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Data Modelling and Databases Donald Kossmann Systems Group ETH Zürich 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Modelling and Databases Donald Kossmann Systems Group ETH Zürich 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Modelling and Databases Donald Kossmann Systems Group ETH Zürich 1

2 Schedule Lectures –Mondays: 10:00 – 12:00 –Wednesdays: 8:00 – 10:00 –Held in German (English slides) Exercise Groups (Start March 4) –Tuesdays: 8:00 – 10:00 –Fridays: 8:00 - 10:00 –Held in English and German Please, register during the break on Wednesday: –lists at the front desk of lecture room 2

3 Literature Kemper, Eickler: Datenbanksysteme: Eine Einführung. Oldenbourg Verlag, 7. Auflage, 2009. or Garcia-Molina, Ullman, Widom: Database Systems: The Complete Book. Pearson, 2. Auflage, 2008. 3

4 Overview How to use a database system? –Data modelling (ER, UML, theory) –Database programming (SQL) How to build a database system? –Query optimization –Transaction management What next? –Object-orientierted, object-relational databases –Big Data: Data Warehousing, Data Mining –XML & WWW 4

5 Detailed Schedule Week No.Date (Mo)Topic LectureTopic Exercises 117.2.2014Introduction--- 224.2.2014ER, UML--- 33.3.2014Relational ModelER 410.3.2014SQL IStart project 517.3.2014(Exam), SQL IIRelational Model 624.3.2014Integrity ConstraintsSQL 731.3.2014Normal Forms I--- 87.4.2014Normal forms II, (Exam)SQL 914.4.2014Query Processing IIC, Project: Part I 1021.4.2014---Normal forms 1128.4.2014Query Processing IINormal forms, Proj. 125.5.2014TransactionsQuery Processing 1312.5.2014SynchronizationTransactions 1419.5.2014Security, (Exam)Synchronization 1526.5.2014Object-relational DatabasesEnd Project: Part 2 5

6 Exercises & Exams Exercise Sheets –Handout in the week before it is discussed –Not graded –Please, do them before they are discussed! Project –Part 1: Build an App; Part 2: Build a DB –Groups of three students –Graded: 20 % weight (10 + 10) Written Exams – all closed book! –3 x during the semester (30 min): 30 % weight –Sessionsprüfung (90 min): 50% weight 6

7 Teaching Philosophy Formally my role is … –define the curriculum –define the material (textbook, supplementary…) –organize exercises and exams My real role… –take away “scare” –lead by example (if I am not passionate, why would you be?) –put things into context: say what is not in textbook –have fun, be different 7

8 Teaching Philosophy (ctd.) Learning by doing –homework, tests, projects, exams –constant feedback: you know where you are Reverse classroom –puts you into the center of attention –you progress at your speed (not mine) –use lecture & exercises to ask questions 8

9 Intensity over Time 9 time work

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