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F D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 1 FARDOG 04JAN01 Discussion of FY01 Budget and Goals for RF Structures.

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1 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 1 FARDOG 04JAN01 Discussion of FY01 Budget and Goals for RF Structures

2 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 2 FY01 LC R&D Goals / Technical Division RF Structure Factory Make first Fermilab Xband structure By about mid-March01 or so (we hope) (See below also) Occupy IB4 SW Corner Finish RF QC Lab Need expertise from BD and TD Using expertise from INR Collaboration (see later slide) Now have BD Network Analyzer from BD (Thanks, John) Need a second NA bySEP01 (Peter?) Get first furnace operating Full Size Furnace by SEP01 (we hope) Baby Furnace (~120K$) by APR01 Magnets Finish four prototypes Measure with mostly existing equipment Take over some motion control development Understand beam alignment requirements Collaboration High Gradient Tests Have made, now send, 20 disks to SLAC First, we do RF QA on them SLAC provides couplers etc and assembles into a complete structure “Same as” SLAC / Robertson model Make two entire “20 cell” structures aka “1st Fermilab Xband structures” To get on SLAC “High Power Testing” List, need to “Show me the structure!” IB5 CDR w/ FESS $25K from RAT, $25K from TD Assembly Line for beam line units Not necessarily “NLC Project” building … could instead be for additional space needed for ongoing TD activities

3 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 3 Industrial Building 4 (IB4) Notes: 1. Southwest Corner is lower right of picture 2. RF structure work - Uses all of SW corner (2 clean rooms, rf lab, work area, furnace area) - Shares QC Laboratory for mechanical QC - Shares Machine Shop 3. This is not an optimum arrangement for the work flow for making structures 4. “Beam Line Unit” Assembly area would occupy most (if not all) of IB4

4 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 4 IB4 SW Corner Note: Furnace area is large enough for baby furnace … full size furnace is mounted over Clean Room B (the one on the left) Copper parts go in … structures come out

5 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 5 INR Collaboration (Troitsk, Russia) Reference: Finley to Yarba 12/20/00 email “INR and TD” Item 1: In support of the RF QC Lab Gennady Romanov (TD Guest) coordinating the setting up of the RF QC Lab with Ding Sun (BD), Tug Arkan, Brian Smith, Evgueni Borissov(TD) What is to be done in IB4? Short stack and full length structure measurements plunger and bead pull techniques FY01 New Guests Gonin: rf calculations to help understand measurements Khabibulin: improve throughput (aka automation) 3rd person: Brazing Small piece of hardware from INR Item 2: In support of understanding structure vacuum To be done at INR Develop realistic and useful computer codes Start with 1.8 meter RDDS as specific example at appropriate level of detail Example: Model the time development of the vacuum after a discharge and outgassing How fast does the gas move? Which direction? How long does it take to pump down so that processing can continue?

6 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 6 FY01 LC R&D Goals for TD / Background Budget $1.3M Top Down (see slide from LaDaune T.) Magnets (MAT) $195K Salaries, $70K M&S RF Structures (RAT) $540K Salaries, $495K M&S Sum $735K Salaries, $565K M&S Caution: November 2000 obligations already close to linear budget for FY01 … Develop funding “understandings” ~100K$ TD Equipment for Baby Furnace “Small%” FTEs not charged to LC R&D? Have made no changes in TD reporting yet, small changes might be needed. ~$75K TD Equipment for 2nd Network Analyzer ~$600K Full Size Furnace - NIU funds Update multi-year plan Integrate into SLAC tests Make Structures so that SLAC can do High Gradient tests on them Integrate into ETF Will force 1 structure / month issue Will force “beam line unit” issues into the open Integrate into Industry Need to determine appropriate strategy for scaling up industrialization issues Need to determine sensible role for SBIRs Note on throughput: R&D needs about 1 structure / month Project production rate is ~ 6 structures / day

7 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 7 TD NLC R&D Budget Report November 2000

8 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 8 FY01 TD LC R&D FTEs and Salaries Plan on FY01 Salaries = $735K Plan to add ~ 0.3 FTE / month through August 2001 Have 8.72 FTE at FY01 End Start with 5.42 FTE at FY00 End

9 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 9 Preliminary FY01 TD LC R&D Projection Note: Oct Nov are history

10 f D. Finley / Fermilab FARDOG / January 4, 2001 10 FY01 LC R&D … Waiting in the Wings Windowtron R&D $100K M&S estimate “Windowtron” = single cell (or less) rf breakdown studies led by SLAC Grew out of breakdown workshop Miss opportunity for more global involvement (CERN, Cornell, Fermilab) Moderately Damped Design … at least not under TD leadership ~ 0.5 FTE Beam Line Unit Design Unit = “rf structures and a magnet” on a support girder Unit is “repeated” throughout linac Need final structure design (Q: “Are there three or four per unit?) “Generic design” for support girder is not appropriate ~1 FTE Parametric Study on Bonding $75K to $150K M&S estimate initiated in FY00 when RDDS structure design was thought to be final...but is actually premature at this time “Parametric Study” = systematically map out costs of producing disks vs required performance of bond joints but will need to be done to determine a defensible cost estimate of the full linac … once a structure design has been determined settle the issue of brazing vs. bonding Equipment, equipment, equipment... optical measurements (>~ $200K) laser interferometer for magnet measurements (~$150K)

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