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Kingfisher Class Term 2 Autumn 2013 ‘Bill’s New Frock’ Numeracy We will be developing our learning through the following units:, telling the time. mass,

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Presentation on theme: "Kingfisher Class Term 2 Autumn 2013 ‘Bill’s New Frock’ Numeracy We will be developing our learning through the following units:, telling the time. mass,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingfisher Class Term 2 Autumn 2013 ‘Bill’s New Frock’ Numeracy We will be developing our learning through the following units:, telling the time. mass, informal subtraction methods that bridge 10, length,1,10,10 more or less, fractions of shapes and numbers, data handling and simple division with remainders. All the above units will include associated word problems. We will also be continuing weekly times tables tests. Literacy We will be improving our speaking and listening skills through; Talk partners and discussion groups Philosophy for Children (P4C) and reporting Circle time We will be developing our writing skills through; Comprehension work, reading and writing instructions, persuasive posters and letter writing, issues and dilemma debates based on gender (speaking and listening opportunities), writing summaries and Christmas poetry. ICT In ICT we will be learning how to collate data and use graphs to answer and interpret questions. We will also be using ICT to enrich our understanding by using the Internet to research In RE. Forest School Every Wednesday afternoon the children will take part in outdoor based learning with Mrs Jones. Design and Technology We will be continuing to develop creativity in all aspects of our curriculum. In DT we will be exploring and making different types of biscuits, both sweet and savoury on a weekly basis and then giving our favourite type of biscuit a makeover by designing our own. This will culminate in a Great Kingfisher Bake Off judged on Wednesday 18 th December.. Science Our continuing Science topic is ‘Grouping and separating Materials’. We will be developing our use of the following scientific skills: observational drawing Prediction Scientific explanation Scientific language Sorting and classifying. Geography In Geography we will be exploring different types of maps and will be drawing our own maps with keys and symbols. We will also be taking part in a field trip to follow a set route and identify key features of BOA. Personal, Social and Emotional development Our SEAL topic for this term is ‘Getting on and Falling out’. We will be focussing on the following skills: How to be a good listener Know what my anger triggers are Use peaceful problem solving Understand what a win-win situation is In RE we will be exploring the importance and symbolism of festivals in a variety of religions and comparing the differences between Hanukkah and Christmas Anti- bullying week starts 18 th November- this week we will be exploring what bullying is and how we can be more proactive. Learning We will be developing our discussion skills with a focus on how we can become better learners. We will be focusing on which learning muscles we use in various learning situations. We will continue to strive to achieve our class charter’s aims. We will be continuing to develop our curiosity and questioning skills through philosophy and science. The children will be concentrating on improving their collaborative skills with each other and becoming more independent learners. Physical Development Our learning focus for this term will be practising skills, participating fully and evaluating our work in Gymnastics and Football. We will developing our coordination skills and will use the football lessons to encourage collaboration and a sense of fair play, Mr Kiely will teaching these sessions. We will also in Gymnastics be continuing to develop our vaulting and jumping skills at different heights..


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