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SESSION #2 With New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl

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Presentation on theme: "SESSION #2 With New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl"— Presentation transcript:

1 SESSION #2 With New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl http://PeggyMcColl.com1

2   Review of the Process  Searching for, Finding & Securing Partners  Best Methods to Approach Partners  Tracking Partners  Confirming Partners  Open Q & A http://PeggyMcColl.com2 Overview – THIS Call

3  The New Model Best Seller Program Content Phase 1  The Best Seller Process  Partnering  The “Copy”  Bonuses, New York Times List Phase 2  Extending Beyond the Book  Putting Together Quality Offerings  Marketing Materials  Additional Revenue http://PeggyMcColl.com3

4  4 page-2014/

5  BONUSES http://PeggyMcColl.com5

6   Several hours of research went into creating these for you  They are “prospects”  It is up to YOU to reach out to them http://PeggyMcColl.com6 The Bonuses (Lists)

7  THE Model or Blueprint  Setting a Date for a Launch  Tuesdays are best  Creating a Compelling / Attractive Offer (Bonuses)  Designing Persuasive Copy  Secure Partners to Promote  Get Massive Exposure Online & Offline (all targeting the date) http://PeggyMcColl.com7 The Formula for Making Your Book a Best Seller

8   Someone who has agreed to support you and your campaign  Someone with an email list  Someone with a client base  Someone with a following  Someone with connections http://PeggyMcColl.com8 What’s a “Partner”?

9   Because you asked  Because they care about you / themself  Because they believe in what you have to offer  Because they care about others  Just because http://PeggyMcColl.com9 Why Would a Stranger Help YOU?

10   People are generally “followers”  They are attracted to “events” because of who else is “involved” http://PeggyMcColl.com10 Create the “Cool” Party

11   Outcome goal = X partners / sponsors  This week I will easily get on board a dozen partners http://PeggyMcColl.com11 Set the Objectives

12   The “Right” Winning Attitude  Persistence  Positive Energy  Warmth  Kindness  Detachment  LOTS OF ACTION! http://PeggyMcColl.com12 What’s Required?

13   Contacted many partners  People will likely say “no”  The Law of Averages http://PeggyMcColl.com13 The Power of #’s

14  http://PeggyMcColl.com14 Where Do You Find Partners?  Everywhere!  Lists You Are Subscribed To  Other Campaigns  At “Live” Events  In Programs You are Enrolled In  Radio Show Sites  Expert Pages  On Facebook  On Twitter  On Linked-in  On YouTube  Via Friends  Via Colleageues  Via Mentors

15  www.peggymccoll.com15 Some Places to Look for JV Partners Experts Pages: Interviews: http://www.blogtalkradio.com

16  Structure of the eMail Request www.peggymccoll.com16  Subject line must get them to open the email  Personalize the email IF you have a name  Get right to the point  Keep your email short  Focus on the Benefits for THEM  You Must be Confident  And Warm and friendly  Tell them what you want them to do (Call to Action)

17  Sample SUBJECT lines www.peggymccoll.com17  Bob, take a look at this now  Carol, before you leave for the day …  Ingrid, you WILL benefit from this  You can be a part of this Becky  Only a handful of selected folks, including you Rhonda  Tina, please get back to me before the day is out … here’s why

18  Sample www.peggymccoll.com18 Subject: Bob, I know you care Bob, because you definitely care about people, here’s a way you can be a part of something that is definitely going to benefit you in a big way … no make that HUGE way. On September 18 th we’re launching a massive internet campaign for my book (BOOK TITLE GOES HERE) that involves pre-selected partners, who will get exposure to potentially millions of subscribers. You seem like the kind of person (with your own successful business) who would be interested in this kind of exposure

19  Sample continued www.peggymccoll.com19 Therefore, here’s how you can be involved. When you agree to send out one email on Tuesday, September 18th to promote my book launch campaign AND provide a downloadable bonus gift, you will get exposure on the special offer page. Participating is easy. All you are required to do is 2 things. 1.Agree to send out the email we’ll provide to you on Sept 18 th … and 2.Include a bonus gift that can be given away

20  Sample continued www.peggymccoll.com20 Many partners are involved, which means, essentially with all of the emails going out, you get cross- promotion to everyone’s list. What does it mean to you? With our reach expected to be in the (hundreds of thousands/millions), you benefit from this kind of exposure. When people signup to receive your bonus gift, you increase YOUR database. This is truly a win-win-win scenario.

21  Sample continued www.peggymccoll.com21 All that is required right now is for you to reply to this email and say “Count me in!” Once you do, please mark that date down in your agenda: Tuesday, September 18 th We will follow up with you to get your bonus gift a bit later on. Please get back to me before the end of the day as we are determining the top spots for our partners who respond the fastest. What does that mean? When you respond quickly, we’ll be sure to put your name and bonus gift at the highest position available on the page. But, you need to get back to me today, please. Simply hit “reply” and type “Yes, count me in” and we’ll follow up with you. With warmth, Your Name PS. Remember to get back to me today AND be sure to mark down September 18 th in your agenda. Thanks again.

22  How do you know if a website is collecting email addresses? www.peggymccoll.com22  Do they have a newsletter signup?  Do they have popups asking for your email address?  Do they have anywhere on the front page asking for email address?  Are they giving something away and asking for an email address?  Are they selling something?  Do they ask you to “subscribe” on their site?

23  23

24  Number of Websites www.peggymccoll.com24

25  Track Your Partners www.peggymccoll.com25  Use a spreadsheet or a word document with columns  Website  Name of Contact  eMail Address  Other Notes: newsletter? Giveaways?  Date Contacted  Date Contacted again  Other method of contact  Response

26  Tracking “On Board” Partners www.peggymccoll.com26  Have TABS in the spreadsheet  Confirmed  Bonus Gift  Sent them the Copy  They Confirmed receipt  They Sent the email to their subscriber list

27  Organize your results WebsiteContacteMailSent an emai l on Respons e back On board Not on board telephone http://self m David Riklan david@self m Enter date here On this date yes http://insi ghtoftheda Brian Proctor brian@insi ghtoftheda www.peggymccoll.com27

28 www.peggymccoll.com28 CREATE Another List of the On Board Partners – Track THEM! WebsiteContactBonus GiftSent them the copy Received email (confirmed ) They “mailed”

29   Create a List and Add to It  Stay Open & Alert  Use Search Engines http://PeggyMcColl.com29 Searching

30       http://PeggyMcColl.com30 Other Campaigns

31   ndex-live.html ndex-live.html  l l  BONUS GIFT PAGES:  downloads.html downloads.html  http://PeggyMcColl.com31 Older Campaigns

32   Could be One Contact  May require another email  May require additional emails  Try another way (snail mail, facebook, telephone) http://PeggyMcColl.com32 Frequency of Contact

33   The emails are sent to request their support months in advance of your campaign  Stay in frequent contact to ensure they remain “on board”  One week before your campaign send them the copy and ask for a confirmation of receipt  Track it  Watch for their emails on the day of your campaign  eMail them to thank them and to update on the success http://PeggyMcColl.com33 Mailing Sequence

34   Do NOT attach your “e” book to the email  Do NOT send out an email to “JV Partners”  Do NOT get frustrated with the partners  Do NOT give them a history of you, your book, your life…  Do NOT give up! www.peggymccoll.com34 What Not To Do

35   Set the Date of Your Campaign  Set the Objectives/Goals for Your Campaign  Create Your Potential Partner List  Begin to contact and secure! http://PeggyMcColl.com35 Action Items

36  http://PeggyMcColl.com36 QUESTIONS?

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