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A Vertical Outlier Detection Algorithm with Clusters as by-product Dongmei Ren, Imad Rahal, and William Perrizo Computer Science and Operations Research.

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Presentation on theme: "A Vertical Outlier Detection Algorithm with Clusters as by-product Dongmei Ren, Imad Rahal, and William Perrizo Computer Science and Operations Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Vertical Outlier Detection Algorithm with Clusters as by-product Dongmei Ren, Imad Rahal, and William Perrizo Computer Science and Operations Research North Dakota State University

2 Outline Background Related work The Proposed Work Contributions of this Paper Review of the P-Tree technology Approach Conclusion

3 Background Something that deviates from the standard behavior Can find anomaly interests Critically important in information-based areas such as: Criminal Activities in Electronic commerce, Intrusion in network, Unusual cases in health monitoring, Pest infestations in agriculture

4 Background (cont’d) Related Work Su et al.(2001) proposed the initial work for cluster-based outlier detection: Small clusters are considered as outliers. He et al (2003) introduced two new definitions: cluster-based local outlier outlier factor.  they proposed an outlier detection algorithm CBLOF (Cluster-based Local Outlier Factor). Outlier detection is tightly coupled with the clustering process (faster than Su’s approach). However, the clustering process takes precedence over the outlier- detection process. Not highly efficient.

5 The Proposed Work Improve the efficiency and scalability (to data size) of the cluster-based outlier detection process Density-based clustering Our Contributions : Local Connective Factor (LCF) Used to measure the membership of data points in clusters LCF-based outlier detection method can efficiently detect outliers and group data into clusters in a one-time process. does not require the beforehand clustering process, the first step in contemporary cluster-based outlier detection methods

6 The Proposed Work (cont’d) A vertical data representation, the P-tree Performance improved by using a vertical data representation, the P-tree.

7 Review of P-Trees Traditionally, data have been represented horizontally and then processed vertically (i.e. row by row) Great for query processing Not as good when one interested in collective data properties Poorly scales with very large datasets (performance). Our previous work --- a vertical data structure, the P- Tree (Ding et al.,2001). Decompose relational tables into separate vertical bit slices by bit position Compress (when possible) each of the vertical slices using a P- tree Due to the compression and scalable logical P-Tree operations, this vertical data structure can address the problem of non- scalability with respect to size.

8 b) 3-bit slices Review of P-Trees (cont’d) AND, OR and NOT operations P1-trees for the dataset Construction of P-Trees Dataset 2322527723225277 Pure-1 Pure-0 Mixed

9 Review of P-Trees (cont’d) Value P-tree R(A 1,A 2,…,A n ) Every A i (a 1, a 2, …, a m ) P i,j represents all tuples having a 1 in A i,aj P (Ai = 101) =P 1 & P’ 2 & P 3 Tuple P-tree P (111,101,…) = P (A1 = 111) & P (A2 = 101) & …

10 Review of P-Trees (cont’d) The inequality P-tree (Pan,2003) : represents data points within a data set D satisfying an inequality predicate, such as attribute x ≥v and x ≤v. Calculation of P x ≥v : x be an m-bit attribute within a data set D P m-1, …, P 0 be P-trees for vertical bit slices of x v = b m-1 …b i …b 0, where b i is i th binary bit value of v P x≥v be the predicate tree for the predicate x≥v, P x≥v = P m-1 op m-1 … P i op i P i-1 … op 1 P 0, i = 0, 1 … m-1, where: op i is AND if b i =1, op i is OR otherwise the operators are right binding, e.g. the inequality tree P x ≥101 = (P 2 AND (P  OR P 0 )).

11 Review of P-Trees (cont’d) Calculation of P x≤v : P x≤v = P’ m-1 op m-1 … P’ i op i P’ i-1 … op k+1 P’ k, k ≤ i ≤ m -1, k is the rightmost bit position with value of “0”, b k =0, b j =1, for all j<k

12 Review of P-Trees (cont’d) High Order Bit (HOBit) Distance Metric A bitwise distance function. Measures distances based on the most significant consecutive matching bit positions starting from the left. Assume A i is an attribute in a data set. Let X and Y be the A i values of two tuples, the HOBit Distance between X and Y is defined by m (X,Y) = max {i+1 | x i ⊕ y i = 1 }, where x i and y i are the i th bits of X and Y respectively, and ⊕ denotes the XOR (exclusive OR). e.g. X=1101 0011, Y=1100 1001  m=5 Correspondingly, the HOBit similarity is defined by dm (X,Y) = BitNum - max {i+1| x i ⊕ y i = 1 }.

13 Definitions Direct DiskNbr x Indirect DiskNbr Definition 1: Disk Neighborhood --- DiskNbr(x,r) Given a point x and radius r, the disk neighborhood of x is defined as the set : DiskNbr(x, r)={y  X | d(x,y)  r}, where d(x,y) is the distance between x and y Direct & indirect neighbors of x with distance r Definition 2: Density of DiskNbr(x, r) --- DensDiskNbr (x,r) (Breunig,2000, density-based) Definition 3: Density of a cluster --- Denscluster(R), is defined as the total number of points in the cluster divided by the radius R of the cluster:

14 Definitions (cont’d) Definition 4: Local Connective Factor (LCF) with respect to a DiskNbr(x, r) and the closest cluster (with radius R ) to x The LCF of the point x, denoted as LCF (x, r), is the ratio of Dens DiskNbr(x,r) over Dens cluster(R). LCF indicates to what degree, point x is connected with the closest cluster to x.

15 The Outlier Detection Method Given a dataset X, the proposed outlier detection method is processed by: Neighborhood Merging Groups non-outliers (points with consistent density) into clusters LCF-based Outlier Detection Finds outliers over the remaining subset of the data, which consists of points on cluster boundaries and real outliers.

16 Neighborhood Merging All points in the 2r-neighborhood are grouped together. The process will call the “LCF-based outlier detection” next and mine outliers over the set of points in {DiskNbr(x,4r) – DiskNbr(x,2r)}. User chooses an r, the process picks up an arbitrary point x, calculates DensDiskNbr(x,r); increases the radius from r to 2r, calculate DensDiskNbr(x,2r), and observes the ratio between the two. If the ratio is in the range, [1/(1+ε),(1+ε)](Breunig, 2000), the expansion and the merging will be continued by increasing the radius to 4r,8r... If the ratio is outside the range, the expansion stops. Point x and its k*r- neighbors are merged into one cluster.

17 Neighborhood Merging using P-Trees ξ – neighbors (XI) represents the neighbors with distance ξ bits from x, e.g. ξ = 0,1, 2... 8 if x is an 8-bit value For point x, let X= (x 0,x 1,x 3, … x n-1 ) x i = (x i,m-1, …x i,0 ), x i,j is the j th bit value in the i th attribute. The ξ- neighbors of x i is the value P-tree: P xi using last m-ξ bits (taking the last m bits of X i ) The ξ- neighbors of X in the tuple P-tree (AND P xi using last m-ξ bits ) for all x i The neighbors are merged into one cluster by PC = PC OR P X ξ where PC is a P-tree representing the currently processed cluster, and P X ξ is the inequality P-tree representing the ξ-neighbors of x.

18 “LCF-based Outlier Detection” Search for all the direct neighbors of x. For each direct neighbor get its direct neighbors (those will be the indirect neighbors of x). Calculate the LCF w.r.t current cluster for the resulting neighborhood. For the points in {DiskNbr(x,4r)-DiskNbr(x,2r)}, the “LCF-based outlier detection” process finds the outlier points, and starts a new cluster if necessary.

19 “LCF-based Outlier Detection” (cont’d) 1/(1+ε) ≤ LCF ≤ (1+ε): x and its neighbors can be merged into the current cluster. LCF > (1+ε). The point x is in a new cluster with higher density, start a new cluster, call the neighborhood merging procedure. LCF < 1/ (1+ε). Point x and it neighbors can either be in a cluster with low density or be outliers. Get indirect neighbors of x recursively. In case the number of all neighbors is larger than some t (Papadimitriou, 2003, t=20), call neighborhood merging for another cluster In case less than t neighbors are found, we identify those small number of points as outliers.

20 “LCF-based Outlier Detection” using P-Trees Direct neighbors represented by a P-Tree --- DT-P x r let X= (x 0,x 1,x 3, … x n-1 ) x i = (x i,m-1, …x i,0 ) x i,j is the j th bit value in the i th attribute. For attribute x i, P xi r = P xi value>xi-r & P xi value  xi+r For r- neighbors are in the P-tree DT-P x r = (AND P xi r ) for all x i |DiskNbr(x,r)|= rootCount(DT-P x r )

21 “LCF-based Outlier Detection” using P-Trees (cont’d) Indirect neighbors represented by a P-Tree -- - IN-P x r IN-P x r = (OR q  Nbr(x,r) DT-P q r ) AND (NOT (DT- P x r )), where NOT is the complement operation of the P-Tree Outliers are inserted into outlier sets by OR operation LCF < 1/(1+ε) and t<20 P Ols = P Ols OR DT-P x r OR IN-P x r, where P Ols is an outlier set represented by a P-Tree.

22 Preliminary Experimental Study Compare with MST(2001): Su’s et al. two-phase clustering based outlier detection algorithm, denoted as MST,MST is the first approach to perform cluster-based outlier detection. CBLOF(2003): He’s et al. CBLOF (cluster-based local outlier factor) method, faster. NHL data set (1996) Run Time and Scalability Comparison

23 Preliminary Experimental Study (Cont’d) Run time comparison Scalability is the best among the three algorithms The outlier sets were largely the same

24 Conclusion An outlier detection method with clusters as by- product can efficiently detect outliers and group data into clusters in a one-time process; does not require the beforehand clustering process, which is the first step in current cluster-based outlier detection methods; the elimination of the pre-clustering makes outlier detection process faster A vertical data representation, the P-tree. The performance of our method is further improved by using a vertical data representation, the P-tree. Parameter Tuning is really important ε, r, t Future direction Study more parameter tuning effects Better quality of clusters … Gamma measure Boundary points testing

25 Reference 1. V.BARNETT, T.LEWIS, “Outliers in Statistic Data”, John Wiley’s Publisher 2. Knorr, Edwin M. and Raymond T. Ng. A Unified Notion of Outliers: Properties and Computation. 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Proceedings, 1997, pp. 219-222. 3. Knorr, Edwin M. and Raymond T. Ng. Algorithms for Mining Distance-Based Outliers in Large Datasets. Very Large Data Bases Conference Proceedings, 1998, pp. 24-27. 4. Knorr, Edwin M. and Raymond T. Ng. Finding Intentional Knowledge of Distance-Based Outliers. Very Large Data Bases Conference Proceedings, 1999, pp. 211-222. 5. Sridhar Ramaswamy, Rajeev Rastogi, Kyuseok Shim, “Efficient algorithms for mining outliers from large datasets”, International Conference on Management of Data and Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Year of Publication: 2000, ISSN:0163-5808 Sridhar Ramaswamy 6. Markus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Raymond T. Ng, Jörg Sander, “LOF: Identifying Density-based Local Outliers”, Proc. ACM SIGMOD 2000 Int. Conf. On Management of Data, Dalles, TX, 2000 7. Spiros Papadimitriou, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Phillip B. Gibbons, Christos Faloutsos, LOCI: Fast Outlier Detection Using the Local Correlation Integral, 19th International Conference on Data Engineering, March 05 - 08, 2003, Bangalore, India19th International Conference on Data Engineering 8. Jiang, M.F., S.S. Tseng, and C.M. Su, Two-phase clustering process for outliers detection, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol 22, No. 6- 7, pp. 691-700. 9. A.He, X. Xu, S.Deng, Discovering Cluster Based Local Outliers, Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume24, Issue 9-10, June 2003, pp.1641-1650 10. He, Z., X., Deng, S., 2002. Squeezer: An efficient algorithm for clustering categorical data. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 11. A.K.Jain, M.N.Murty, and P.J.Flynn. Data clustering: A review. ACM Comp. Surveys, 31(3):264-323, 1999 12. Arning, Andreas, Rakesh Agrawal, and Prabhakar Raghavan. A Linear Method for Deviation Detection in Large Databases. 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Proceedings, 1996, pp. 164-169. 13. S. Sarawagi, R. Agrawal, and N. Megiddo. Discovery-Driven Exploration of OLAP Data Cubes. EDBT'98. 14. Q. Ding, M. Khan, A. Roy, and W. Perrizo, The P-tree algebra. Proceedings of the ACM SAC, Symposium on Applied Computing, 2002. 15. W. Perrizo, “Peano Count Tree Technology,” Technical Report NDSU-CSOR-TR-01-1, 2001. 16. M. Khan, Q. Ding and W. Perrizo, “k-Nearest Neighbor Classification on Spatial Data Streams Using P-Trees”, Proc. Of PAKDD 2002, Spriger-Verlag LNAI 2776, 2002 17. Wang, B., Pan, F., Cui, Y., and Perrizo, W., Efficient Quantitative Frequent Pattern Mining Using Predicate Trees, CAINE 2003 18. Pan, F., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Ren, D., Hu, X. and Perrizo, W., Efficient Density Clustering for Spatial Data, PKDD 2003 19. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kambr, “Data mining concepts and techniques”, Morgan kaufman Publishers

26 Thank you!

27 Determination of Parameters Determination of r Breunig et al. shows choosing miniPt = 10-30 work well in general [6] (miniPt-Neighborhood) Choosing miniPts=20, get the average radius of 20-neighborhood, r average. In our algorithm, r = r average =0.5 Determination of ε Selection of ε is a tradeoff between accuracy and speed. The larger ε is, the faster the algorithm works; the smaller ε is, the more accurate the results are. We chose ε=0.8 experimentally, and get the same result (same outliers) as Breunig’s, but much faster. The results shown in the experimental part is based on ε=0.8. We coded all the methods. For the running environment, see the paper part.

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