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IMAT1906 Systems Development Lecture 1: Introduction.

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1 IMAT1906 Systems Development Lecture 1: Introduction

2 Welcome  Module staff (at City site):  Module leader and tutor – lectures, tutorials, labs  Mary Clarkson  Module students:  Divided into lab groups of about 20  Three groups in total  Time commitment:  Three (3) hours teaching each week  Seven (7) hours own study each week 2(c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved

3 Today’s Agenda (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved3  Module overview  Module structure  Module materials  What is systems development  Case study overview  Study skills  Question time

4 Module Overview (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved4  Provides overview of system development stages  Looks at systems from user perspective  Look at design of an existing application system  Try it out and evaluate it  Looks at systems from analyst perspective  Analysis of requirements  Design of system to meet requirements  Implementation considerations  Module works alongside database module and programming module

5 Module Structure (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved5  Syllabus i.e. topics we will cover  Systems concepts eg types of system, development stages  Using and evaluating a system  Analysing and modelling a logical system  Designing a physical system  Testing a system  System implementation issues  Activity plan  Week 1: 1 lecture, 1 tutorial, 1 lab  Weeks 2-5 and 19-25: 2 tutorials, 1 lab  Weeks 6-11 and 15-18: 1 lecture, 1 tutorial, 1 lab (may vary slightly)  Weeks 26 and 30: 1 lecture, 2 tutorials  Lectures for theory, tutorials and labs for practical skills

6 Module Structure, contd (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved6  Assessment strategy  Coursework 70% of module  Evaluation report25% of coursework mark  Requirements Specification25% of coursework mark  Logical and Physical Design25% of coursework mark  Group presentation (small groups)25% of coursework mark  Examination 30% of module  To test understanding of systems development concepts and techniques100% of exam mark

7 Module Materials (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved7  Blackboard site for IMAT1906 System Development  Folders: Learning Materials, Assignments, Module Documents, Assessments  Learning Materials folder contains subfolders for major topics  Module Study Guide – includes detailed syllabus  All materials will be on Blackboard  Lectures will be slides as presented in lecture  Print slide or notes format before the lecture, to meet your own needs  Tutorial notes will be notes of the session’s tasks and exercises  Print notes before tutorials, to meet your own needs  Lab notes will be exercises and sometimes instructions  Print lab notes or access on screen in the lab

8 Module Materials - Books (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved8  Essential  Introducing Systems Development, Skidmore & Eva  Supplementary  Applying Use Cases, Schneider & Winters  Business Analysis Techniques, Cadle, Paul & Turner  Systems Analysis and Design, Shelly & Rosenblatt

9 Questions so far? (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved9

10 What is system development (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved10  More than just developing an application system  Four stages  Inception = understanding business need and getting started  Elaboration = finding out and analysing user requirements, and designing logic of a system to meet the requirements  Construction = building and testing that system  Transition = implementing the developed system  In other words...  Work out what problem to solve  Work out what goes into solving the problem  Develop the system  Make it happen including training the users

11 Case Study (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved11  Module uses a case study including pre-written system  Scenario: second-hand bookshop  Partly on-line, partly in shop  Online: managing lists of books for sale, making reservations  Shop: paying for purchases  Users are buyers and/or sellers  Cashier does administration  System has been developed but there are holes in it  Some design documents exist and some are flawed  Some design documents do not yet exist  Not all functions work as you would expect

12 Case study, contd (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved12  During the year, you will evaluate system....  Work out what you expect it to do  Test it to see if it does those things  Work out what design documents are missing  Work out what design documents need fixing  Write evaluation report ...and complete the design documentation...  Create missing documents  Fix flawed documents  Write requirements specification

13 Case study, contd (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved13 ...and consider users...  Different types of user and what their needs might be  Check that different needs are met in designed system  Write user guide ....and test system...  Write test strategy and plans  Carry out planned tests  Write report of faults and suggested improvements  Think about extensions to system ...and present your findings  Summary of faults and improvements and proposed extensions

14 Study Skills (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved14  Note taking  Get in the habit of taking notes, using lecture handouts to start  Look up things you don’t understand  In module text books, in library, on Google Scholar  Use the library  Online through MyDMU, or in person  Study guides, report-writing sessions and so on  Blackboard  Get in the habit of checking for recent announcements  Module material loaded and released when appropriate  Keep on top of the work  Get in the habit of planning your time and sticking to the plan

15 Study Skills, contd (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved15  Ask your tutors  If you don’t understand something....  If you feel you are falling behind....  If you need to tell us something.... ....just talk to us, we are here to help!

16 Question Time (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved16  Are there any questions about any of this?

17 ...and finally.... (c) De Montfort University 2011-12 All Rights Reserved17  Enjoy learning about system development!

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