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 How to Sound like a Native English Speaker Joey Nevarez CELOP.

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Presentation on theme: " How to Sound like a Native English Speaker Joey Nevarez CELOP."— Presentation transcript:

1  How to Sound like a Native English Speaker Joey Nevarez CELOP

2 Speak like a Native! Pronunciation is not enough! Thought groupsIntonation Work StressDiscourse Style

3 Thought Groups  What’s the big idea?  Pause at Punctuation  Build Basic Blocks: phrase by phrase, NOT word for word  How do you know where to pause for a thought group?  Generally 3-8 words long  Use clues from punctuation, grammar, and stressed content words to help recognize thought groups  Take a breath between thought groups! The length varies

4 Punctuation Clues  Comma =, =basic short pause  Semi-colon= ; =slightly longer pause  Colon= : =slightly longer pause  Parenthesis= ( ) =slightly longer pause  Quotation marks= “…” =still slightly longer pause

5 Grammar Clues  Identify noun phrases and verb phrase  Pause and drop pitch slightly at the end of each phrase  Identify transitional expressions  (first, finally, of course, on the other hand)  Identify any clauses, such as “dependent clauses” or “relative clauses”

6 Example Sentence “They are an unlikely pair: George is ‘small and quick and dark of face’; Lennie, a man of tremendous size, has the mind of a young child.” Now let’s practice with humor!

7 Intonation  Once you have broken up a sentence into thought groups, apply intonation.  Intonation = the rise and fall of your voice when you speak.  Every single language has its own intonation pattern.  Some languages have patterns that are closer to English; others have the opposite

8 American Intonation Pattern  The staircase model. (neutral -> rise -> fall)  Each phrase/thought group will follow this pattern.  Intonation signals where the speaker should be paying attention.

9 Let’s Practice!  1. I didn't say he stole the money,  someone else said it.  2. I didn't say he stole the money,  that's not true at all.  3. I didn't say he stole the money,

10 More Practice  4. I didn't say he stole the money,  I think someone else took it.  5. I didn't say he stole the money,  maybe he just borrowed it.  6. I didn't say he stole the money,

11 Even More Practice  7. I didn't say he stole the money,  he may have taken some jewelry.

12 Up!  Watch this video clip from the film Up! Don’t write anything down. Just listen.  Up! Up!  Now watch again and try to transcribe the clip.

13 Oprah Gives a Commencement Speech  Skim the transcript for 2 minutes to get an idea of what Oprah is talking about.  Watch Stanford University commencement speech 1:29- 2:48Stanford University commencement speech  1 st listen : follow along on transcript and mark which words are stressed for emphasis  Compare with a partner:  Which words are emphasized the most and why?  Does this emphasis result in any change in meaning?

14 Discourse Style  Discourse – written or spoken communication  Different people speak differently than one another  For example... For example...  How are the speakers’ voices different?

15 Discourse Style Continued…  People speak differently in different situations and for different reasons  Let's hear it for Oprah! Let's hear it for Oprah!  Identify on your transcript the parts where the discourse style changes.  Discuss these questions with your partner:  Where does the discourse style change?  How do you know?  How does the change in discourse style affect the listener?

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