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Transboundary Trust Space September 19, 2012 Development trends of legal acts in forming valid transboundary electronic interaction Alexander Sazonov Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Transboundary Trust Space September 19, 2012 Development trends of legal acts in forming valid transboundary electronic interaction Alexander Sazonov Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transboundary Trust Space September 19, 2012 Development trends of legal acts in forming valid transboundary electronic interaction Alexander Sazonov Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications CJSC National Certification Authority

2 Transboundary Trust Space Presentation plan I.Comparative analysis of Regulation of the EC on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and Model/Methodology of the TTS forming and functioning in the internet network II.Work of Russia in APEC in the direction of electronic transboundary interaction

3 Transboundary Trust Space Comparative analysis REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market” (proposal) nature/docs/regulation/com_2012_2038_en.pdf MODEL/METHODOLOGY of the transboundary trust space forming and functioning in the internet network, developed under the guidance of the Ministry of communications and mass media of the Russian Federation and RCC Coordination Council

4 Comparative analysis Comparison criteria General provisions: Geographic scope Underlying legislative acts Subject matter Scope of regulation Coordination and cooperation issues Terminology framework Technical aspects Full text of the Comparative analysis on RCC web-site

5 Comparative analysis General conclusions. Disadvantages of the REGULATION Absence of interaction conceptual principles. Particular tasks are being solved. Implies the only technology (PKI/TSL). Absence of the register systems concept and, consequently, all necessary mechanisms of their management regulation. Absence of a ground for sufficiency of trust services types, governed by the Regulation. Management/control of subject’s legal status is not considered. Ambiguousness of the wordings being used makes variant reading possible. Insufficient elaboration of coordination and management issues. The Regulation insufficiently governs coordination within stipulated infrastructures, as supervisory and legal so technical.

6 Comparative analysis General conclusions. Disadvantages of the METHODOLOGY An issue of coordination and management of trust service operators, including their activities coordinated supervision (at the Member-states level) is not elaborated. Common for all trust services requirements for security, accessibility, audit, interoperability and initiation procedure are not given. The Subject matter and Scope of application of the Model/Methodology, as well as Advantages for end users (ensuring of the trust level a user selected) should be formulated more clearly. Terminology base lacks completeness.

7 Comparative analysis General conclusions. Clear wordings of Subject matter and Scope. Accurate and structured document. Common for all trust services requirements for security, accessibility, audit, interoperability and initiation procedure are given. More complex and fundamental approach to organization of valid transboundary electronic interaction. Technologically neutral basic constructions are considered – different trust services’ performances are possible. Sufficiency of trust services types. Advantages of the METHODOLOGY Advantages of the REGULATION

8 APEC work Supply Chain Connectivity: E-Commerce as a Main Driver And Integration Tool Capacity Building of Different Aspects in E-commerce of Supply Chain Connectivity Implementation 2010 – 2012 Two projects: information and communication technologies (ICT) in modern global economy necessity to form trust ICT-services Projects’ basis: Advancement of the project: Use of modern ICT infrastructures and policies for overcoming barriers on the way to building the trust Internet

9 2012 APEC Ministerial Meeting 18. We reaffirm the importance and need for confidence and trust in electronic environments to allow greater interaction among governments, businesses and consumers, as well as between individuals. We appreciate the promotion of trust and confidence in electronic environments globally by secure cross- border flows of information, including electronic documents. We support the APEC work to expand the information and communications technology (ICT) literacy, including by fostering a dialogue with the ICT sector representatives. We also encourage the cooperation of member economies to improve disaster preparedness, response and recovery through the development of ICT and promotion of appropriate systems and technologies. Joint Statement

10 Transboundary Trust Space Thank you for attention! Full version of the comparative analysis of Regulation and Model/Methodology at the RCC web-site 2012 APEC Ministerial Meeting Joint Statement Statements/Annual/2012/2012_amm.aspx Speaker Alexander Sazonov National Certification Authority

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