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DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 1 Transport and Regional Policy 2007-2013 Transport and Regional Policy 2007-2013 Patrick.

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Presentation on theme: "DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 1 Transport and Regional Policy 2007-2013 Transport and Regional Policy 2007-2013 Patrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 1 Transport and Regional Policy 2007-2013 Transport and Regional Policy 2007-2013 Patrick Bernard-Brunet European Commission Directorate-General for Regional Policy OPEN DAYS 2006 Committee of the Regions – 11 October 2006

2 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 2 Structure of the speech: Structure of the speech: (1)EU Cohesion Policy: objectives & priorities (2)Funding for Transport from Structural Funds (2000-2006) (3) References to Transport in the new Regulations and Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion (2007-2013)

3 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 3 1. Cohesion: objectives & priorities 1. Cohesion: objectives & priorities The Cohesion Policy in simple words and figures: competence of the EU: Article 158 of the Treaty, to reduce the gap between the regions, focussing on the less-developed ones, to help the regions to meet the challenges of the globalisation of the economy, to improve co-operation between EU regions. Cohesion policy = about 1/3 of the EU budget 2000-2006: 257 billion in total - 50 billion for Transport (ERDF + Cohesion Fund)

4 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 4 The disadvantaged regions (2007-2013) (Overall budget for Cohesion Policy: 308 billion) Convergence Objective: regions in which GDP per head does not reach 75% of the average for the Union 251,16 billion (81,54%) Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective: regions facing difficulties such as changes in key sectors, decline of traditional activities, economic / social crisis, deterioration in the urban areas, depopulation of rural areas 49,13 billion (15,95%) Inter-regional Cooperation Objective 7,75 billion (2,51%) ØThe main novelty: the use of the Structural Funds will be focused on Lisbon priorities (innovation and knowledge society, employment, environment and risk prevention, accessibility)

5 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 5 2007-2013 Programming Period

6 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 6 2. Funding for Transport from Structural Funds (2000-2006) From the ERDF (25 Member States): Roads and motorways: 19,02 billion Rail: 7,6 billion Others (multimodal transport, intelligent systems…): 2,6 billion Urban transport: 2,14 billion Ports: 2 billion Airports: 537,43 million Waterways: 149,4 million TOTAL TRANSPORT (ERDF): +/- 34 billion

7 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 7 2. Funding for Transport from Structural Funds (2000-2006) From the Cohesion Fund (14 Member States): Rail: 7,9 billion Roads and motorways: 5 billion Not classified: 1,4 billion Ports: 1billion Urban transport: 450,5 million Airports: 74,4 million TOTAL TRANSPORT (COHESION FUND): +/- 16 billion

8 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 8 3. References to Transport in the Regulations and the Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion Regulations : the manual of instructions for the use of Structural Funds (the role of the Commission and the managing authorities, the financial management, evaluation, committees, the scope of each fund…) Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion: how to implement the EU priorities (Lisbon, Gothenburg) through the regional programmes (in the 20 official languages of the EU)

9 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 9 3. References to Transport in the new Regulations The ERDF "Convergence" Objective: improvement of trans-European networks and links to these networks integrated strategies for clean transport which contribute to improving the access to and quality of passenger and good services, to achieving a more balanced modal split, to promoting intermodal systems and reducing environmental impacts "Regional competitiveness/Employment" Objective: strengthening secondary transport networks by improving links to TEN-T networks, to regional railway hubs, airports and ports, or to multimodal platforms; by providing radial links to main railways lines; and by promoting regional and local inland waterways, and short-sea shipping

10 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 10 3. References to Transport in the new Regulations The ERDF "Territorial Cooperation" Objective (limited budget) Actions may include: Investments in cross-border sections of trans-European networks; investments to improve local and regional access to national and trans-national networks; investments to enhance inter-operability of national and regional systems…

11 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 11 3. References to Transport in the new Regulations The Cohesion Fund trans-European transport networks, in particular priority projects of common interest areas related to sustainable development which clearly present environmental benefits - in the transport sector: rail, river and sea transport, intermodal transport systems, management of road, sea and air traffic, clean urban transport and public transport

12 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 12 3. References to Transport in the Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion priority to the TEN-T, in particular to the 30 projects of European interest (regions eligible under the Convergence objective), support to rail infrastructure, promoting environmentally sustainable transport networks, complementary investment in secondary connections (integrated regional transport strategy covering urban and rural areas), improving the connectivity of landlocked territories to the TEN-T, development of secondary links, with a focus on inter-modality and sustainable transport - in particular, harbours and airports should be connected to their hinterland, developing the motorways of the sea and to short-sea shipping as a viable alternative. Cf. English version – page 16

13 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 13 3. References to Transport in the Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion Other important ideas: Public Private Partnerships are promoted, specially for TEN-T projects Freight has a more significant impact on regional economies than passengers

14 DG REGIO – Unit "Thematic Development" EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 14 Thank you for your attention presentation of all Operational Programmes and their context (regional social and economic situation, priorities of the programmes, managing authorities…)

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