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Daphne III – 2011-2012 Action grant KICK-OFF Meeting Violence against children the EU policy perspective 21 January 2013 - 9:30 Centre Albert Borschette.

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Presentation on theme: "Daphne III – 2011-2012 Action grant KICK-OFF Meeting Violence against children the EU policy perspective 21 January 2013 - 9:30 Centre Albert Borschette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daphne III – 2011-2012 Action grant KICK-OFF Meeting Violence against children the EU policy perspective 21 January 2013 - 9:30 Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB), Room AB-0D Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels

2 Policy Context The EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child, reaffirmed the strong commitment of the EU to promoting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of the child and specifically includes protecting children in vulnerable situations and fighting violence against children.

3 Relevant legislation Directive 2011/36/EU of 5 April 2011 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, with specific attention to children. Directive 2011/92/EU against sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography and the Directive on the European protection order (applicable to criminal matters). Directive 2012/29/EU on victims rights with strong provisions for children, notably in Article 24. On 02 May 2012 the Commission adopted the Communication for a "Strategy for a Better Internet for Children". Empowerment measures and fighting child sexual abuse online (take down, Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online, launched 5 December 2012).

4 Forum on the rights of the child 7 th Forum on the rights of the child- Supporting child protection systems through the implementation of the EU Agenda on the rights of the child Brussels 13-14 November 2012 Workshop–The role of CPS in protecting children from violence Participants MS, national welfare authorities, ombudspersons, international organisations, NGOs, researchers and practitioners. Exchanges on experiences, challenges and good practices. Conclusions: focus on informing and empowering children themselves, to gather more concrete evidence on which approaches work in order to use limited existing resources more efficiently, to train professionals on rights-based child protection to improve coordination between all actors in child protection systems.

5 Ongoing EU studies on children European Parliament Pilot Project – Europe–wide methodology for developing evidence-based policies for children's rights. 3 studies: Mapping, data collection and statistics on missing children in the European Union Children in vulnerable situations, often linked to some form of violence, sexual abuse, trafficking 11 Months – Results expected June 2013 Data on children's involvement in judicial proceedings in the EU and Croatia Including as perpetrators, victims and witnesses to violence and violent crime Legislation, policy and practice on child participation in the EU and Croatia

6 116 000 hotlines Missing Children conference: Closing the gaps – 116 000 hotlines and child abduction alert systems 30 May 2012 Current state of affairs: 22 MS activated Five Member States - Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden - have not launched the hotline yet COM currently evaluating further actions to "encourage" MS 2013 call for proposals for 116 000 hotlines, 4.5 Million, deadline 6th February 2013 2013 conference before summer

7 What do we want from YOU? No reinventing the wheel Building on existing standards and recognised approaches, best practices etc. Strong, balanced partnerships Balance of tasks, funding, ownership Involvement of children Where relevant, children should be involved in shaping projects Feasible and sustainable results Clear plan for life after COM funding

8 What do we want from YOU? Networking between projects under the same priorities Start (continue) networking today, share info and results during the course and at the end of projects Data collection Embedding of data collection in projects on persons/children involved, target audience reached, dissemination etc. Indicators that measure before and after the actions Contact us (if you come to Brussels)

9 What will we do? Monitoring: Programme management unit in charge, but Policy unit involved: Punctually during the course of the project related to policy aspects of the project Linked to contractual obligations Progress and Final reports evaluation Commission participation in Key Conferences, seminars, events: Programme management unit to be contacted Will assess with policy unit relevance, appropriateness of COM participation Only limited resources available

10 Q & A Questions of general relevance: Please ask now Specific questions on a policy aspect relating to your project: Talk to me in the coffee break Any other questions regarding policy matters during your project: Send us an E-mail @

11 E-mail: Website: Thank you

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