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Parents’ Meeting Mrs Parke & Mrs Alcorn Year 5 Omagh County P.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents’ Meeting Mrs Parke & Mrs Alcorn Year 5 Omagh County P.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents’ Meeting Mrs Parke & Mrs Alcorn Year 5 Omagh County P.S

2 Year Five Our expectations in Key Stage 2: –Greater focus on your child being an independent learner with a positive approach to tasks. –Responsible for own actions and work. –Responsible for the care of others and their property. –Play a part in the whole class/ year group and School Community.

3 Year Five Daily Routine Break time & Lunch time Healthy Snacks –No kiwi fruit –No nuts –Healthy Lunch Box Challenge –Bottle of water (no juice) School Dinners- £2.50/day Football Days Girls - alternate Wednesdays Boys – Thursday Children must bring in trainers to wear for football on these days only. Absence Notes Please send in on the first day of school or a proforma will be sent home. P.E Mrs Parke – OHS Mrs Alcorn - IFA

4 Areas of Learning AREAS OF LEARNING Language and Literacy Maths and Numeracy The World Around Us (Topic) The Arts Personal Development and Mutual Understanding Physical Education Religious Education CROSS CURRICULAR SKILLS Communication Using Maths Using ICT TS & PC Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision Making Self Management Working With Others Managing Information Being Creative

5 Literacy Talking and Listening Poems Reading –Guided and Independent Reading –Library Books –Book Reviews –Silent Reading –Paired Reading Writing –Writing Units –Handwriting

6 Numeracy Number Measures Data Handling Shape and Space. Processes Encourage Mental Maths – 10/15mins daily Home support with Mathematical facts eg. helping your child to learn their tables.

7 PATHS® Curriculum Key Stage 2

8 Barnardo’s NI Barnardo’s NI aims to provide children and young people with a brighter future through the social and emotional learning curriculum (PATHS).

9 What is PATHS®? P romoting A lternative Th inking S trategies A highly recognised Social and Emotional learning programme which covers the PDMU curriculum. ( With the exception of the health and safety aspect, as this is not fully explicit.) Whole school Curriculum with 5 Key Concepts: ―Self-Esteem ―Emotional Understanding ―Self-Control ―Social Problem-Solving ―Peer Relationships



12 Find Out More To support us in implementing PATHS® we have a PATHS® Coach from Barnardo’s NI- Lindsay McSparron. Lindsay will be with us in October to share more about the programme. Date in October to be confirmed. You can also find out more via the PATHS® Website, Facebook and Twitter pages. @PATHSEdUK

13 Homework Reading (Mon to Thurs evening) Silent Reading Books Poem Spellings and tables Written Homework Evaluate homework Parental Check & Sign It is important that you spend time with your child to support them completing their homework- don’t be tempted to do it for them! Please let us know if they experience any difficulty. Traffic Light Evaluation

14 Shared Education Link with Holy Family Primary School In School/Out of school activities – change each year. Currently under review for the coming year.

15 Assessment & Reporting Teacher Observation Effective Questioning Self Assessment – Traffic Lights Standardised Tests (April/May) Parent Interviews – Term 1 & 2 Annual Report - Term 3

16 WHY ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL IS SO IMPORTANT – Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential. Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning. Attendance percentages can be misleading.

17 100% Attendance0 Days MissedExcellent 95% Attendance9 Days of Absence 1 Week and 4 Days of Learning Missed Satisfactory 90% Attendance19 Days of Absence 3 Weeks and 4 Days of Learning Missed Poor 85% Attendance28 Days of Absence 5 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed Very Poor 80% Attendance38 Days of Absence 7 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed Unacceptable 75% Attendance46 Days of Absence 9 Weeks and 1 Day of Learning Missed Unacceptable

18 For some parents, 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, but the reality is that 90% attendance means that your child will miss half a school day each week or 19 days of school during the school year – that’s nearly 4 school weeks.

19 DENI are monitoring attendance much more closely than ever before. Each month the EA Western Area EWO (Educational Welfare Officer) visits the school to monitor attendance. Therefore during the year if you child hits any of the above attendance levels you will be informed so you too are aware of how much learning time this equates to.

20 Other things worth a mention! Citizen of the Week – Award and Certificate Golden Time – Friday afternoon Music – Cello and Violin (16 weeks for each class) Inhalers Parent Volunteers Homework Club Please check school bag for forms etc All important information will be the homework diaries. School Website – up-to- date news and photos! (

21 Questions ????

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