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Chapter 3: Social Science and Political Philosophy By Bryan Hugues Sean Cullen & Courtney Fretz.

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1 Chapter 3: Social Science and Political Philosophy By Bryan Hugues Sean Cullen & Courtney Fretz

2 Political Philosophy Political philosophy tells us what we ought to think about justice, not what we currently do. pg 42 Empirical social scientists question what justice really is and say they are investigating “justice beliefs and behavior” without theoretical presuppositions. Pg 42-43 Kjell Tornblom says this is impossible to define the concept of justice. pg 43

3 Still going… Empirical studies of justice must rely upon a normative theory of justice in order to distinguish those beliefs and activities that are guided by justice and those that are not. Pg 43 The question here is it ethical to tell people what we should be thinking about justice?

4 Social Science Allocation behavior-what people do when asked to distribute valuable resources within a group or when the subject may be receiving some of these valuable resources. pg 43 Does it make sense to conduct these studies knowing that many other notions than justice will be factors in the eventual outcome?

5 Justice According to most normative theories; justice has to be something distinct from individual self-interest. pg 44 All this is saying is that self-interest can take priority over justice i.e. self preservation or the want to take care of loved ones. Agree or disagree, and why????? (C’mon you know you want to participate and answer!!!)

6 Some more Justice to think about… To separate self-interest and justice one must explore the two with an open mind and a distinct theory of justice. pg 44- Example: task production Is that just? What is equal in the eye’s of the watcher and in the eyes of the worker?

7 Value Underlying value appears to not be not justice but social utility---one says that unequal rewards are justified by what people have done, the other that they are justified by their future effects on behavior. Pg 47 How do you feel about this example? To agree or disagree, that is the question!

8 Just Desert’s If judgments are desert-based, by contrast, this information will do nothing to disturb the belief that the more talented and productive workers have a just claim to higher rewards. pg 50 Is it fair and just for companies to give deserts (incentives) for workers to be more productive?

9 Philosophy Plato vs. Aristotle pg 52 John Rawls’ Theory pg 53 Whose theory of justice or how justice should work do you accept most? Why or why not optional.

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