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Welcome to Ms. Alderson’s Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Alderson’s Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Alderson’s Class!

2 Welcome While we are waiting, please help your child by putting together his/her interactive notebook! Write the following subjects on the tabs. (math, science, social studies, health, reading) Place these, in order, in the tabs. Add a pencil pouch on top. Thank You!!!

3 About Ms. Alderson Graduated from Middle Tennessee State University
Education Administration and Supervision Lincoln Memorial University Curriculum and Instruction Eighth year at East Side

4 Schedule 7:20-8:10 Morning Routine/Morning Meeting 8:10-9:10 Math 9:10-10:00 Writing Workshop 10:00-10:30 Science/Social Studies/Health 10:35-10:50 Recess 10:55-11:45 Specials 11:50-12:15 Word Work 12:15-12:25 Number Talks 12:33-1:03 Lunch 1:10-2:00 Reading Workshop

5 Mathematics Mini-Lesson Common Core Strategies Independent work
Daily 5 Math Centers Hands-On Learning Number Talks Promotes problem solving and critical thinking “Would that work every time?” “Show me another way to solve the problem.” Teacher will meet with small groups of students

6 Writing Writing Workshop Whole group mini lesson Independent writing
Real world, meaningful writing Teacher conferences with individual students Students will get to publish their work

7 Social Studies, Science, Health
Emphasis on STEM in the classroom Hands-on projects Social Studies State of Georgia, Native Americans, Government, and Historical Figures from Georgia Science Matter, Light, Heat, Motion, Energy, Astronomy, Life Cycles Health Little D and Royal Food Family, Medicine Safety

8 Reading Reading Workshop Whole group mini lesson
Independent reading time Partner reading time Teacher conferences with individual students Teacher meets with a group of students to work on a specific strategy

9 Specials Our time is 10:55-11:45 We rotate daily between: Art P.E.
Computer Lab Music Guidance Science Lab

10 Homework Homework packets will be sent home on Mondays. Work on the assignments throughout the week and return the packet on Friday. Word Study Math review Grammar Read 20 minutes each night Practice spelling Practice addition and subtraction math facts

11 Report Cards Student progress will be reported with measures: 3 (consistently meeting standards), 2 (progressing toward meeting the standard), 1(minimum progress toward meeting standard), 3+ (makes applications and inferences beyond expectations in a self-directed fashion) It is the expectation students will be progressing towards the standard. Summative and formative assessments I will send home summative assessments as they are completed. I will let you know how your child is doing through weekly progress reports.

12 Attendance and Transportation
When a student is absent, a parent must send in a written note the following day. It cannot be over the phone or ed. Schedule appointments for after school. Changes in transportation? Please send in a note. All changes during the school day must go through the office.

13 Help Your Students at Home
Read every night Practice addition and subtraction math facts  Have an appropriate bedtime Instill responsibility Please look in their take-home binder each night Read the weekly newsletter Stay in communication with me when needed

14 Discipline and Behavior Expectations
Our Class Expectations Respect others. Follow directions the first time. Do your best. Reward Cards Weekly Progress Report- Please read and sign weekly.

15 Birthdays OPTIONAL: small treat for 25 (Everything should be peanut-free. Check all ingredients!) You may drop off the treats at the front office or send them in the morning with your child-we will enjoy them during recess. If it requires cutting, please pre-cut. If your child has a summer birthday, we can celebrate in May. Let me know when you would like us celebrate. Please no birthday invitations at school unless there is one for every child in the class.

16 Parent Participation Mystery Reader: A parent, grandparent, sibling, etc. may come and read to our class! Bring a book with you to read and wait outside of the classroom for us! You may sign up on Shutterfly. Field Trips Science Lab Adventures in Art Classroom Activities Weekly Helper: Your jobs could include: copying, hanging student work in the hall, cutting things out, and having lunch with super cute second graders! 

17 Communication The best way to reach me is by writing a quick note or sending an . My is Weekly Newsletter Monthly Calendar Weekly Progress Report Newsflash for reminders Take home folder Please check them every day. If you send a note in with your child, please remind your child to place it in the black container. I do not go through their take-home binders. They are responsible for turning notes in.

18 A few odds and ends… Class t-shirts- Students will wear them on field trips (unless we are dressing up) and big events at school. Reading Bags Lunch visits- Come eat lunch with us from 12:33-1:03! When you eat lunch with your child, please sit at the guest table with only your child. Money- When sending in money, please put in an envelope (ASP, lunch money, etc.) Leave any permission slips out of the white envelopes.

19 I’m almost done! :) Snacks- You may send a small snack for your child and a water bottle filled with water only! We don’t have a set snack time, so students may eat throughout the day. Please let me know of any extracurricular activities your child may be participating in. (sporting events, cheer/dance competitions, recitals, etc.) If my schedule permits, I would love to attend! Join P.T.A. Support the Foundation. Be involved! My Webpage- Links, Newsletter, Newsflashes, Calendar

20 Let’s stick together for a successful school year!
Please use the sticky note on your child’s desk to leave your child a happy message! :) Thank you for assisting your child in becoming a responsible second grader! Thank you for coming tonight! QUESTIONS??

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