred to you by so and so.. Purpose of i.e I am writing to find out …. + Due date. Reason for request. This information will help me do… [Optional] Benefit for person giving information. In return, I will .. Background information. I have already spoke to .. Please respond by or phone if you have questions for me <<contact information>> Thank You. Sincerely/Best regards <<Signature>>
General Format: The Basics
Try to keep the brief (one screen length). Return s within the same time you would a phone call. Check for punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors Use caps only when appropriate. Format your for plain text rather than HTML. Use a font that has a professional or neutral look. Many complain that writers of do not take the time to be personable. One way to remedy this and extend good will toward the reader is to add a salutation for each new subject. “Dear,” “Hello,” and “Hi” are all acceptable greetings. If a writer is communicating with someone about the same subject (for example, authorization for overtime) then it is considered acceptable to just begin the with the first sentence. Length: A number of experts have a wide range of opinions on how lengthy an should be. Some say that it does not matter and others say that an should be as long as the text box without scrolling. Both perspectives appear to be correct. In general s should be short and to the point. However, many companies are moving to paperless memos and other written transactions, thereby requiring that s be longer. This workshop is going to cover how to effectively write a long on slide #11 titled “When Your Message is Long.” Time: It is considered rude not to respond to an as soon as possible. Writers should strive to respond to s as quickly as they would a phone message, which tends to be immediately. If the requires a longer message than the writer is able to provide at that moment, it is considered proper etiquette to let the sender know that the message was received and that the writer is planning to respond as soon as time permits. Grammar and Punctuation: For the professional work world it is imperative that writers use capitalization, grammar, and other traditional ways of writing to include neutral fonts. Plain Text vs. HTML: Not all s are formatted to read html. It is best to send everything in plain text unless the writer knows for certain that the person he or she is writing can read html.
Email Etiquette Be sure to include a subject line.
Some services sort incoming messages by subject for the recipient. Consider using a Bcc to keep addresses private or to ensure that the “To:” area of the message remains a small size (recipients need not scroll past several listings to arrive at the body of the message).
Email Etiquette Write clear and concise messages.
Write short sentences and short messages. Avoid double spacing your messages as requires recipients to scroll through messages without the benefit of highlighting or marking the message as one might on a printout.
Email Etiquette Avoid the use of all capital letters.
Capitalizing all letters is considered “shouting” or flaming. The recipient may consider this hostile.
Etiquette When replying to a message, consider deleting part of the original message to save space on the screen. Retain the part of the sender’s message to which you are responding. Avoid using the reply to all function as this sends your response to all recipients of the . Ask yourself, “Does everyone need to know this information?”
General Format: Lists and Bullets
When you are writing directions or want to emphasize important points, number your directions or bullet your main points. For example, Place the paper in drawer A. Click the green “start” button. Another example, Improve customer satisfaction. Empower employees. Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: This is one of many ways to organize information within an document. It’s an effective way to make the information flow more logically and it helps the reader to know the proper order of the information in the in a very clear and concise way. *Angell and Heslop
General Format: Tone Write in a positive tone
“When you complete the report.” instead of “If you complete the report.” Avoid negative words that begin with “un, non, ex” or that end with “less” (useless, non-existent, ex-employee, undecided). Use contractions to add a friendly tone. (don’t, won’t, can’t). Explanation: The main point of this slide is to help participates understand the importance of tone. These are ways to create a document that sounds friendly and “nonverbally” open. While it is important to follow rules of punctuation and grammar in , using contractions can create a conversational style that isn’t intimidating. Remind students that tone is dependent on audience -- an to a co-worker might have a substantially different tone than to a boss. Ask them to think about situations and determine appropriate tones for them. *Angell and Heslop
Attachments When you are sending an attachment tell your respondent what the name of the file is, what program it is saved in, and the version of the program. “This file is in MSWord 2003 under the name “LabFile.” Explanation: Attachments can sometimes cause more headaches than help, and it can be difficult for the recipient(s) to figure out why they are unable to download an attachment. One way to help is to provide all of the important information about the file so that the recipient can trouble shoot to something more serious if there is a problem other than incompatibility. Also, due to viruses that spread via attachments, it’s important that the recipient know that the sender meant for an attachment to be included with the message, and what kind of attachment it is, since opening unknown attachments could cause serious damage to the recipient’s system and spread viruses further. Always check any attachments you are going to send for viruses, and never open unknown attachments!
When your message is long
Create an “elevator” summary. Provide a table of contents on the first screen of your . If you require a response from the reader then be sure to request that response in the first paragraph of your . Create headings for each major section. Mouse-click to activate text Elevator Summary: Business experts often refer to this kind of summary either as an elevator summary or an executive summary. Either terminology is correct. An elevator summary is a summary that can be given to a colleague or employer in the short time it takes to get from the ground floor to the third floor on an elevator. It has the bare essentials of the message. *Angell and Heslop Why a summary? We all know what it is like to inundated with , so much so that is difficult to figure out what s have priority over others. If there is a brief summary at the top readers can make a decision about whether to save the for later or finish it at that time. The table of contents: The table of contents is a very friendly gesture toward readers when they are required to read long messages. It allows them to skip to the sections of the that apply to them and avoid those areas that do not. Other explanations: If the reader needs to respond immediately to the then that should be conveyed in the first paragraph; otherwise, that message may be overlooked and the writer will not receive the response as quickly as one is needed.
Elevator Summary and Table of Contents
An elevator summary should have all the main components of the . “Our profit margin for the last quarter went down 5%. As a result I am proposing budget adjustment for the following areas…” Table of contents “This contains A. Budget projections for the last quarter B. Actual performance for the last quarter C. Adjustment proposal D. Projected profitability” Elevator summary activated by mouse-click, table of contents loads automatically Sample: This slide shows examples of the elevator summary and the table of contents. *Angell and Heslop
Delivering Information About Meetings, Orientations, Processes
Include an elevator summary and table of contents with headings. Provide as much information as possible. Offer the reader an opportunity to receive the information via mail if the is too confusing. Explanation: Many companies, in an effort to save on paper, are sending vital information through about their conferences, corporate orientations, and new policies and procedures. Most likely, new employees will be easily frustrated and confused, so providing information about orientations should be detailed and organized. The more information that is included in the the less likely the composer will have to fax or mail a document. The same is true for meetings and for policy changes.
Delivering Bad News Deliver the news up front.
Avoid blaming statements. Avoid hedging words or words that sound ambiguous. Maintain a positive resolve. Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: There is a myth that continues to circulate that the more a person stalls in getting bad news out the better the recipient will feel about it because he or she will be prepared. THIS IS NOT TRUE. In fact, stalling or beating around the bush only leads to reader frustration and may not serve the messenger well if he or she is writing the to their boss. It is better to deliver bad news up front in the elevator summary.
Delivering Bad News Deliver the news up front: “We are unable to order new computers this quarter due to budget cuts.” Avoid blaming: “I think it will be hard to recover from this, but what can I do to help?” Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: This slide provides examples of poor choices for prioritizing information and shows ways to construct messages that are not blaming or ambiguous. The term “weasel words” was coined by Angell and Heslop to describe words that appear cowardly, ambiguous, or indirect in an effort to ward off or stall potentially negative repercussions.
Writing a complaint You should briefly state the history of the problem to provide context for your reader. Explain the attempts you made previously to resolve the problem. Show why it is critical for the problem to be resolved by your reader. Offer suggestions on ways you think it can be resolved or how you are willing to help in the matter. Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: When writing a complaint via the writer should provide a very clear picture for the recipient mainly because there is a tremendous amount of room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding. It is important that the writer provide a context and state clearly what the problem is and how he or she would like to see the problem resolved. Reminder: Remind the participants that if the problem is urgent, they should indicate that in their elevator summary and let the recipient know they need a response as soon as possible.
Complaints Example Dr. Mitra:
The review that we had the period before the final was not accurate. As a result, the grades we received could have been incorrect. The T.A.s who led the review gave incorrect information. I would like to suggest that you ask students who were at the review which information the T.A.s gave incorrectly and account for those errors in our grades. There have been a number of complaints from fellow classmates who feel the same way. Please take this into consideration. Thank you. Explanation: It is important for the writer to provide a context for his or her audience and to show the audience that he or she has taken all the necessary and required steps to resolve it. When a person takes the time to show that she or he is contributing to the solution the message takes on a positive tone that is generally received with greater ease and optimism by the audience. Everyone does not agrees on what is considered to be a “problem.” When writers clearly state what they perceive to be troublesome it reduces the possibility of disagreement between them and their audience. Labeling something as a “problem” is not sufficient enough to motivate others to act. The problem must be clearly defined in a way that can foster solutions. Most often when people receive complaints the natural reaction is to ask “so how does this involve me?” It is vital that writers prescribe courses of action to motivate their audience. First, writers should concede that they may have overlooked an option; perhaps there are other ways to resolve the problem without calling meetings and sending out intimidating memos. Second, writers should show how they are willing to participate in the solution by suggesting their willingness to meet with a third party, the party in question, or others. This shows that writers have good will toward the organization.
Good Topics for Email You should email your teacher if:
You have an easy question that can be answered in a paragraph or less You have an assignment that you are allowed to submit via If you have a simple question that is easier to to your teacher than talk directly during his/her office hours, then go right ahead and send the . Keep in mind that asking long questions can be irritating to answer, especially if you were not clear and the reader does not understand exactly what you are asking. If you want to discuss a complicated matter, it’s best to speak to your teacher outside of .
Bad Topics for There are some rules that it’s best to follow, such as: Don’t try to turn in an assignment through if your teacher has specified against it If you have to get an extension for an assignment, do it in person Don’t bring up any topic that will require continuous conversation If things become heated, there is a large risk for misunderstanding, so it’s best to talk face-to-face If you have a simple question that is easier to to your teacher than talk directly during his/her office hours, then go right ahead and send the . Keep in mind that asking long questions can be irritating to answer, especially if you were not clear and the reader does not understand exactly what you are asking. If you want to discuss a complicated matter, it’s best to speak to your teacher outside of .
Do not take your reader by surprise or press them to the wall
Do not wait until the end of the day to introduce a problem or concern via memo or . Avoid writing a litany of concerns that you have been harboring for a long period of time. Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: One of the quickest ways to frustrate someone is to surprise him or her by either copying a complaint to both him or her and their boss (skipping over the chain of command) or waiting until the end of the day to introduce a problem. This is likely to compromise the complaint’s effectiveness and alienate the writer from his or her audience. Once the audience is alienated, co-workers and employers may not express any empathy toward the writer, his or her concerns may not be addressed in a timely manner, the message may be ignored, or the writer may receive a flippant . Rather than take readers by surprise writers should address concerns as soon as possible and with as much decorum and diplomacy as possible.
Flaming in s Flaming is a virtual term for venting or sending inflammatory messages in . Avoid flaming because it tends to create a great deal of conflict that spirals out of control. Flame fights are the equivalent of food fights and tend to affect observers in a very negative way. What you say cannot be taken back; it is in black and white. Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: Many people become frustrated with a co-worker, boss, or office policy and have the need to vent that frustration. However, there are some serious problems with flaming and it should happen sparingly in s. Activity: (read the following to the audience) “I am so sick and tired of all the crap that goes on in this office. Judy is the most annoying person that I’ve ever known and she hardly ever gets her work done in a timely manner and I’m tired of watching her do nothing. Besides that, every time I try and get help Larry just acts like there isn’t a problem. I am SO CLOSE TO QUITTING! I swear that if someone says another thing to me I am out the door honestly. The procedures in here are only for certain people and the rest are favorites. As a matter of fact, I don’t even think this problem can be solved until Judy is fired.” Discussion: Have the audience think about the ramifications of sending this . Who will be hurt? How? What could have been done by the writer earlier to avoid this build up of frustration? Might the writer have some legitimate concerns that are masked by his or her anger? What might be a better way to write about those concerns? *Angell and Heslop
Keep flaming under control
Before you send an message, ask yourself, “would I say this to this person’s face?” Calm down before responding to a message that offends you. Once you send the message it is gone. Read your message twice before you send it and assume that you may be misinterpreted when proofreading. Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: It is easy for writers to let their guards down when communicating electronically because they are not actually getting immediate feedback. The nature of communication changes. Sometimes people tend to do and say things over and on electronic mailing lists that they would never do in an office meeting or face to face with a co-worker. It is essential that the participants understand how unproductive flaming s are and the snowball effect they can have in the office (because they can be forwarded or printed). Reminder: Do not use obscene or abusive language and do not flame in a public forum like a message group or electronic mailing list. *Angell and Heslop
Responding to a flame Empathize with the sender’s frustration and tell them they are right if that is true If you feel you are right, thank them for bringing the matter to your attention Explain what led to the problem in question Avoid getting bogged down by details and minor arguments If you are aware that the situation is in the process of being resolved let the reader know at the top of the response Apologize if necessary Mouse-click to activate text Explanation: When responding to a flame, the respondent must do his or her best to remain professional and neutral. s are infamous for creating misunderstandings. Try to be as clear as possible and as empathetic as possible. If none of the above tactics work then it is most appropriate to take this concern outside of the electronic sphere and into the traditional interpersonal (face to face) sphere. *Angell and Heslop
When Won’t Work There are times when you need to take your discussion out of the virtual world and make a phone call. If things become very heated, a lot of misunderstanding occurs, or when you are delivering very delicate news then the best way is still face-to face. Explanation: Not all messages are best delivered via . There are many instances when one should stop and say, “It’s time to meet or talk in person because we’ve gotten as far as we can through .” Generally, most people are agreeable to talking in person. Reminder: Because of the facelessness of there are a number of misunderstandings and misperceptions that can occur.
Happy ing!
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