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What is learning with technology? A discussion about learning theory and educational technology.

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Presentation on theme: "What is learning with technology? A discussion about learning theory and educational technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is learning with technology? A discussion about learning theory and educational technology

2 Objectives  Introductions and Syllabus review  Following a review of the 3 primary “isms” students will be able to collaborate and communicate their concepts of how the theories apply to real-life learning.

3 What is learning?

4 Learning as Communication: How do we learn?  Teacher  Factor affecting the individual  Learner  Factors affecting the individual Experiences Environment Cognitive Style Learning Style Intelligence Psychology Cognitive Style Learning Style Intelligence Psychology Instruction Feedback

5 1 LEARNING = Change in Behavior Behaviorism 2 Environment Shapes Behavior 3 Continuity (Time distance) & Reinforcement

6 Examples of Behaviorism Pavlov’s Dog Education Classical Conditioning Operate Conditioning

7 Learning is a Mental Process Sensory Information Forgotten Short Term Memory Forgotten Cognitivism

8 Constructivism Knowledge acquisition and integration results from the learning process.  Individuals need to make sense of the new information and creates their own meaning based rich experiences. Information

9 Constructivism  Problem Based Learning  Project Based Learning  Inquiry Learning  Discovery Learning  Place based education  Real world learning

10 Educational Technology  What is it?  Why study it?  Digital Native Digital Native

11 Learning Theories – the isms  Divide into groups of three, create Inspiration © concept map to describe your concept of how learning occurs.  Use the three main paradigms and examples of learning for each one.  Think about some ways that you already know of to integrate technology – include those in the appropriate paradigm.

12 Sources & Credits  Dewey, J. (1916) Democracy and Education  Lever-Duffy, J. & McDonald, J.B. (2011) Teaching and Learning with Technology  disciplines-community-guide-video  Powerpoint content adapted from Learning-isms created by Beth Rajan Sockman

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