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May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO1 Cyber Advancing Research … Research Advancing Cyber Scott F. Midkiff  :  : 703-292-8339.

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Presentation on theme: "May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO1 Cyber Advancing Research … Research Advancing Cyber Scott F. Midkiff  :  : 703-292-8339."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO1 Cyber Advancing Research … Research Advancing Cyber Scott F. Midkiff  :  : 703-292-8339 National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems Division

2 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO2 Cyber Systems “Cyber” implies the integration of… Computation, Communication, and Algorithms and control Cyber is… More than just high-performance or embedded computing More than just networking More than just software

3 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO3 Cyber Systems Research High-Performance Computing Grid Computing Visualization Virtual Organizations, … Next-generation Computing and Communication Cyber-Physical Systems Integrated Systems … Science and Engineering Research Cyber Systems

4 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO4 NSF Support for Cyber Systems (from an ECCS Perspective) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Enabling Future Cyber Systems Utilizing state-of-the art computing systems Systems coupled with middleware and innovative algorithms Virtual organizations Integration of cyber systems and physical systems and the physical environment Foundations; Methods and tools; Components, substrates and systems Closing the gap between advances in devices and components and their application in systems Core program support for modeling and simulation Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) Accelerating Discovery in Science and Engineering through Petascale Simulations and Analysis (PetaApps) Cyberinfrastructure Experiences for Graduate Students (CIEG) Engineering Virtual Organizations (EVO) Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Integrative, Hybrid and Complex Systems (IHCS) core program Power, Control and Adaptive Networks (PCAN) core program Multicore Chip Design and Architecture: (MCDA) Integrative, Hybrid and Complex Systems (IHCS) core program Power, Control and Adaptive Networks (PCAN) core programs Electronics, Photonics, and Device Technologies Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Scope ECCS and Cross-cutting Support Cyber Enabling ResearchResearch Enabling Cyber

5 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO5 Unsolicited Proposals for ECCS ECCS core programs use program descriptions Unsolicited proposals Description of scope and example topics, but seeking the best ideas from the research community Compared to a solicitation which can be much more specific in scope and requirements Two windows for submission of unsolicited proposals each year September 7-October 7 January 7-February 7

6 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO6 Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (NSF 08-604) Five-year initiative (FY 2010 will be the third year) FY 2008: $53.18M (actual) FY 2009: $70.94M FY09, $6.37M ARRA (current plan) FY 2010: $102.63M (requested) All NSF directorates and programmatic offices are involved Goal is … to create revolutionary science and engineering research outcomes … made possible by innovation in, or innovative use of computational thinking … with an emphasis on bold, multidisciplinary activities

7 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO7 Three CDI Themes From Data to Knowledge – enhancing human cognition and generating new knowledge from a wealth of heterogeneous digital data; Understanding Complexity in Natural, Built, and Social Systems – deriving fundamental insights on systems comprising multiple interacting elements; and Building Virtual Organizations – enhancing discovery and innovation by bringing people and resources together across institutional, geographical and cultural boundaries

8 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO8 Types of CDI Projects CDI defines research modalities Project size not measured by dollar amount Projects classified by magnitude of effort Three types are defined Type I (~2 PI, 2 GRA) Type II (~3 PI, 3 GRA, 1 post-doc) Type III (center scale) Type III (center-scale effort) not supported in FY 2008 and FY 2009

9 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO9 What are Cyber-Physical Systems? Cyber – computation, communication, and control that are discrete, logical, and switched Physical – natural and human-made systems governed by the laws of physics and operating in continuous time Cyber-Physical Systems – systems in which the cyber and physical systems are tightly integrated at all scales and levels Change from cyber merely appliquéd on physical Change from physical with off-the-shelf commodity “computing as parts” mindset Change from ad hoc to grounded, assured development

10 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO10 A Few Example Opportunities Transportation  Faster and more energy efficient aircraft  Improved use of airspace  Safer, more efficient cars Energy and Industrial Automation  Homes and offices that are more energy efficient and cheaper to operate  Distributed micro-generation for the grid Healthcare and Biomedical  Increased use of effective in-home care  More capable devices for diagnosis  New internal and external prosthetics Critical Infrastructure  More reliable and efficient power grid  Highways that allow denser traffic with increased safety Cyber-Physical Systems Executive Summary, CPS Steering Group, March 6, 2008 (available at

11 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO11 CPS – A National Research Priority Eight priority areas, with four designated as having the highest priority Network and Information Technology (NIT) Systems Connected with the Physical World Software Digital Data Networking NIT systems connected with the physical world (cyber-physical systems) Essential to the effective operation of U.S. defense and intelligence systems and critical infrastructures At the core of human-scale structures and large- scale civilian applications President’s Council of Advisor’s on Science and Technology (PCAST), Computational Science: America's Competitiveness Leadership Under Challenge: Information Technology R&D in a Competitive World, August 2007.

12 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO12 NSF Model for Expediting Progress* A new underlying discipline Abstracting from sectors to more general principles Apply these to problems in new sectors Build a new CPS community Fundamental Research auto finance civil aero medical materials energy transportation Sectors chemical * Jeannette M. Wing Assistant Director, CISE, NSF

13 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO13 CPS Solicitation (NSF 08-611) Joint initiative of Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Directorate for Engineering (ENG) Three themes Three types of proposals Proposal deadline is February 27, 2009 Contacts: Helen Gill (CISE/CNS), Scott Midkiff (ENG/ECCS), pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503286

14 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO14 Type of CPS Projects Small Projects – individual or small-team efforts that focus on one or more of the three defined CPS themes (up to $200,000/year for up to three years) Medium Projects – span one or more CPS themes and may include one or more PIs and a research team of students and/or post-docs (up to $500,000/year for up to three years) Large Projects – multi-investigator projects addressing a coherent set of research issues that cut across multiple themes or that explore a particular theme in great depth (up to $1,000,000/year for up to five years) Possible CPS-Virtual Organization

15 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO15 Three CPS Themes Foundations – develop new scientific and engineering principles, algorithms, models, and theories for the analysis and design of cyber-physical systems Research on Methods and Tools – bridge the gaps between approaches to the cyber and physical elements of systems through innovations such as novel support for multiple views, new programming languages, and algorithms for reasoning about and formally verifying properties of complex integrations of cyber and physical resources Components, Run-time Substrates, and Systems – new hardware and software infrastructure and platforms and engineered systems motivated by grand challenge applications

16 May 28, 2009Great Plains Network, Kansas City, MO16 Where to go from here… Read solicitations Talk to program directors about program scope, project scale, etc. Collaborate … within a department … across campus … across the country … across the world Develop proposals around your very best ideas Be fully responsive to NSF review criteria – intellectual merit and broader impact – as well as additional criteria that may exist Volunteer as a panelist

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