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The Motivational Effect of ICT on Pupils

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1 The Motivational Effect of ICT on Pupils
Andrea Vasilopoulos

2 About the Article: A report on the impact ICT had upon student motivation in a variety of different school settings as well as with different types of learners Used a sample of 17 schools in England

3 Author Background Don Passey: Lancaster University
Research interests include: Teaching and learning outcomes arising from uses of leading edge technologies, principally in primary and secondary schools How home and out-of-school practices can enhance and support learning at an individual student level and how technologies support young people who are at risk of learning exclusion or who are hard to reach

4 Key Findings Overall, motivational impact of ICT was positive
The types of ICT that students found particularly useful were: the Internet, interactive whiteboards, writing and publishing software and presentational software ICT needs to be subject-specific ICT allows students with different backgrounds to have success- depends on direction/guidance of teachers. QUESTION: Would you say that are teachers equipped to support students’ abilities to see end goals using ICT? ICT impacts positively on students’ attitudes and engagement with their school work

5 Learning Theory: Engagement Theory Students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks Decreases amotivation Article: Talks about different types of motivation, one being intrinsic motivation Increases with the use of ICT

6 (Passey, et al. 2003, p. 4)

7 (Passey, et al. 2003, p.2)

8 Multiple Intelliegences
Learning Theory: Multiple Intelliegences Developed by Howard Gardner Explains different ways people understand the world Multiple Intelligences and ICT: The types of ICT that were most useful were the ones that exhibited visual, kinesthetic and auditory forms

9 (Passey, (n.d.), p. 8)

10 Article Organization Well organized and concise
Connection between attendance and ICT?

11 As adult learners, would you say the technical issues faced throughout this program (if any) have affected your interest levels of the content being learned? Think of an experience in your professional environment where you have used ICT. Were your students motivated, if so, how can motivation be assessed or measured? If technology is only a tool, does it motivate students in a different way than more traditional learning tools? If so, what makes it different? Is this study relevant here in Ontario? Because this research took place in England, what can we take away from it and do the conclusions transfer to our own experience with ICT?


13 References Kearsley, Greg, & Shneiderman, Ben. (n.d). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Accessed from Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2012, July). Multiple Intelligences Theory (Gardner) at Retrieved July 17th, 2012 from Passey, Don. (n.d). “Higher Order Thinking Skills: An Exploration of Aspects of Learning and Thinking and how ICT can be Used to Support These Processes”. Lancaster University. Passey, Rogers, Machel, McHughe & Allaway (2003) The motivational effect of ICT on pupils. (2003). Department of Educational Research Lancaster University.

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