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Online to Riches August 12 th, 2013 1

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Presentation on theme: "Online to Riches August 12 th, 2013 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online to Riches August 12 th, 2013 1

2 This Class Securing Partners Open Q & A 2

3 Important DATES (classes are on Monday 9am ET for 2 hours) Online to Riches August 26th Online to Riches September 9th Online to Riches September 23 rd Online to Riches October 7 th Online to Riches October 21 st Online to Riches November 4 th Online to Riches November 18 th 3

4 Joint Venture Partners Partners to Promote YOU &/or Your Products &/or Your Services &/or Your Events &/or Your Freebees 4

5 Why do you need one/many? Expands your reach Gives you exposure Generates revenue Builds your brand Helps YOU (and them) achieve your goals 5

6 What is a “Partner” Someone with an eMail list They send out your “stuff” They promote you May or may not be compensated Have influence 6

7 Securing Partners No one will care more about your product/service than __________! Help them understand what is in it for THEM Get to the point FAST Keep it SHORT Have a Call-To-Action This is an ON-GOING process 7

8 Most CRITICAL SUCCESS Factors Personalize Connect From the heart Share your passion Energy is in your email 8

9 9

10 10

11 Approaching Partners Think like a list owner Write/Speak from the heart Level Playing Field Understand they WANT to earn $ too Get to the Point Show BENEFITS Customize EACH and EVERY email ASK for a call-to-action 11

12 Partner Request eMail FLOW GRAB their attention Compliment Them/Create Rapport The reason for this email is… This is unique because… Has been endorsed by… Benefits are… Affiliate program is … All you need to do is … Please get back to me on Friday with your confirmation for the [date] mailing 12

13 TRACK Everything 13

14 Where Else are Partners? Linked-In YouTube Facebook Twitter Live Events 14

15 Start a List of Potential Partners List owners you know Websites you like/visit Newsletters you subscribe to Go searching online by keywords Subscribe to newsletters Be thorough 15

16 16 Why would anyone want to help? simply want to help share the same passion want to let their subscribers know benefit from being involved opportunity to build their database get exposure builds their brand/credibility opportunity to make revenue win prizes or get something from you

17 17 Please Remember You do NOT have to have your own database list It is NOT recommended that you buy lists Spamming is NOT recommended It is NOT recommended that you buy any ads (in newsletters) There are millions of websites You’ll never exhaust the potential

18 18 Finding Joint Venture Partners Look for partners to help support you and your campaign Finding list owners is easier than you may think You do NOT need to have relationships already! Reach out to hundreds/thousands of list owners

19 Search Engines Use your favorite search engine 19

20 Social Media 20

21 21 Keyword Search Genre Parenting Business Personal Growth Cooking Fitness Heath Humor Relationships Family Etc. etc. etc.

22 Search Engine 22

23 http://peggym 23

24 24

25 25 Keyword Search: Parents Parenting newsletters Parents Mom ezines Mom websites Mothers Mother newsletters Family Family newsletters

26 http://peggym 26

27 27 Are they collecting email addresses?

28 Sign up for my newsletter 28

29 Search alternative search words 29

30 30 How else can they promote YOU?

31 31 What to look for on the front page Are they collecting email names? Newsletter Selling products Contents Does the site look like a great fit? Is it appealing to you? Would you want to be associated to this site? Do they have a blog/articles/on social media?

32 32

33 33

34 34

35 35 While Searching Google will lead you to tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of websites One site will lead you to another site, which will lead you to another site Alexa will give you information that will be helpful to understand the popularity of the site, AND, it will lead you to many other sites social media sites are helpful too!

36 36 Finding the List Owner Looking for the contact name; email address; telephone number Look on the website Check on Go to Network Solutions ndex.jsp Respect the ‘terms of use’

37 37 Summary to find Partners Determine the keywords Search for websites on the internet Stay open for the many paths Look for websites that collect email addresses Find their contact information Begin to create a spreadsheet Never ever, ever, ever stop looking for partners

38 Need an Affiliate Program Must be able to track sales Each affiliate has a unique link You need to help them get set up Don’t assume they know what to do Offer to sign up for them The copy is YOUR responsibility Send it to them with THEIR link embedded Your responsibility is to follow up 38

39 39 Sample of a Request eMail SUBJECT: YOU... and Napolean Hill Can YOU decide as quickly as Napolean Hill? Time for a quick decision... Think fast and get 40% commissions! BODY: Do you know… When Andrew Carnegie gave Napoleon Hill the opportunity of a lifetime, one that would eventually net him millions of dollars... Carnegie secretly held a stop watch in his hand. If Hill took more than 60 seconds to make his decision, the offer would be yanked off the table. Carnegie knew that only someone who can make a good decision quickly could understand his methods for manifesting Real Wealth. Hill took 32 seconds. The rest is history. Today, I’m offering you that same kind of quick-decision opportunity... Page 1 of 7

40 ...because time is running short, and now you’ll have to both DECIDE and ACT quickly enough to jump on the earlier, greater money- making opportunity. You see, New York Times Best Selling Author Peggy McColl has been secretly working on an exciting new project, right alongside her good friends Bob Proctor, Gay Hendricks, and Mary Morrissey – all of whom are extremely successful… well as absolute MASTER manifestors of the good things in Life. Bob Proctor, of course, is the well-known star of “The Secret”, and has been studying, practicing, and teaching self-development strategies, success principles, and practical application of the Law of Attraction for more than 50 years! Gay Hendricks has published over 30 books, garnering praise from such celebrities as Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, and Bonnie Raitt... as well as from thousands of “ordinary folks” around the world. 40 Page 2 of 7

41 He has also guided approximately 80 authors through the whole writing and publication process. And Mary Morrissey has been a popular speaker, best-selling author, and consultant for over three decades. Her reputation as one of the leading teachers in the human potential movement ensures that her transformational workshops are always packed. She has worked with His Holiness The Dalai Lama, met with Nelson Mandela, and even spoken at the United Nations THREE TIMES! And of course …Peggy McColl – New York Times best-selling author, online marketer, and success coach. In addition to having already helped HUNDREDS of other authors – including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, Debbie Ford, Gregg Braden, and David Riklan – get THEIR books out to the world (many of THEM also hitting the popular best-seller lists like New York Times, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble)…... her own books have sold in more than 81 countries and 32 languages. 41 Page 3 of 7

42 The four of them are launching a FREE Preview Presentation called: “MAKING A MILLION LOOK SMALL” In addition to providing some fantastic content that your subscribers can put to good use right away, we’ll also be encouraging people to join our new program called “Making A Million Look Small”... which is all about how to manifest a level of abundance in your life that would have once seemed utterly overwhelming and unbelievable to you. An added bonus for program participants is the chance to co-author their next book with them. Yes, students will get the chance to have their manifestation success story included in the follow-up book to this program, also titled “Making A Million Look Small”. Interest has already begun spreading like wildfire... people are chomping at the bit, “salivating with excitement” at the chance of working directly with four such masters. I’m sure you’re aware of the terrific enthusiasm people have for learning how to REALLY manifest meaningful results. They’ve read the books, heard the audio programs and seen the DVDs. They want to build businesses and gain prosperity. They want better relationships and more vibrant health. They want to reach millions of people with their messages and stories. 42 Page 4 of 7

43 That’s where our new “Making a Million Look Small” program comes in. Honestly, with this kind of high-powered manifesting talent showing them how to do it… Participants are actually GUARANTEED to succeed. (Yup – they are even put it in writing!) And I’d like YOU to join the Affiliate Program. If you’re already familiar with how these affiliate programs work, then feel free to simply hit “Reply” now or sign up right here with the affiliate sign up link. ?MerchantID=177957 Here’s how it works… To introduce this new Making a Million Look Small program – focused on the real strategies and tools that work for Master Manifesters – they will be offering a special 90-minute LIVE webinar that YOUR readers can attend for FREE. They will get content and insights they can put to work right away AND a clear outline about how much more they can look forward to once they’ve signed up for the full program. As an affiliate, you simply agree to send out an e-mail to your list, shortly before the webinar. I will supply a copy of a suggested e-mail to you. Send it out to your contacts as is or, better still, adapt it to your own style and then send it. 43 Page 5 of 7

44 That e-mail directs your readers to the webinar registration page through a special link keyed exclusively to you. When your readers like what they see and sign up for the “Making a Million Look Small” program, you are automatically credited with 40% of the program fee of $1997. You can earn even more if you want to refer other affiliates to promote this program and earn 10% on any or all of the affiliates sales that come from any of the affiliates that you refer (and who mail and who generate sales). Of course, neither you nor I have a crystal ball... but, considering the scope of this program, the chance of co-authoring their next book, and the reputations and following of all four “heavy hitters” behind this program… Your affiliate profits “potential” at least could be extraordinary. However much you might earn, we will send you a commission check, or deposit it directly to your PayPal account. Your choice. Of course you can use your exclusive affiliate link elsewhere – at the end of blog articles, in newsletters, or anywhere on your own website. The more you promote, the more you can earn! That’s it 44 Page 6 of 7

45 It really is that simple – there’s nothing more for you to do except cash your checks. I truly believe this breakthrough program is going to deliver what so many people want. They’ll be teaching real lessons drawn from their own experience. And they’ll be working directly with participants, so they get past their own barriers and challenges. All four of them are committed to delivering a breakthrough program that will be a perfect fit for many of your readers/customer. So if you’re at all interested, simply fire me a quick e-mail (if you have any questions) OR sign up as an affiliate and I’ll get you the email to blast out to invite your contacts to the free webinar. Here’s the link again to sign up as an affiliate for this opportunity: px?MerchantID=177957 I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon! Kindest regards – [sig] P.S. – Please reply or sign up right away as they’re planning the live event next week. 45 Page 7 of 7

46 The Starting Point… Determine a launch date Determine a launch strategy Get the product ready first (pricing, outline) Set up the shopping cart Create the copy for the affiliates (email and landing page) Get the auto responders ready too Make a list of potential affiliates Create a Priority List & Start contacting Set up a Tier 2 Program and get others promoting too 46

47 Affiliate Program chantID=177957 chantID=177957 47

48 Two Tier Tier 1 = 40% Tier 2 = 10% And in some isolated cases = 50% 48

49 Promotional Strategy Give away a FREE Preview Presentation = 90 minutes Deliver valuable information Offer the program as an invitation $1997 Registration 40% to Tier 1 and 10% to Tier 2 affiliates 49

50 Partners Send out Compelling Offer Leading folks to a lead capture page Give people a reason why they would want to sign up Create a sense of urgency or scarcity 50

51 Capture eMail Addresses 51

52 Auto Responders Confirming their registration Giving them the information for the Preview Presentation Reminding them Asking them to tell others 52

53 “Live”, Recorded & Replays Decided in advance if you want to do the webinar/teleseminar “live” or recorded Easy to do a recorded and have it look like it is “live” Replays are a must Some people offer free “live” events but charge for replays 53

54 Create a contest / challenge 54

55 Summary points Stay Organized Focus on Affiliates Win/Win/Win Be Creative Give More Than They are Expecting Lots of Positive Energy (Enthusiasm) MPFI (Make People Feel Important) Be Clear on the Offer Make it Easy for People to Buy Compensate Your Affiliates in a Timely Manner 55

56 Questions? Open Q & A time Now is the time All questions are GREAT questions 56

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