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Initial Results on Soil Quality by Victor B. Ella Professor, UPLB

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1 Initial Results on Soil Quality by Victor B. Ella Professor, UPLB
SANREM-CRSP Conservation Agriculture for Food Security in the Philippines Initial Results on Soil Quality by Victor B. Ella Professor, UPLB Claveria, Misamis Oriental January 18, 2011

2 Project Objective (S in GETS)
Assess soil quality and measure crop yield and biomass from CAPS, and compare them with soil quality and crop yield and biomass from conventional plow-based systems.

3 Claveria, Misamis Oriental
Project Site Claveria, Misamis Oriental (Researcher-managed and Farmer-managed sites)

4 Data Gathering Researcher-managed Site, July 2010

5 Data Gathering Farmer-managed Sites, July 2010

6 Laboratory Analysis UPLB CEAT Soils and Hydraulic Lab and Soil Sci Lab, July to September 2010

7 Initial Results

8 Average Bulk Density at RM and FM Sites

9 Variation of Bulk Density with Depth at Researcher-Managed Site

10 Average % Soil Organic Matter at RM and FM Sites

11 Variation of % Organic Matter with Depth at Researcher-Managed Site

12 Average % Nitrogen at RM and FM Sites

13 Variation of % Soil Nitrogen with Depth at Researcher-Managed Site

14 Average Soil Phosphorus at RM and FM Sites

15 Variation of Soil Phosphorus with Depth at Researcher-Managed Site

16 Average Soil pH at RM and FM Sites

17 Variation of Soil pH with Depth at Researcher-Managed Site

18 Summary of Initial Findings
The soil texture at the project site is generally clayey particularly for the middle and lower elevation zones. The soil in the upper elevation zone is generally coarser in texture than in the lower zones. The soil bulk density at the project site is generally low particularly for middle and lower elevation zones. Relatively higher soil bulk density was generally observed in the upper elevation zones. Moreover, the soil bulk density generally increases with soil depth at the researcher- managed site.

19 Summary of Initial Findings (cont’d.)
Regardless of elevation and soil depth, the soil at the project site is generally acidic although soils in the lower and middle elevation zones are more acidic than those in the higher elevation zone. The soil pH generally increases with soil depth at the researcher-managed site indicating greater acidity near the ground surface The soil organic matter content is generally higher at the upper soil layers than at deeper layers regardless of site elevation.

20 Summary of Initial Findings (cont’d.)
The soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus contents are also higher at the upper soil layers than at deeper layers The concentrations of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in the soil exhibited no distinct pattern of variability with soil depth for all elevation zones

21 Thanks !!!

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