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 General recommendations -adjuvant systemic therapy :with tamoxifen or multiple-chemotherapy agent :lower the incidence of recurrence by about 30% - in.

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1  General recommendations -adjuvant systemic therapy :with tamoxifen or multiple-chemotherapy agent :lower the incidence of recurrence by about 30% - in postmenopausal women :hormone-response positive, including node- positive patient-> tamoxifen alone :hormone-resistant disease -> cytotoxic therapy


3 #caution: when using chemotherapeutic agents -the risk of recurrence is low :derive little benefit from the use of adjuvant systemic therapy -the risk of recurrence is high :receive the greatest benefit -the reduction of recurrence < side effect

4 The current recommendations for adjuvant systemic therapy in breast cancer -premenopausal women :LN involvement-adjuvant combination chemotherapy (cytotoxic therapy + tamoxifen) :without evidence of axillary LN involvement but. size(>1cm), aneuploid, estrogen receptor(-) -combination chemotherapy

5 -postmenopausal women :negative LN, positive hormone receptor -adjuvant tamoxifen therapy :positive LN -tamoxifen alone, multidrug cytotoxic therapy or a combination

6 :LN metastasis, negative hormone receptor -adjuvant chemotherapy :adjuvant chemotherapy is not recommended -favorable, small nonpalpable tumor, palpable tumor (<1cm) :the toxicity of chemotherapy and its effect on quality of life must be carefully evaluated

7  Prognosis -advanced, metastatic breast ca :palliative treatment -palliative radiotherapy :soft tissue or bony metastasis to control pain or avoid fracture :isolated bone metastasis, chest wall recurrence brain metastases, spinal cord compression

8 -systemic disease may be controlled by hormonal or cytotoxic therapy :but, quality of life – endocrine > cytotoxic -favorable: disseminated disease functional organ ablation (ovary. pituiatry adrenal gland) drug that block hormonal function

9 -estrogen receptor (+) :response rate –as high as 60% estrogen receptor (-) : 5~10% :but, except elderly patients who are unable to tolerate cytotoxic therapy

10 -cytotoxic chemotherapy :life-threatening organ involvement (brain, lung, liver) hormone Tx is unsuccessful the diseaseis progressed after hormone Tx estrogen receptor (-) -response rate :single (doxorubicin)-40~50% combination- 60~80%

11 -side effect :nausea, vomiting controlled with central-acting antiemetics

12 Special breast cancer  Paget’s disease -Sir James Paget :a nipple lesion similar to eczema associated with an underlying breast malignancy -Paget cell :large cell with irregular nuclei extensions of an underlying carcinoma into the major ducts of the nipple-areolar complex

13 -no visible change: initial invasion (often nipple discharge) -prognosis: depends on the underlying malignancy -treatment: total mastectomy LN dissection radiotherapy with resection of the tumor and nipple-areolar complex


15  Inflammatory carcinoma -initially appears to be acute inflammation with redness & edema -no distinct palpable mass: infiltrates the breast with ill-defined margin -biopsy: shows metastatic cancer in the subdermal lymphatics -setallite nodule within the parenchyma -poorly differentiated -mammography: skin thickenig with an infiltrative process

16 -mastectomy usually fails & does not improve survival rates -the best result: combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy -mastectomy: remain free of metastatic disease after initial chemotherapy and radation

17  In situ carcinoma -lobar and ductal carcinoma : basement membrane of the duct do not invade the surrounding tissue lack the ability to spread -so, lobar carcinoma insitu is not a malignancy Untreated it may not become a new cancer, whereas ductal carcinoma in situ will

18 -but lobar carcinoma in situ should be considered a risk factor for the development of cancer in either breast -because of their unusual natural history, they represent a special form of breast cancer -if treated by biopsy alone :25~30% invasive breast cancer


20  Lobar carcinoma in situ -premenopausal women -multifocal lesion (one or both breast) -be managed with excisional Bx followed by careful observation and mammography -not malignancy but a risk factor for malignancy -occasionally, bilateral prophylactic mastectomy

21  Ductal carcinoma in situ -more common in postmenopausal women -palpable mass -detected mammography (cluster, branch, Y-shape) -intraductal disease :do not invade beyond the basement membrane but ductal carcinoma in situ (30~50%-> invasion)

22  Breast cancer in pregnancy -approximately one in 3,000 pregnancies the 2 nd most common with pregnancy (the 1 st cervical cancer) -when pregnant patient are matched stage for stage with nonpregnant patient, survival rates seem equivalent

23 -treatment; be highly individualized the patient’s age & desire to have the child -localized disease (during the 1 st & 2 nd trimester) :difinitive surgery & radiation (shieling abdomen) adjuvant chemoTx- prefer not to give -localized disease (during 3 rd trimester) :initially, excison using local anesthesia after delivery, standard therapy

24 -during lactation :should be suppressed be treated definitively -advanced, incurable cancer :palliative therapy continued or interrupted -the therapy nesessary and the desires of the mother

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