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[ 1 ] 22 December 2011 Notes on jet-clump interaction targets (Black 1 – Black 4) for NLUF shots of 20 January 2011 Compilation of radiographs received.

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Presentation on theme: "[ 1 ] 22 December 2011 Notes on jet-clump interaction targets (Black 1 – Black 4) for NLUF shots of 20 January 2011 Compilation of radiographs received."— Presentation transcript:

1 [ 1 ] 22 December 2011 Notes on jet-clump interaction targets (Black 1 – Black 4) for NLUF shots of 20 January 2011 Compilation of radiographs received from Robert Stamm on 21 December 2010, with approximate dimensions added. Red lines are outline of jet-forming washer and axis of jet. Black lines and figures show approximate positions of bottom, top, and centre-of-gravity of clump of particles. Pre-shot radiography axes are -45, 0, +45 degrees. Radiography axes in experiment are -36 and +36 degrees. End view of target does not have sufficient dynamic range to show ball positions in pre-shot radiographs. Slides 2 – 5 are pre-shot radiographs. Slide 6 is email from Robert Stamm. Slides 7 – 12 are target request. The manufactured targets are a good approximation to what was requested, although the ball cluster is about 0.25 – 0.75 mm further downstream than requested. Need decision on order of preference for these targets, and choice of backlighter times.

2 [ 2 ] Black_1_RF101018-3(C-2) 2X -45Deg.jpgBlack_1_RF101018-3(C-2) 2X 0Deg.jpgBlack_1_RF101018-3(C-2) 2X 45Deg.jpg Black_1_RF101018-3(C-2) 4X Sphere.jpgBlack_1_RF101018-3(C-2) 4X Hohlraum.jpg 1.2 2.5 0.3

3 [ 3 ] Black_2_RF101022-5(C-4) 2X 0Deg.jpgBlack_2_RF101022-5(C-4) 2X -45Deg.jpgBlack_2_RF101022-5(C-4) 2X 45Deg.jpg Black_2_RF101022-5(C-4) 4X Hohlraum.jpgBlack_2_RF101022-5(C-4) 4X Sphere.jpg 1.1 1.6 0.4

4 [ 4 ] Black_3_RF101101-4(C-5) 2X -45Deg.jpgBlack_3_RF101101-4(C-5) 2X 0Deg.jpgBlack_3_RF101101-4(C-5) 2X 45Deg.jpg Black_3_RF101101-4(C-5) 4X Hohlraum.jpgBlack_3_RF101101-4(C-5) 4X -Sphere.jpg 1.0 2.5 0.3 0.4

5 [ 5 ] Black_4_RF101018-4(C-3) 2X -45Deg.jpgBlack_4_RF101018-4(C-3) 2X 0Deg.jpgBlack_4_RF101018-4(C-3) 2X 45Deg.jpg Black_4_RF101018-4(C-3) 4X Sphere.jpgBlack_4_RF101018-4(C-3) 4X Hohlraum.jpgBlack_4_RF101018-4(C-3) 4X -Sphere85keV.jpg 1.0 2.5 0.2 0.3

6 [ 6 ] Email from Robert Stamm, 21 December 2010 Stamm, Robert M [] Hi John, Attached are the radiographs of the “Type A” 300 um offset foam assemblies (Jet and multi-ball interaction : OMG-ASM-0164 (nominally 4 targets with approx 25 balls, set 300 um off center) : Use components C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5. It was difficult to penetrate through the titanium and gold ablators to see the offset balls in the foam. Let me know if these are acceptable. If not, we can try a much longer exposure when we come back the week of 1/3/11 after the holiday shutdown and see if that will work. I will be out of office 12/22 through 1/3/11. We will send the rest with the QA report to you by ~ 1/12/11. Thanks, Robert Stamm Schafer Corporation at Sandia National Labs 1515 Eubank SE RM.1241 BLDG.962 MS1196 Albuquerque, NM 87123 Desk 505 284 8385 Pager 505 951 5605 FAX 505 844 0573

7 [ 7 ] NLUF AstroShkClmp-11A : Jet and multi-ball targets Drawings SK-2010-11-08-A (001 – 005), version 2 Requirement is : 4 targets with approx. 25 number balls of 125 µm dia.

8 [ 8 ] 1100 (tol. -100, +200) 4000 dia. nominal 1000 dia. spherical region containing embedded particles. Centre of sphere is radially offset 300 from centre line of hohlraum. RF foam (0.3 g/cc) 4000 nominal 4000 dia. 1600 dia. 1200 dia. LEH 1200 50 end-wall thickness 50 side-wall thickness SK-2010-11-08-A-001 Target components for NLUF AstroShkClmp-11A, jet and multi-ball Dimensions in µm 8 November 2010 100 125 700 C L Gold and titanium disks supplied by AWE Hohlraum Hohlraum and experimental package

9 [ 9 ] 45.0° 1.5 mm (3 positions, as shown) Alignment fibres, 3 positions as shown. Confirm fibres are visible in XTVS and YTVS views (see SK-2010-11-08-A-005) A A View on B B Fiducial grid P7 Mounting stalk 10.8° P6 Section AA SK-2010-11-08-A-002-ver2 Target components for NLUF AstroShkClmp-11A, jet and multi-ball : alignment fibre positions Third angle projection Dimensions in µm 9 November 2010 H2

10 [ 10 ] P7 H2 P6 36° 300 radial offset from centre line of hohlraum LOS to TIM3 in H18 View on CSection AA 1100 (tol. -100, +200) A A C Fiducial grid SK-2010-11-08-A-003-ver2 Target components for NLUF AstroShkClmp-11A, jet and multi-ball : embedded particle positions Third angle projection Dimensions in µm 9 November 2010

11 [ 11 ] 3300 Cut off corner of grid, to avoid left-right uncertainty in pre-shot radiographs B View on AView on B A Fiducial grid SK-2010-11-08-A-004-ver2 Target components for NLUF AstroShkClmp-11A, jet and multi-ball : fiducial grid position Third angle projection Dimensions in µm 9 November 2010

12 [ 12 ] SK-2010-11-08-A-005 Target components for NLUF AstroShkClmp-11A, jet and multi-ball : XTVS and YTVS views and backlighters Dimensions in mm 8 November 2010

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