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Social Studies Instruction Models TCH 347 Social Studies Methods Department of Teacher Education Shippensburg University Han Liu, Ph. D.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies Instruction Models TCH 347 Social Studies Methods Department of Teacher Education Shippensburg University Han Liu, Ph. D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies Instruction Models TCH 347 Social Studies Methods Department of Teacher Education Shippensburg University Han Liu, Ph. D.

2 Overview of Instructional Theory  Behaviorism  Cognitivism  Constructivism

3 Learning Theory  Cognitive Styles  Learning Styles  Left-brain/Right-brain Learners  Multiple Intelligence  Learning Environment  Online Learning

4 Theory  Practice Sample-1 Theory (Constructivism) Theorist (Ausubel, Piaget, etc.) Practical Model (Jigsaw) Principles (Cooperative Learning, etc.) Example (Three economic model with three groups)

5 Theory  Practice Sample-2 Theory (Taxonomy- Cognitivist) Theorist (Bloom) Practical Model (Objective/Question/Assessment Design) Principles (Six Level of Competence) Example (Multiple-Choice Questions at different learning levels)

6 Learning Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy  Knowledge  Comprehension  Application  Analysis  Synthesis  Evaluation

7 Learning Domains or Bloom's Taxonomy  Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)  Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)  Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)

8 KSA vs. KSD  KSA:  Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude. This taxonomy of learning behaviors can be thought of as "the goals of the training process." That is, after the training session, the learner should have acquires new skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes.  KSD:  Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions NCATE Standard #1 for Teacher Candidates.

9 Learning Models  Cooperative Learning/Collaborative Learning (Behaviorism/Constructivism)  Affective learning (Psychology)  Goal-oriented Learning/Self-directed Learning ( Intrinsic Motivation-Behaviorism)  Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Learning (constructivism)  Authentic Learning (Cognitivism/Constructivism)  Inquiry Learning  Discovery Learning  Problem-based Learning

10 Cooperative Groups  Size: Pairs are good at beginning, 3-4 appropriate, 5-6 too large  Group Members: Student volunteering/assignment by the teacher; homogeneous/heterogeneous  Task: Work division/responsibilities: time keeper, writer, presenter, facilitator… Break up tasks in small chunks; piecemeal strategy  Questions: Concise, focused  Activity Time Range: Depending grade level and tasks  Monitor Carefully: Make sure every member is engaged and doing the work in the group  Assessment: Make sure kids are assessed individually and for their group work

11 Motivation  Intrinsic Motivation  Personal interests  Personal goals  Curiosity  Appreciation of learning  Extrinsic Motivation  Rewards & Punishments  Multimedia materials  Successful role models  Career expectations  Individualized instruction & learning activities

12 Technology Integration  Offline Sources  Slides, pictures, movie, drama, documentary, song, and lecture video tapes, etc.  Online Sources  Supplementary Curricula materials  Lesson plans  Interactive online quizzes  Communication Tools  Discussion room  Emails  Webpages  Teacher self-created teaching aids

13 Important Terminology in Social Studies  Themes, Strand, Topics  Concept, Facts, Generalizations  Goals & Objectives  Evaluation vs. Assessment

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