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Analysis of the Material Handling Requirements for Flexible Manufacturing System Case Study: Line 155 Jessica Daly and Steven Tompkins LEGO Systems, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of the Material Handling Requirements for Flexible Manufacturing System Case Study: Line 155 Jessica Daly and Steven Tompkins LEGO Systems, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of the Material Handling Requirements for Flexible Manufacturing System Case Study: Line 155 Jessica Daly and Steven Tompkins LEGO Systems, Inc. Faculty Advisor: Dr. William Brown Corporate Advisor: Aimee Crisanti, Senior Production Engineer

2 Project Overview Problem Definition  LEGO has not been able to create a method for calculating the number of material handlers that are required to support their production schedule. Project Objective  To deliver a model for determining the number of material handlers needed for the production of any given product on Assembly Line 155.

3 Solution Methodology  Determine Material Handler Functions  Define the characteristics of the Line that need to be quantified  Determine variables for model  Design logic equations that accurately represent the system  Calculate the baseline of the system  Design a final model

4 Material Handler Functions Dedicated Material Handling Functions involve the loading of the following:  Box Erector  Literature  Special Counters  Parts Feeders  Bag Feeders  Conveyors  Decal Dispensers Other Functions  Product packaging removal and clean-up  Machine maintenance

5 System Characteristics  Capacity of Equipment  Line Speed  Types of Equipment Used  Operation Times

6 Equation Variables  Line Rate  Type of Equipment  Time for Loading Equipment  P-Box Quantity Based on Weight of Part  Quantity of Parts Per Piece of Equipment  Number of Actual Material Handlers Used

7 Sample Equation Dedicated Material Handling Time Equation  (Rate of Line/Reload Amount)*(Time to Reload)*(Quantity needed in Final Assembly)  (Rate/P-Box Qty)*(.33mins)(1)=DMHT (Mins/Hr)

8 Baseline of System  Average Percent Dedicated Material Handling Time = Approx. 70%

9 System Modification  Literature Inserters no longer part of Assembly Line  Operators will be used in place of machines  Some loading times changed slightly

10 Baseline Modification  Decrease in Dedicated Material Handling Time  New Total Material Handling Time Calculated By: Other Time from Original System + New System Dedicated Material Handling Time  New Percent DMHT: New System DMHT/ New Total Material Handling Time = 55%

11 Final Model Characteristics  Microsoft Excel Model  User-Friendly  Adaptable to Other Assembly Lines  Reprogrammable

12 Final Model - User Inputs  Rate of Line (pieces per hour)  Quantity of Parts  Weight of Specific Parts  Type of Equipment  Percent Dedicated Material Handling Time

13 Final Model - Outputs  Total Dedicated Material Handling Time  Number of Material Handlers Needed for a Production Hour  Pie Charts Total Material Handling Time Distribution Dedicated Material Handling Time Distribution

14 Distribution of Dedicated Material Handling Time

15 Simulation of Line Components  Pieces of Equipment  Material Handlers  Operators  Conveyors  Products Benefits  Visual Aid What-If Analysis Line Modification  Adaptability for Other Lines

16 Taylor ED Model

17 ABET Topics of Concern  Economic Concerns and Implications  Political Concerns and Implications  Environment Concerns and Implications  Sustainability  Social Concerns and Implications

18 Conclusion  Objective of Project was Accomplished Accurate Model created including Training Manual LEGO has approved Model and is planning implementation  Schedule of Project Maintained  Training at LEGO is Scheduled  Additional Simulation Created

19 Totals Sheet of Excel Model Material Handling Model Totals Literature15.67(mins/line hour) Special Counters0.00(mins/line hour) Parts Feeders0.00(mins/line hour) Bag Feeders20.48(mins/line hour) Conveyors15.89(mins/line hour) Miscellaneous2.66(mins/line hour) Total Time54.709(mins/line hour) Input % Dedicated Material Handling Time55%(use % symbol) (Time Material Handlers are actually handling material - normal range (50-60%) Other Time 45% Number of Material Handlers needed for production1.66 Other Time (Clean Up/ Machine Jams)44.762

20 Project Schedule

21 Sheet 1 of Excel Model Material Handling Model PART #3432 Input ColumnTime (mins) Rate (Pcs/hour)1680 Box Erector 8.4 Number of Instructions13.92 Number of Brochures11.92 Number of Posters00.98 Number of Postcards10.46 Total15.67 Number of Decals11.68 Other Number of Tables10.98 Number of Boxes00.00 Misc. Parts (No Equipment)00.00 Total2.65944

22 Parts Feeders Sheet of Excel Model Material Handling Model Input ColumnTime(mins) Rate1680 Parts Feeders Weight of 1st Element00.000 Quantity1 Weight of 2nd Element00.000 Quantity1 Weight of 3rd Element00.000 Quantity1 Weight of 4th Element00.000 Quantity1 Weight of 5th Element00.000 Quantity1 Weight of 6th Element00.000 Quantity1 Weight of 7th Element00.000 Quantity1

23 Equations Continued To Get Percent Dedicated Material Handling Time  ((Total Dedicated Material Handling Time (Mins/Hr)/Number of Actual Material Handlers Used)*(100))/(60 Mins)  ((84.25/2)*(100))/(60)= 70.21% DMHT

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