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A New Literacy: English & MFL in the Primary School Wednesday 9 th December 2009 Katie Szeless, CILT Teaching Advisor Penny Bowman, Asst Head SHSG and.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Literacy: English & MFL in the Primary School Wednesday 9 th December 2009 Katie Szeless, CILT Teaching Advisor Penny Bowman, Asst Head SHSG and."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Literacy: English & MFL in the Primary School Wednesday 9 th December 2009 Katie Szeless, CILT Teaching Advisor Penny Bowman, Asst Head SHSG and SET PMFL Team Co-ordinator Nicole Valencia, PMFL Co-ordinator SHSG & SET SOUTHEND EDUCATION TRUST

2 The context: ‘Entitlement’ “Every child should have the opportunity throughout Key Stage 2 to study a foreign language and develop their interest in the culture of other nations. They should have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities making use of native speakers and e-learning. By age 11 they should have the opportunity to reach a recognised level of competence on the Common European Framework and for that achievement to be recognised through a national scheme.” (National Languages Strategy)

3 Objectives To build on the skills set of the primary class teacher and highlight common points between early language pedagogy and the delivery of primary languages. To demonstrate how literacy and MFL co- ordinators can support each other by showing what links can be made to enhance both curriculums and motivate learners.

4 So why now? Key recommendations in Primary Languages in past year : Dearing’s review of MFL : aim to embed MFL in primary curriculum. Jim Rose’s review of the Primary Curriculum : Primary Languages to be statutory by 2011, aim for a new literacy where English, Communications and MFL are encompassed under one area of learning and key primary documents are to be aligned.

5 Teaching skills & the Literacy objectives Objectives from the KS2 MFL Framework are often similar to those from the Primary Framework for Literacy.

6 KS2 MFL Framework: 5 Strands 3 core strands of teaching & learning ORACY (speaking & listening) LITERACY (reading & writing) INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING (insight into the people, culture, & traditions of other countries) 2 cross-cutting strands KAL :knowledge about the language LLS : language learning strategies.

7 Primary Framework for Literacy 1.Speaking 2.Listening & responding 3.Group discussion & interaction 4.Drama 5.Word recognition 6.Word structure & spelling 7.Understanding & interpreting texts 8.Engaging with and responding to texts 9.Creating & shaping texts 10.Text structure & organisation 11.Sentences structure & punctuation 12.presentation

8 MFL Framework or Literacy Framework? Look at the face of the person speaking and listen attentively Use gestures to show they understand Speak clearly & audibly with confidence & control Show awareness of the listener Speak with clarity & use appropriate intonation Recognise the main word classes Ask & answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions & take turns Discuss why they like a performance Read fiction and non-fiction texts Act out their own and well-known stories Use drama techniques to explore stories or issues Identify specific sounds, phonemes and words Use the context of what they see/read to determine some meaning

9 MFL Framework or Literacy Framework? Look at the face of the person speaking and listen attentively (Yr 3& 4) Use gestures to show they understand (Yr 3& 4) Speak clearly & audibly with confidence & control Show awareness of the listener Speak with clarity & use appropriate intonation Recognise the main word classes (Yr 4) Ask & answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions & take turns Discuss why they like a performance Read fiction and non-fiction texts (Yr 5) Act out their own and well-known stories Use drama techniques to explore stories or issues Identify specific sounds, phonemes and words (Yr 4) Use the context of what they see/read to determine some meaning (yr5 & 6)

10 Pause for thought Primary school teachers already have a great number of skills which can be transferred to teaching MFL.

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