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Start-to-Finish ™ Books Overview. 2 Raising expectations that all students can develop literacy skills... “No student is too anything to be able to read.

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Presentation on theme: "Start-to-Finish ™ Books Overview. 2 Raising expectations that all students can develop literacy skills... “No student is too anything to be able to read."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start-to-Finish ™ Books Overview

2 2 Raising expectations that all students can develop literacy skills... “No student is too anything to be able to read and write” Dr. David Yoder DJI-AbleNet Literacy Lecture ISAAC 2000

3 3 Overview Objectives Demonstrate benefits of Start-to-Finish Books Provide opportunities for experience with:  Becoming familiar with the three formats of Start-to-Finish books – computer book, paperback book, audiocassette  Using all the buttons on a page  Completing a chapter quiz  Setting teacher options  Gaining knowledge on the Start-to-Finish Books series  Using Write:OutLoud to import illustrations from the CD  Using Start-to-Finish Topic Dictionaries with Co:Writer 4000 Share ideas for classroom/curriculum integration Provide opportunities for self-assessment

4 4 Reading Statistics 38% of the nation’s fourth-graders do not read at basic level, according to National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) studies. About 10 million children have difficulties learning to read. In a comparison of 27 countries, the U.S. is ranked second in reading literacy scores for 9 year olds and ninth for 14 year olds. (Children's Defense Fund: State of America's Children, 2000.) Most of the learning in middle and secondary schools is expected to occur through students’ reading.

5 5 The Circle of Literacy Learning™

6 6 Support Struggling Readers

7 7 Scaffolds students to independent reading Builds confident, motivated readers Increases background knowledge and supports content-area learning Start-to-Finish™ Books

8 8 Three Formats Computer Book Paperback Book Audiocassette

9 9 Written and edited by experts in the fields of language, learning and reading disabilities 50 + guidelines ensure that vocabulary, idioms and sentence complexity are controlled and new words are introduced in a supported manner Acknowledges the developmental sequence of acquiring language and learning to read Written for Success Formula

10 10 Written for Success Formula Examples from 50 guidelines (Gold Level): Reduced dependence upon background knowledge –Uncommon words and misleading idioms are carefully introduced and explained in context Simple, conversational vocabulary; simple suffix usage: –-ing, -ed, -s, -er, -est (exciting, lonely, destroyed) Limited types of complex sentences –Adverbial clauses use when, while, after and because –Coordinated sentences use and, so, but –Word order matches order of events –Subject is not usually separated from verb

11 11 Examples from 50 guidelines (Blue Level): Idiomatic language and similes and metaphors used often and with less direct explanation. When Penelope entered the great hall of the palace, the men fell silent marveling at her beauty. More complex and abstract vocabulary; higher level suffix usage: -ment, -less, -ness, -ful (excitement, loneliness, destruction) More varied types of sentence structure. Her name was Helen, and she was the wife of Menelaos, the king of the Greek city of Sparta. More ideas incorporated into longer sentences. Beautiful Helen, the cause of all the long years of fighting, was captured and returned to her husband, King Menelaos. Written for Success Formula

12 12 Reading Comprehension Customizable support provides the right scaffolds for each student Unfamiliar and key words are supported in context Digitized speech enhances meaning through correct intonation Chapter quizzes provide motivation for rereading PDF files support extension activities for comprehension Two readability levels provide text written to meet student needs

13 13 Self-Selected Reading Engaging topics match the interests and issues of the older reader Two readability levels provide the right support for students at different levels Three formats provide the necessary support for successful independent reading experiences

14 14 Teacher Options Individual student data collection Individual student reading preferences Testing preferences Access preferences View and print reports

15 15 Engaging Literature Literature –Classic Adventures, Classic Literature, Famous Short Stories History –A Step into History Mysteries –Nick Ford Mysteries, Sherlock Holmes Mysteries Science and Nature –Natural Disasters Sports –Sports Biographies

16 16 Off-computer Supports Teacher Materials –Words for review –Cloze comprehension –Multiple choice –Sentence completion

17 17 Reading and Writing Connection Import Topic Dictionaries to use new vocabulary from the story and write stronger sentences Import Start-to-Finish illustrations to enhance writing

18 18 Curriculum Integration Reading— Use Start-to-Finish books as a supplement to or as part of your reading curriculum. Social Studies— Using a Start-to-Finish History series book, students explain the impact a hero had on the way we live today. Science— After reading a Start-to-Finish Natural Disasters book, students illustrate key facts from the book in BuildAbility. Math— Students track their own scores from the quizzes by charting their score results. Writing/Language Arts— Students write a draft comparing their own life to a main character’s life using one of the Start-to-Finish templates in Draft:Builder.

19 19 Students have increased motivation and positive attitude toward reading Students read with improved fluency, intonation and reading rate Students increase their reading comprehension skills Students increase their knowledge in content-area subjects Student Outcomes

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