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© EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20141 Bridging the Gap To Target Millennials and Hispanics Presentation for Glass Packaging Institute, Nov 2014 Linda Gilbert, CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "© EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20141 Bridging the Gap To Target Millennials and Hispanics Presentation for Glass Packaging Institute, Nov 2014 Linda Gilbert, CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20141 Bridging the Gap To Target Millennials and Hispanics Presentation for Glass Packaging Institute, Nov 2014 Linda Gilbert, CEO & founder of EcoFocus Worldwide

2 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20142 “Customers who were once regarded as a niche marketing opportunity now represent the majority of spending growth in the United States.”

3 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20143 A growing Hispanic market offers opportunities for glass Expenditures by Hispanic food shoppers are forecasted to reach $86 billion in 2018 Cumulative growth > 28% Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) > 5% Source: Packaged Facts, Oct.15.2014

4 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20144 Hispanics are not only growing faster – they are younger 80% 18 to 45 years 50% are Millennials ages 21-35 years

5 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20145 Lower education 53% less than college grad Many Hispanics have young families, less education or income Live in larger households 3.5 persons in HH vs. 2.8 GPOP Less income 71% less than $75K Parents 72% more likely to have children vs. GPOP 42% Live in state with return deposit for glass

6 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20146 Hispanics shop with health & environment in mind 10% more likely than GPOP to always or usually take health or environmental reasons into consideration when choosing what to buy.

7 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20147 Eco-Attitudes Highly concerned about climate change, landfills, family economic security Optimistic about the impact of their efforts Connect better health with eco-friendly lifestyles Want to set example of eco-friendly behavior for family Eco-Practices Taking actions that save money: turn off water, unplug, shopping bags, refill containers at store Are a source of information for friends and family Seek out Info on packages and the internet Willing to change brands for more eco-friendly choice; somewhat willing to pay more Eco-Healthy Choices Changing what they buy to reduce exposure to chemicals from packaging High safety concerns about microwaveable plastic packaging; average on BPA Health and environmental impact of packaging does influence purchase choice Have some uncertainty or confusion about glass Eco-Packaging Making changes due to type or amount of packaging Recyclable and Renewable matter; most likely segment to look for and use Refillable Company commitment to recyclable or renewable packaging is a significant purchase influence Prefer glass bottle for water and beer The Hispanic Target – a snapshot

8 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20148 Hispanic Index to GPOP Glass is most eco-friendly package for milk (22%)105 Glass is most eco-friendly package for tomato sauce (45%)82 Glass is most eco-friendly package for soup (37%)94 Recyclable glass bottle is most eco-friendly package for wine (40%)97 Returnable glass bottle is most eco-friendly package for wine (27%)105 Glass has eco-friendly credentials across categories, among Hispanics and GPOP

9 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 20149 Hispanic Index to GPOP Using foods and beverages in glass containers more often100 Using foods and beverages in glass containers less often128 Using beverages packaged in single serve plastic bottles more often126 Using foods and beverages in cans more often120 Hispanics are using less glass in favor of cans and plastic

10 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201410 Hispanic Index to GPOP Prefer returnable glass bottle when buying wine (15%)113 Prefer recyclable glass bottle when buying wine (55%)97 Returnable glass bottle is most eco-friendly package for wine (27%)105 Recyclable glass bottle is most eco-friendly package for wine (40%)97 When buying wine, Hispanics are more likely to have a disposition for returnable

11 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201411 Hispanic Index to GPOP Glass beverage packaging has a positive impact on health (58%)111 Glass beverage packaging has a positive impact on environment (80%)104 Glass beverage packaging has a negative impact on health (10%)150 Glass beverage packaging has a negative impact on environment (13%)124 Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without loss in quality or purity (60%) 93 Hispanics show some uncertainty or confusion about glass

12 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201412 Hispanic Index to GPOP Don’t recycle because don’t know if glass is recyclable where I live (24% of those who sometimes, rarely, never recycle glass) 109 Don’t know if glass, carton, or plastic is most eco-friendly package when buying milk (9%) 118 Don’t know if glass, can, or plastic is most eco-friendly package when buying tomato sauce (20%) 97 Don’t know if glass, can, or plastic is most eco-friendly package when buying soup (22%) 95 Don’t know if recyclable bottle, returnable bottle, or bag-in-box is most eco- friendly package when buying wine (22%) 91 Like other Americans, about one in five Hispanic shoppers “don’t know” if glass is the most eco-friendly packaging

13 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201413 Eco-Attitudes High concerns about climate change, landfills, loss of natural resources Connect better health and QOL with eco-friendly lifestyles Have good intentions, see value in eco-friendly choices Optimistic about the impact of their efforts Eco-Practices Least likely generation to act on beliefs about recycling, energy Willing to boycott companies for less responsible environmental or social practices Willing to pay more for healthier and eco-friendly products Shop on-line instead of going to a store Eco-Healthy Choices Changing what they buy to reduce exposure to chemicals from packaging High safety concerns about plastic food and beverage packaging, BPA, microwaveable plastic packaging, phthalates Health and environmental impact of packaging does influence product choice Eco-Packaging Making changes due to type/amount of packaging Actively seeking renewable packaging, beverage packaging that uses less plastic Least likely to recognize that glass is renewable Most likely to be using foods and beverages packaged in glass more often The Millennial Target – a snapshot

14 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201414 A Key Population to Better Understand Is Younger Hispanics 19% of Millennials are Hispanic, vs. 14% GPOP

15 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201415 How do we leverage consumer insights to

16 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201416

17 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201417

18 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201418

19 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201419 Opportunity: Confidence Hispanic 61%

20 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201420 Opportunity: Convenience Hispanic 56%

21 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201421 Opportunity: Savings Hispanic 49%

22 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201422 Opportunity: Easy Hispanic 34%

23 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201423 Leverage EcoFocus Consumer Insights to:

24 © EcoFocus ® Worldwide 201424 Thank You!! For More Information, Contact: Linda Gilbert Founder and CEO, EcoFocus Worldwide Founder and former President, HealthFocus International EcoFocus Worldwide, LLC 3041 Shenck Road Manheim, PA +1-727-906-3319

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