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Welcome Mrs. Laskowski’s 1 st Grade Class. Yellow Folder Parents - Check it daily at home I check it daily at school Return it to school each day with.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Mrs. Laskowski’s 1 st Grade Class. Yellow Folder Parents - Check it daily at home I check it daily at school Return it to school each day with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Mrs. Laskowski’s 1 st Grade Class

2 Yellow Folder Parents - Check it daily at home I check it daily at school Return it to school each day with completed homework, notes, and lunch money Please take out the notices and any completed work and keep at home

3 Homework Will be in the yellow folder Spelling, math, reading books, phonics Posted on my website Students should try to read aloud to an adult for at least 15 minutes every day Practice math addition and subtraction facts with flashcards each night Help your child hold the pencil properly and make sure he/she is writing the letters correctly.

4 Homework Make sure that he/she understands the work and help him/her if necessary Review your child’s homework before it is returned to school the next day. If he/she is having difficulty write me a note to let me know Please practice the spelling words for the spelling tests No homework on Fridays and over holidays I return corrected homework only if there are too many mistakes If a student forgets to bring in his or her homework, then it needs to be brought in the next day

5 Dismissal Please send in a note if your child is being picked up by someone else I dismiss 1 child at a time for safety reasons. I need to make sure each child goes home with his or her ride

6 Classroom supplies Classwork folder Spiral notebook Tissues Zippered pencil case (if their current one gets ruined) Dry erase markers erasers Optional: markers, extra pencils, glue stick, colored pencils, glitter glue, scissors (these will be kept in the backpack until needed, usually for projects)

7 Absences Your child needs to be on time to school so that he/she does not miss anything If your child is absent, please call the school to let us know When your child returns to school, he/she needs to bring in a note giving the reason for the absence.

8 Before School Have your child use the bathroom and have a drink before leaving your house to come to school so that he/she does not have to use it so soon after arriving in school.

9 Classroom Rules Listen and follow directions the first time they are given. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Be kind and respect others and their property. Stay in your seat.

10 Labeling Your Child’s Things Please write your child’s name on everything, including coats, and on the inside of book bags and lunch boxes.

11 Lunch Lunch is at 12:43 pm and costs $2.55 per day If you are paying for lunch, please place the lunch money or check (made out to Pomptonian) in an envelope or a ziplock bag. Write your child’s name and the amount on the envelope or bag! Place the money in your child’s yellow folder

12 Snack Time On most days, schedule permitting, the students will be allowed to eat one, nutritious snack in the afternoon Water only at snack time, no candy or sugary snacks Food will be thrown away when snack is done, so only pack the amount your child will eat

13 Birthdays See Parent and Student Manual for details. Can bring in a small gift (pencil) for students

14 Library Bring your child to the Memorial Library as often as you can to take out books to read with your child Download books onto a Kindle or iPad for free from the library. The fantastic librarians there will show you how Have your child bring in at least one book to read in class in case he/she finishes the classwork early The more your child reads the better he or she will become at reading!

15 Scholastic Book Orders Your child could buy books at great prices! Place the orders online at: One-Time Class Activation Code: LP47X

16 Contacting me Write a note and send it into school in the YELLOW folder (please not in the backpacks) Email me at This is the best way to contact me! Call the school

17 Conferences November 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th

18 Curriculum Journeys Reading Program Journeys Writing/Writing Workshop GoMath series Social Studies - Citizenship Cultural Differences Geography and map skills American Heritage Scholastic News Science - Fusion Science Series

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