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 Quick discussion of functions  Quick discussion of purposes for data collection  Discussion and practice:  Behavior Tools  -Purpose  -Collection.

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Presentation on theme: " Quick discussion of functions  Quick discussion of purposes for data collection  Discussion and practice:  Behavior Tools  -Purpose  -Collection."— Presentation transcript:


2  Quick discussion of functions  Quick discussion of purposes for data collection  Discussion and practice:  Behavior Tools  -Purpose  -Collection  -Interpretation  -Relationship to data  -Practice  -Advice for training and monitoring  -Advice for ensuring reliability

3  Beyond the paperwork…  What do we want out of a well drafted FBA?  1. We want an adequate picture of the nature of the behaviors as they present themselves.  2. We want to know as much about the child as we possibly can-from as many key informants as possible.  3. We want to know what the possible function(s) of the behavior(s) is/are so that we can:  A) Develop a hypothesis/summary statement  and  B) Develop “function based interventions.”

4  YouTube - Conjunction Junction YouTube - Conjunction Junction  What are the commonly held beliefs about function:  Here are some of my favorites:  “Revenge”  “Control”  “He did it because he wanted to.”  These are NOT functions of behavior.  At your tables:  What do you think the most common functions of behavior might be?

5 EscapeAttention ObtainSensory



8  Knowledge is power!  What do we need to know?  State Model Form: ..\7a_Functional_Behavioral_Assessment.doc..\7a_Functional_Behavioral_Assessment.doc  3 questions to answer :  A) Data: What kinds of information goes there?  B) Purpose: What is that information designed to tell us?  C) Tools: Where can we get this information (in a way that provides the best and most pertinent data).

9  Antecedents:  -What directly precedes the behavior  Consequences:  -What happens as a result of the behavior  These are not the punishments or other things that we usually associate with “consequence.”  Both of these can:  A) Tell you volumes about the behaviors and  B) Can be manipulated  With the goal of:  Weakening the need for the behavior and/or making it irrelevant.

10  Common Tools and Activities:  Observation (formal and informal)  -FAO: Functional Assessment Observation  File Review  Grade and Behavioral History Review  Interview (formal and informal)  -FAI: Functional Assessment Interview  Goals:  Operationalize behavior(s) of concern  Create historical picture of interventions  Create picture of relevant factors

11 ..\..\Tucker Consulting\FAI.pdf 2 versions: Parent Educator/School Providers Information: -Complete description of the behaviors (e.g. when, with whom, where, frequency, duration, intensity) Other factors including antecedent and consequence information Preferences, communication skills, routines and environmental information

12  Operationalized Behavior(s)  When, Where, With Whom, Most/Least Likely  Environments  Immediate and Distant Setting Events  Tools:  ABC Chart  Scatterplot Chart  FAO, FAI  FAST, MAS  Goals:  Quantify and describe behaviors  Understand contexts, triggers  Determine possible functions the behaviors serve

13  ABC Chart ..\..\Tucker Consulting\Powerpoint Presentations\ABC Data Chart.doc..\..\Tucker Consulting\Powerpoint Presentations\ABC Data Chart.doc  What will this give us?  -Locations, etc.  -Antecedent information  -Behavioral frequency  -Consequence information  *Low Frequency Behaviors

14  Scatterplot Chart ..\..\Tucker Consulting\Powerpoint Presentations\Scatterplot Chart.doc..\..\Tucker Consulting\Powerpoint Presentations\Scatterplot Chart.doc  What will we learn?  Frequency of behaviors  When they are and are not occurring  With whom, where, etc.  * High frequency behaviors

15  Your data should inform  Interpretation:  Determine possible function  Tools that can help:  vicon.ico vicon.ico ..\..\Tucker Consulting\FAST-2002.pdf..\..\Tucker Consulting\FAST-2002.pdf  Writing a statement is informative to the next phase, the PBIP.

16  Student:  Behavior: (Operationalize)  (Other factors)  In order to: (Function)  Recommendations will provide the skeleton for the PBIP and do not supplant this process.

17  What do we focus on?  Pull each section apart. Explain:  Purpose, Intent, What should go there.  Data collection:  Make sure that everyone:  A) Understands the behavior,  B) Takes data until they agree,  C) Keeps it confidential  Parent input is vital-make sure that they are included in all parts of the process.

18   Thank you!

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