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1 1 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Petra Krsnik*, Marko Zupan**, Franc Lobnik** * Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia, Vojkova 1b,

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1 1 1 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Petra Krsnik*, Marko Zupan**, Franc Lobnik** * Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia, Vojkova 1b, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: **University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Center for Soil and Environmental Science, E-mail: E-mail: Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, http://www. Overview of soil information and soil protection policies in Slovenia

2 2 2 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Position and size of Slovenia Middle Europe and Mediterranean country Neighbouring countries: Italy, Austria, Hungary, Croatia Size: about 20.000 km 2 Inhabitants: 2 mio

3 3 3 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Regions in Slovenia -10 % lowlands (+ valleys 18%) -44 % karstic teritory -56 % forest (wood)

4 4 4 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Geology map (Buser 1998)

5 5 5 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 CHROMIC CAMBISOL AND CHROMIC LUVISOL CHROMIC LUVISOL FLUVISOL DYSTRIC CAMBISOL (outwash deposits) EUTRIC CAMBISOL (marl and basic rocks) RENDZINA GLEYSOL and PLANOSOL DYSTRIC CAMBISOL (siliceous rocks) EUTRIC CAMBISOL (flysch) ACRISOL SOIL MAP OF SLOVENIA - 42,6 % agricultural land - 14,6 % arable land

6 6 6 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Soil legislation in Slovenia Article No. 96. of Environmental Protection Act - monitoring of the State of the Environment (OJ RS, No. 41/04) Decree on the limit input concentration values of dangerous substances and fertilisers in soil (OJ RS, No. 84/05) Decree on the Limit, Warning and Critical Concentration Values of Dangerous Substances in Soil (OJ RS, No. 68/96) Rules on monitoring of the input of dangerous substances and plant nutritients into the soil (OJ RS, No. 55/97) Regulation on burdering of the soil with waste input (OJ RS, No. 3/03) National Environmental Action Plan (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 83/99) in and Resolution on National Environmental Action Plan 2005-2012. (OJ RS, No. 2/06). Agricultural land act (OJ RS, No. 59/96, 31/98 in 01/99) OJ RS = Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia

7 7 7 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 National Environmental Action Plan was adopted at the governmental level in 1999 and a Resolution on National Environmental Action Plan in 2006 the NEAP set out the goals, guidelines and strategy for environmental protection and the use of natural resources the main goals are to prevent further chemical and physical contamination and to perform remedial actions where necessary and feasible, detailed action plan for the next period (2005-2012) is established including: preparation of legislation concerning the soil immission monitoring on State level (National monitoring programme); adoption the Codes of good agriculture practice according the Nitrate directive; proceeding of the assessment of soil pollution (quality); establishing soil information system on State level; prevention measures including education and training.

8 8 8 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 NEAP 1999 –2003 (2008) National Environmental Action Plan Assessment of Soil Pollution PLAN till 2008: 2692 sites (2x2, 4x4 km) REALISATION: 1999, 2001 138 sites 1989 – 1995 209 sites ---------------------------- TOTAL 347 sites

9 9 9 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 NEAP 1999 –2005 - Realisation TOTAL: 347 sites (13 %)

10 10 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 NEAP 2004 -2008 PLAN for period 2004 - 2008: - low density grid (4 km, 8 km) - 600 m below sea level, non – forestland only - total 669 sites EXPECTED COURSE OF REALISATION: 2004-2006: 109 (79) sites of 8 km grid 2006-2008: 400 (90) sites of 4 km grid iclude 11 sites from forest monitoring proposal for permanent monitoring sites (50 – 150) – not yet chosen proposal of improvement of polluted sites survey of remediation actions

11 11 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 ONLY LABORATORYES WITH AUTHORIZATION (ACCREDITATION) University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Center for Soil and Environmental ScienceUniversity of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Center for Soil and Environmental Science Institute of Public HealthInstitute of Environmental Protection, MariborInstitute of Public Health, Institute of Environmental Protection, Maribor ERICo (Environmental Research & Industrial Co-operationERICo (Environmental Research & Industrial Co-operation InstituteVelenje Institute )Velenje National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia, LjubljanaNational Institute of Chemistry Slovenia, Ljubljana Agricultural Institute of SloveniaAgricultural Institute of Slovenia Institute of Public Health Novo MestoInstitute of Public Health Novo Mesto PROCEDURE OF SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING

12 12 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 LOCATION DATA: site code, geographic position site code, geographic position sampling code sampling code sampling time, weather conditions sampling time, weather conditions map of sampling location map of sampling location description of location data: description of location data: soil type parent material vegetation type land use potential sources of pollution distance from roads macro and micro relief surface organic matter status etc. SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT -page 1 STANDARDISED REPORT -page 1

13 13 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 SOIL DATA: field description of soil layers field description of soil layers analytical data: analytical data: pH, texture, OM, C, C/¸N, P, K, CEC pH, texture, OM, C, C/¸N, P, K, CEC interpretation of soil interpretation of soil data SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT -page 2

14 14 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Inorganic substances Organic substances Interpreted values PrintedvaluesLegend SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT - pages 3 and 4

15 15 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps

16 16 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps

17 17 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps

18 18 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps

19 19 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 SOIL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT / MONITORING STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps STANDARDISED REPORT - Thematic maps

20 20 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Data availability data is collected at the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, database on soil is under development (Oracle, SDE, GIS), reports are available on the Internet, other data on request, reporting to EEA – not obligatory, Slovenia does not report, since the requested data is reffering to contaminated sites


22 22 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Future actions Expectations and suggestions are: At the EU level soil protection legislation is poorly developed in comparison to that relating to other media, such as air and water. It should be treated individually and receiving the same attention as air and water. Harmonised soil monitoring system needs to be established in order to record the state of soil pollution at national and EU level. (Legislation of EU, is in process, but not yet harmonized on national level of all member states. (soil monitoring working group report, Van-Camp et al, 2004)).

23 23 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 The following should be done: comparison of so far existing proposal for Slovenia (ROTS, 2000) which should be harmonized regarding the EU guideline (overview of soil, harmonization of reference methods for parameters, equipment and holders of activity), to compile and implement Rules on the imission monitoring of soil, elaboration of framework programme of sampling regarding ReNEAP objectives, monitoring establishment and defining operative method and form of reporting for state and EU purposes, soil information system and its inclusion in others (GIS) information systems, proposal of remediation measures for most endangered areas, survey of remediation actions.

24 24 ESBN Workshop Zagreb 28-30 September 2006 Thank you

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