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Task 1Effect of ICT on Patterns of Employment Can you identify the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in the work place. AdvantageDisadvantagesComment.

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Presentation on theme: "Task 1Effect of ICT on Patterns of Employment Can you identify the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in the work place. AdvantageDisadvantagesComment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task 1Effect of ICT on Patterns of Employment Can you identify the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in the work place. AdvantageDisadvantagesComment on the use of ICT in the video shown in the Starter?

2 Task 2Areas of Increased Unemployment Many job sectors have been affected by the introduction of ICT. In some cases humans have been replaced by machines. Comment on the impact of ICT on the job sectors listed below and identify how ICT has increased unemployment. Type of JobImpact of ICT on Job (positive/negative) How has ICT increased unemployment Manufacturing Secretarial/Admin Work Newspaper Printing

3 Task 3Areas of Increased Employment Can you identify the different types of Jobs created by ICT Type of JobBenefits of these jobs to Society Computerising the Workplace - Good or Bad?

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