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MHSAA Football Clinic June 2013 Grand Valley State University.

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Presentation on theme: "MHSAA Football Clinic June 2013 Grand Valley State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 MHSAA Football Clinic June 2013 Grand Valley State University

2  What are some Dynamics of a good football crew?  What characteristics do great Crews have?

3  Strong Leadership  Well Defined Roles  Common Philosophy  Rules Knowledge/Study  Mechanics  Open to Evaluation  Family Structure  Appearance/Image  Communication  Excellent Penalty Enforcement  Goal Oriented/Standards

4  Not always R  Follow ONE Voice  Voice is of the crew. NOT the individual  Leader keeps the crew agenda on course.  Leader empowers each member to share their ideas and supports such ideas when beneficial.  Leadership is earned.

5  Who communicates with the schools/Ads?  Who handles all travel plans?  Who assigns pregame study thoughts?  Who coordinates training/study?  Who is the taskmaster?  Who is the caretaker?  Who is the arbitrator?  Who is the consoler?  Who is the “go to” guy?

6  Great crews have 5 officials who share a similar view of the job at hand and employ the same application on the field.  Train Wrecks  Fender Benders  Point of Attack  Crew Savers  Time, Score, Situation  Talk Tos  Take a partner off a call.  Judgment is consistent.

7  Must have.  No excuses.  All Five.  Study together.  Make mistakes together.  Learn weaknesses.  Overcome weaknesses.

8  Each signal is clear, clean and crisp.  By the book, no exception.  Hold each member accountable.  Demand perfection.  Work hard on it.  Practice mechanics.  R sets the tone.

9  Postgame  Comfortable in questioning calls, plays,…  Giving and receiving Feedback  Listen to feedback and make the necessary adjustments  Check the EGO  Crew first

10  Understand each members strengths/weaknesses  Support  Stand together  Enjoy the time together.

11  Professional  Well groomed  Well dressed  Language  Eye contact  Mannerisms  Dot the I’s and cross the T’s

12  Verbal  Players /Coaches/AD’s/Patrons/ChainCrews  Answer questions  Speak eloquently.  Proper Tones  Non Verbal  Body language  Posture  Hustle  Mechanics

13  Crew works as a unit.  Understand their roles.  R ‘s presentation fits in the box.  U and HL move together.  LJ confirms  BJ reconfirms  Promote confidence.

14  Set attainable goals.  Seasons.  Each Week.  Each half.  Monitor achievements.  Reevaluate and Adjust if necessary

15 What are the characteristics of your crew? Are the Dynamics there to make you GREAT?

16  Crew is relaxed and easy going prior to the game. LJ shows up at 6:30 for a 7pm kickoff. Crew takes the field at 6:45.  Opening Kickoff. R, HL, and LJ wind the clock when R touches the ball. On the ensuing return U marks forward progress on his sideline. Away from the action the kicker has his clock cleaned. No Flag.

17  A Team Coaches spend the entire first half in the restricted zone during live ball action forcing the wing to work around them. B Team Coaches are given more restrictions by their wing official and both wing and coaches work together to exist.  R flags Left Tackle A 78 for a false start. LJ shrugs his shoulders and turns to face the bench shaking his head back and forth.

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