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Joe Skehan Senior Product Manager, Net Directory Services Novell, Inc. Introduction to Novell DirXML ™

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1 Joe Skehan Senior Product Manager, Net Directory Services Novell, Inc. Introduction to Novell DirXML ™

2 Vision…one Net A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world


4 Magnitude Time Managing Rising Complexity IT complexity Ability to manage Cost to manage Potential cost to manage

5 DirXML™MessagingNOS NovelleDirectory™ ActiveDirectory Database Oracle Internet UNIX NIS DB/2 LotusDomino MicrosoftExchange eDirctory iPlanet Novell GroupWise ® IBMSecureWay The Premise MS SQL MS SQL

6 eDirectory™eDirectory™ Identity Integration Microsoft Applications Messaging Applications ERP Applications … DirXMLDirXML Identity Repository Identity Provisioning Business Policies and Practices Networking & Storage AccessSecurityAccessSecurity Application Provisioning …… Novell Identity Provisioning ……CollaborationCollaboration

7 Identity Integration Connects together systems that don’t talk to each other XML provides the normalization layer Transforms data Syntax—09/06/01 vs. 06/09/01 Meaning—HR change to access system XSLT provides the methods Enforces Authority Who and what have access and control to what data Fully distributed support eDirectory provides support

8 Employee Provisioning Example Server Platform Domino Directory Lotus Notes Server Platform Oracle PeopleSoft Server Platform Microsoft Active Directory Windows 2000 Server Management

9 Server Platform Identity Provisioning Employee Provisioning Example (cont.) Microsoft Active Directory Windows 2000 Server Management Domino Directory Lotus Notes Oracle PeopleSoft

10 Common Provisioning Paths HR e-mail NOS HR e-mail NOS Applications Databases Applications Databases Building Security PBX Facilities Building Security PBX Facilities OS’s Phase I Phase II Phase III Customers PKI

11 Identity Provisioning Goals Provide solutions that customers clearly See as meeting a need and providing value  Offer a whole car, not just a really cool engine  An x-wing fighter, not a bunch of legos Reduce implementation time  Show clear, short-term ROI Establish a “stake in the ground” in specific markets

12 Mercury Identity Provisioning for Employees Employee Provisioning will be the first entry Product offerings focused on phase-one “implementability” Employee Provisioning Offering integrates HR, e-mail, NOS, and directories  HR = PeopleSoft and SAP  E-mail = Exchange, Notes, and GroupWise ®  NOS = NT, Windows 2000 and NetWare  Directories = eDirectory and Active Directory

13 Identity Integration Drivers, Current Active Directory eDirectory NT Domain LDAP  iPlanet, SecureWay, OpenLDAP, CriticalPath, Siemens x.500 Exchange Lotus Notes GroupWise PeopleSoft SAP HR Delimited Text JDBC  Oracle, SQL Server, DB/2,Informix MQ Series Password Sync  NT, AD, eDirectory

14 Identity Integration Drivers, Futures In engineering In planning To be scoped MQ Series NDS/BinderyLawsonHIPPA (HL7) NISEntrust & Verisign NavisionNortel PBX Cisco Secure ACS PS Student Admin Oracle Financials Siemens PBX Avaya (Lucent) PBX SyncMLPeopleSoft CRM (Vantive) Remedy Honeywell Security RACFSAP Sales and Dist x.500ACF/2Siebel BannerAS/400JD Edwards SIFTop SecretPassport

15 Provisioning Console Phase 1—Delivered with Redstone  Filter configuration GUI  Rules management GUI Phase 2—Pioneer  Admin add/remove/configure (workflow)  User self management  Status GUI  Auditing/reconciliation  Workflow integration (currently with Metastorm)




19 Redstone Updated engine  July ‘02 Data flow and configuration GUI Support for XP and AIX Status log update Updated drivers Build refresh

20 Voyager I and II Multi-level password management support Use only what you need Built on Redstone engine Password Synchronization shipping today for eDirectory, NT & AD Admin Password Reset User Password Set Password Sync Redstone

21 DirXML 1.1 Shipped in January Updated integration engine, GroupWise driver added, driver updates, includes eight drivers Unbundled offerings Future:  Integration engine will continue to be offered separately  Engine and drivers will be sourced to meet specific needs  Continued enhancements

22 Purchasing Options Generic DirXML Bundle  NT, AD, eDir, Exchange, Notes, GroupWise, Text & LDAP  $29 per association Add-on Drivers for $10/per association  PeopleSoft, SAP HR, JDBC & MQ Series Individual basic drivers for $6/per association  NT, AD, eDir, Exchange, Notes, GroupWise, Text & LDAP  Includes engine for use with the driver only Unlimited use of any one driver for $600k (5 million cap) License for non-Novell production driver  $2/per association or $65K unlimited (5 million cap)  License any 6 drivers and this is included

23 DirXML 1.1—What’s New Remote loader Enhanced error logging Command transformation rule Rule chaining Dynamic class loader Licensing enhancement (activation) Driver updates GroupWise driver

24 DirXML 1.1 Remote Loader Drivers can run separately from the engine and eDirectory Two parts:  Remote Loader shim Runs with the DirXML engine Provides the connection to the Remote Loader Service –IP connection via SSL Java-based  Remote Loader service Runs with the remote driver Java & C++ service or daemon Supports any driver

25 DirXML 1.1 Remote Loader

26 Enhanced Error Logging DirXML engine and drivers  Historically, errors have been written in multiple locations  Errors are now written to the appropriate object: Driver set Publisher Subscriber  Errors are still written to log files and the trace screen  This greatly reduces effort needed to find error information

27 Order of Rule Processing on the Subscriber Channel Convert Event to XML Event Transformation Does an association exist? Schema Mapper Output Transformation Matching Rule Create Rule Placement Rule Subscriber Add Processor Subscriber Filter Event Cache NO YES The DirXML Engine Command Transformation

28 The DirXML Engine Order of Rule Processing on the Publisher Channel Matching Rule Create Rule Placement Rule Publisher Add Processor Input Transformation Schema Mapper Event Transformation Publisher Filter Convert XML to NDS NO YES Does an association exist? Command Transformation

29 DirXML 1.1 Rule Chaining Stylesheets can now be called from an XML rule Example is to create a rule that needs to set a password using a specific password policy

30 Dynamic Class Loader In DirXML 1.0, the administrator needed to reload the JVM if:  The classpath changed  A new.JAR file (Java drivers) is added Dynamic Class Loader  New.JAR files are loaded upon request  Reload JVM only if replacing an existing.JAR file

31 DirXML 1.1 Activation We now produce and ship only one CD for both evaluation and licensing  Includes a 90-day evaluation license License fulfillment service (web page)  Activations licenses generated on demand  License domain based on the tree (guid) DirXML 1.1 current bundle  Engine activation  Eight drivers loadable Solution bundles  Engine activation  Specific drivers loadable

32 DirXML Activation “Activation” is the process of changing a DirXML evaluation product into a to a fully functional product installation Activator assists customers in notifying Novell about:  Themselves  The product they are activating  The “domain” they are activating the product in Novell validates that the product has been invoiced before it is activated

33 Updated Drivers in 1.1 Active Directory  Added Exchange 2000 support  New secure authentication field eDirectory  Renamed to “eDirectory”  Obviates the need for remote loader Already remote capable

34 Updated Drivers in 1.1 (cont.) Exchange  All ten custom attributes now supported  All DAPI API attributes now supported on the subscriber channel Lotus notes  Multiple databases now supported from a single instance

35 Drivers, New, GroupWise Included on DirXML 1.1 CD  Separate install Supports Versions 5.5 and 6.x Account provisioning  Add, Modify, Move, Rename  Synchronizes attributes Requires DirXML 1.1

36 wiN big gear up, rope in, and climb on with Novell Provisioning solutions Novell Provisioning table pick up your entry card today in the one Net solutions lab at the


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