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Presentation on theme: "AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF REGISTER CHANGES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF DISCOURSE STRUCTURE Laboratoire Parole et Langage, CNRS et Université de Provence Aix-en-Provence,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF REGISTER CHANGES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF DISCOURSE STRUCTURE Laboratoire Parole et Langage, CNRS et Université de Provence Aix-en-Provence, France Céline De Looze 1

2 Local vs. global pitch characteristics → Bolinger (1951) Local: changes in the phonological representation of intonation Global: variations in register key (level) and span (range) 2 4 1 Narrow span 2 1 Expanded span Higher key 2 1 Lower key 4 3 → Trager (1957)

3 Local vs. global pitch characteristics → Functional aspect of local and global pitch variations → Register variations in intonation systems ToBI (Pierrehumbert, 1980): binary phonological distinction (H&L tones) INTSINT (Hirst & Di Cristo, 1998): 8 possible tonal values where H & L tones are interpreted with respect to the previous tone or with respect to the speaker’s register 3 make the crucial assumption that the speaker's key and range remain constant.

4 Overview 4 ADoReVA Predicting topic changes through automatic detection of register variations Topic changes as reflected by register variations

5 ADoReVA 5 Automatic Detection of Register Variations Algorithm A clustering algorithm: represents through a binary tree structure the way units are grouped together according to their differences in register key and range Correlation with functional annotation A Praat Plugin

6 ADoReVA Calculate Register differences… 6 Calculates the difference between two consecutive units for key parameter = sqrt( log2(median_unit) – log2(median_prevUnit))^2 Calculates the difference between two consecutive units for range parameter = sqrt( log2(max/min_unit) – log2(max/min_prevUnit))2 Recursively reduces the Euclidian distance between two consecutive units in a space defined by key and span parameters = sqrt( (diffkey)^2+(diffrange)^2)

7 ADoReVA Calculate Register differences… 7 The detection of register key and range is done after the deletion of micro-prosodic effects thanks to the formulae Which quantiles from q05 to q95 are best correlated with manual annotations of pitch extrema? (De Looze & Hirst, 2007) - floor = q25*0.75 - ceiling = q75*1.75

8 ADoReVA To Clustering tree… 8 The clustering algorithm groups units according to their difference in key and range. The smaller the difference between two units, the sooner these units are branched together.

9 ADoReVA To Clustering tree… 9 The output generated by the algorithm is a binary tree structure in the form of a layered icicle diagram Hierarchical structure

10 ADoReVA To Clustering tree… 10 The output generated by the algorithm is a binary tree structure in the form of a layered icicle diagram Relational Organisation

11 ADoReVA To Clustering tree… 11 The output generated by the algorithm is a binary tree structure in the form of a layered icicle diagram

12 ADoReVA To Clustering tree… 12 The output generated by the algorithm is a binary tree structure in the form of a layered icicle diagram

13 ADoReVA Calculate Node Distances… 13 Calculate node distances between the leaves (or units) of the tree and correlate them (within a table) with manual annotation functions. To Stat Analyses…

14 Topic changes as reflected by register changes 14 Are large differences in register between two consecutive units correlated with topic changes? Are large node distances between two leaves correlated with topic changes? Topic changes

15 Topic changes as reflected by register changes 15 Register variations throw light on the informational organisation of the discourse structure: →The information weight carried out by the discourse element → The hierarchical dimension and relational organisation of linguistic units Litterature reports: Lehiste, 1970, Brazil, 1980; Menn & Boyce, 1982; Kutik et al, 1983; Hirschberg & Pierrehumbert 1986 ; Thorsen, 1986; Nakajima & Allen, 1992;; Sluijter & Terken, 1993; Arons, 1994; Nicolas & Hirst, 1995; Fon, 2002; Kong, 2004; Chiu-yu et al, 2005; Mayer et al, 2006; denOuden et al, 2009 High and expanded register signals → Introduction of a new topic or topic change → Discourse element carrying new information → Elements at the beginning of the utterance → …

16 Topic changes as reflected by register changes 16 Litterature reports: Low and compressed register signals → Final parts of the utterance → Topic continuity → sub-topics, parenthetical comments → … Lehiste, 1970, Brazil, 1980; Menn & Boyce, 1982; Kutik et al, 1983; Hirschberg & Pierrehumbert 1986 ; Thorsen, 1986; Nakajima & Allen, 1992;; Sluijter & Terken, 1993; Arons, 1994; Nicolas & Hirst, 1995; Fon, 2002; Kong, 2004; Chiu-yu et al, 2005; Mayer et al, 2006; denOuden et al, 2009

17 Topic changes as reflected by register changes 17 Detection of topic changes through detection of large node distances Assumption Informing about declination/ final lowering: what temporal span?

18 Corpora PFC Corpus : 30 minutes of read speech from 10 French-native speakers (Delais-Roussarie & Durand, 2003) PAC Corpus: 30 minutes of read speech from 8 English-native speakers ( CID corpus : 40 minutes of dialogue from 8 French-native speakers (Bertrand et al, 2007) Aix-Marsec Corpus: 30 minutes of dialogue from 9 English-native speakers (Auran et al, 2004) 18

19 Functional Annotation A simplified version of Grosz & Sidner (1986) as used in Fon (2002) and Kong (2004) DSP2, DSP1, DSP0 between prosodic words → DSP0: no discourse boundary/ related units → DSP1: hierarchically superior relation between units/ but still share related purposes (cause-effect/ clarifying relationship) → DSP2: no related discourse purposes or topics 19

20 Preliminary Results Higher and expanded register Large differences in key and range or Large Euclidian distances Large node distances in the binary tree structure Correlated with topic changes/ DSP2 annotation

21 Preliminary Results Higher and expanded register Large differences in key and range or Large Euclidian distances Large node distances in the binary tree structure 21 Range is not always involved in signaling topic changes. Both Key and Range Aix-Marsec Corpus (dialogue speech) Key: F(2, 3446)=146.3, p-val< 2.2e-16 Range: F(2, 3446)=23.98, p-val: 4.549e-11 Range less than key French Corpora (read and dialogue speech) Key: F(2, 2398)=142, p-val< 2.2e-16 Range: F(2, 2398)=6.233, p-val: 0.0019 Not range PAC Corpus (read speech) Key: F(2, 3003) = 67.26, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Range: F(2, 3003) =0.1469, p-value = 0.8634

22 Preliminary Results Higher and expanded register Large differences in key and range or Large Euclidian distances Large node distances in the binary tree structure 22 Range is not always involved in signaling topic changes. Speaking styles? Lively speech marked with variations in range

23 Preliminary Results 23 Range is not correlated with DSP1 annotation Cause-effect/ clarifying relationship between two consecutive units may be signaled with modifying key only

24 Preliminary Results 24 Key appears as a stable parameter while range may be optional to indicate topic changes Variations in range may be seen as marking a speaker’s involvment while telling his/her story Key and range parameters convey different functions and have to be studied separatly

25 Prediction 25 Predicting topic changes through automatic detection of register variations Confusion matrices : → 6 Features: key/ range differences in key/range node distances for key/range → 2 Classes: DSP0, DSP1/ DSP2

26 Prediction 26 Prediction with features key/ difference in key and node distance for key → gives better results than range, difference in range and node distances range.

27 Prediction 27 Prediction with both features → key and difference in key or ScoresRecallPrecisionF-Measure cat10.40074906 Key & diffkey Key feature DiffKey feature ScoresRecallPrecisionF-Measure cat10.31210986 ScoresRecallPrecisionF-Measure cat10.38451934 ScoresRecallPrecisionF-Measure cat10.40823970.284100770.33504096 NodDK feature Key & NodDK ScoresRecallPrecisionF-Measure cat10.521847670.278666680.3633203 → key and node distance for key slightly improve the detection of topic changes

28 Prediction 28 Higher scores of prediction for dialogue speech than read speech → between 20-30% predicted for read speech → about 40% predicted for dialogue speech

29 Discussion 29 Objective detection of register variations vs. subjective annotation of topic changes Detection of other functions than topic changes as reflected by register variations Detection of topic changes through automatic detection of - Tempo variations (pause & speaking rate) - Intensity variations

30 Discussion 30 Usefulness of the algorithm Better understanding of the hierarchical and organisational structure of discourse How do units fit together?

31 Conclusion 31 ADoReVA An algorithm to understand the structure of speech as reflected by register variations An algorithm to be implemented into intonation systems to improve the phonological representation of intonation (INTSINT: Detection of Top/Mid/Bottom taking into account register variations) Testing different units Subjective annotation vs. objective detection A graphical representation to serve pre-analysis

32 32 Merci

33 33

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