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The Inductive Model: Constructivist Learning

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1 The Inductive Model: Constructivist Learning
The Inductive Model is often called guided discovery and is grounded in the principles of constructivism Primary Goal: Develop a deeper understanding of content and critical thinking skills. .

2 Constructivism A view of learning that suggests that students can develop their own understanding through active participation

3 I. Constructivist Learning Overview
Places the learner at the center of the learning process – not the teacher Students are active participants Emphasis placed on thinking & motivation Students compare & contrast/ similarities & differences Students find patterns & make generalizations Students apply information to real life situations

4 A Teacher-Demanding Learning Process
Teacher must: Provide safe & supportive learning environment Be skilled at questioning Have clear learning objectives Have motivating activities Monitor students Make instant decisions Present accurate examples Guide student understanding

5 IV. Planning Lessons with The Inductive Model
3 essential steps: Identify Topics: from outcomes; standards, etc. 2. Specify Learning Objectives What do you want students to learn/know? What thinking skills do you want students to develop? 3. Select Examples/Non Examples In which the information the students need to understand is clearly observable.

6 V. Implementing Lessons Using The Inductive Model
Phase Description Phase 1: Introduction Introduce activity to students Pose a question to investigate Phase 2: The Open-Ended Phase Student involvement Teacher presents open-ended questions Phase 3: The Convergent Phase Teacher narrows student responses Teacher guides students Phase 4: Closure Students identify characteristics of concept, state principles, rules, etc. Phase 5: The Application Phase Assignment to apply knowledge Links new learning to prior knowledge

7 VI. How does this model allow for teacher flexibility?
Examples Creativity Teaching “Off the top of your head” Pedagogical content knowledge Length of lesson Fostering cooperation

8 Assessment Teachers must make sure that learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments are aligned.

9 View Video Clip of Inductive Model in Action

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