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1 Hellenic Republic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Department for planning and coordination of NSRF co-financed actions (Energy sector)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hellenic Republic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Department for planning and coordination of NSRF co-financed actions (Energy sector)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hellenic Republic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Department for planning and coordination of NSRF co-financed actions (Energy sector) Planning and implementation of Energy efficiency in private housing in Greece in the framework of regulations 397/2009 and 539/2010 Melina Soumela Brussels, 23.03.2011

2 2 Construction sector is the driving force behind Greek economy, corresponding to almost 20% of Greek GDP Buildings correspond to about 36% of total final energy demand and consumption Buildings = residential buildings (32%). Industry 12% Transport 38% Agriculture 7% Households 32% Tertiary sector 11% Building Sector in Greece

3 3 60% of all buildings are constructed before 1980, date of entry into force of Insulation Regulation 3.700.000 high energy consuming buildings Non insulated buildings Main problem Number of buildings per time period in Attica Region Energy Consumption of the Building Sector in Greece ggggggg Fact

4 4 Programme Implementation based on: new Regulation for Energy Performance of Buildings the Energy Inspectors Registry (Law 3661/2008), Legal Basis (national level) Objective: define energy needs & the interventions leading to maximum energy savings.

5 5 New Fund Eksikonomo kat oikon established on 20/7/2010 – art.44 REG.539/2010 & art.43 COM.REG.1828/2006 as amended. Total Budget 241 mio TEMPME = Fund Manager (holding Fund) Funding Agreement signed between Government and TEMPME, on 4/8/2010 donation of 396 mio investments for energy efficiency in housing eligible scope of financial engineering instruments expanded funds or other incentive schemes providing loans, guarantees for repayable investments, or equivalent instruments, for energy efficiency and use of renewable energy in buildings, including in existing housing supported Legal Basis: Regulations 397/2009 & 539/2010

6 CALL FOR PROPOSALS – FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES Call launched on 4/10/2010 Widely publicised to EU 27 Through the Hellenic Bank Association 4 banks selected National Bank of Greece Eurobank Piraeus Bank Alpha Bank Contract signed in January 2011

7 7 Programme Players

8 8 EE at households buildings Eligible interventions A/A CategoryCategories/ subcategories interventions 1 Replacement of existing frames (windows, doors) and shading systems A. Sliding or successive sliding frames B. Opening frames C. Only glazing D. Outdoor shading systems and shutters 2 Installation of heat insulation (wall, roof and pilotis) A. Outdoor insulation of roof and ground floor B. Outdoor insulation of walls C. Internal insulation 3 Upgrading the existing burner/boiler of the central heating installation. A. Central heating system B. Individual burner/boiler C. Automatic controlling systems of central heating D. System with main use of renewable energy E. Solar systems for hot water

9 9 Eligibility: Houses Eligibility: Houses built before 01.01.1980. used as main residence. located in areas with maximum cost 1.750 per m 2 energy performance class D Maximum Eligible Budget per owner: 15.000 Maximum Eligible Budget per owner: 15.000 CategoryA (Low Income) B (Medium Income) C (High Income) Benefits Flat Interest Loans 30% grant Low interest Loans 15% grant Loan with low interest Eligibility & benefits

10 10 Programme Procedure 1 st Energy inspection Application to the bank Verification of Eligibility Energy Saving evaluation Implementation of interventions 2 nd Energy Inspection & Project verification 2 nd disbursement & benefits Financing Decision max 30 % loan disbursement

11 11 2 energy inspections Ex ante: First EPC + proposal for interventions with cost analysis. Ex post: Second EPC + verification of implementation of interventions & energy saving results To date 1459 EPC issued & 1769 are pending Software developed for EPC issue Inspections by the Hellenic Energy Inspectorate (based on sample methodology) Agreement to be concluded between TEMPME & HEI Energy Inspections

12 12 Registry of Energy Inspectors To date = 4100 inspectors 5000 (by the end of March) 1158 EPC by 15/3 Energy Inspectors Website

13 13 Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Ενεργειακή Κατηγορία Συστάσεις

14 Loan application progress

15 PUBLICITY ACTIONS Help Desk Website Production of leaflets/brochures/post ers/Internet banner radio campaign Press publication Digital campaign 15

16 16 Programme Website

17 17 Programme Website

18 Website Traffic until 15/3/2011 92.000 unique users 130.000 visits overall

19 Help Desk Objective: give information & manage questions asked by interested players (citizens, energy inspectors, contractors) Tel. number: +30 210 9797400 e-mail address: Total number of calls & e-mails received by 15/3 49.000 650

20 PUBLICITY 93.000 leaflets/brochures 1.900 posters

21 PUBLICITY RADIO Production of 3 scenarios broadcasted nationwide 17-25/01/2011

22 PUBLICITY DIGITAL CAMPAIGN 13/01/2011 -30/1/2011 35 sites

23 PUBLICITY PRESS 47 newspapers of national range (15-23/1/2011) 115 newspapers of regional range (18-28/1/2011)


25 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Long period for programme maturity due to difficulty by all players to adapt to its philosophy and parameters Reluctance as to the attractiveness of the financial engineering scheme Need for shaping energy culture to citizens Complexity of the building sector 25

26 26 Thank you for your attention Tel: 0030-210-6969865 E-mail: E-mail:

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