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Common access to EU information - the CELLAR project Audience: EuroVoc conference Presented by: Peter Schmitz Date of presentation: 18/11/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Common access to EU information - the CELLAR project Audience: EuroVoc conference Presented by: Peter Schmitz Date of presentation: 18/11/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common access to EU information - the CELLAR project Audience: EuroVoc conference Presented by: Peter Schmitz Date of presentation: 18/11/2010

2 Transformation programme Target architecture CELLAR Table of content 2

3 3 Foundations: Mission of the Publications Office: Access to Law and Publications Development plan 2009-2012: Publications Office has to put in place appropriate structures inorder to optimise services provided to its customers (citizensand professionals) taking into account a more and morecomplex and changing environment. Its should adapt itsorganisation and improve efficiency to remain at the leading edgein the domain of publishing and communication. Implementation: Transformation Programme: Alignment of business processes and supporting IT systems in orderto achieve the necessary flexibility to master technologicalchange, in particular in the domain of electronic publishing.Has been launched in 2009. Transformation programme

4 4/7 Production Citizens/Professionals Official Publications Tendering Documents General Publications CORDIS Authors 4 Transformation programme EUR-LexTED Dissemination - Specialized portals EU Bookshop CORDIS Present: silos = independent solutions

5 5/7 Dissemination Production Citizens/Professionals Official Publications Tendering Documents General Publications CORDIS Authors Common portal Specialized portals Future: harmonized architecture = common & shared solutions 5 Transformation programme

6 Target architecture 6

7 MDR/ RECORD CELLAR EUDOR-2012 EUROVOC EUDOR CONT- CONV 7 META- CONV Target architecture – projects & systems EURLEX -2011

8 To guarantee to the citizen a better access to law and publications of the European Union; To encourage and facilitate reuse of content and metadata by professionals and experts; To preserve content and metadata and access to contents and metadata over time. 8 CELLAR - Vision To make available at a single place all metadata and digital content managed by the Publications Office in a harmonised and standardised way in order:

9 CELLAR – A service enabler 9 On-line access Provide on-line access through the Internet portals of the Publications Office. Automated access Provide suitable interfaces for access by automated agents. External indexing Enable indexing by Internet search engines. Notification Provide configurable notification services (RSS- feeds…). Downloading Support sporadic and regular downloading of resources (subscription). Regular downloading should be configurable. Specific formats Provide formats, which are not natively available in the CELLAR (LegisWrite, ONIX notices…), i.e. transformation services. Deep linking Enable external referencing of resources and guarantee persistence of links over time.

10 CELLAR – Strategic formats = essential, = important, = useful. FormatUse case Presen- tation Index- ing ReuseDeep linking Authen- ticity Long term preser- vation Reproduc- tion XMLXHTML FormexXHTMLFormex PDFPDF/A PDF/X TIFF 10 Importance of formats according to use cases (current situation).

11 Access to resources In general, access to CELLAR resources is not restricted. Unique identification CELLAR URI for any content and metadata resource. Core metadata Restricted shared set of metadata for each resource to enable global search on the CELLAR, in particular through the future Common Portal of the Publications Office, based on Dublin Core. CELLAR – Accessibility 11

12 12 CELLAR – Functional architecture Repository models (CCR and CMR), business rules (for uploading, archiving and dissemination), transformation rules, EuroVoc dissemination, authority tables including translations. Reception, technical validation and storage of content and metadata. Access to and provision of content and metadata in the requested format and/or presentation.

13 13 METS FRBR METS CELLAR – Based on standards OAIS Reference model XML

14 14 RDF SKOS SPARQL endpoint CELLAR – Semantic technology OWL

15 CELLAR – Macro planning PhasePlanning Phase 1 – full functionalitySpring 2011 Phase 2 – production versionAutumn 2011 = ongoing 15

16 16 Thank you for your attention!

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