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Welcome Back! Session 7 Revere Wed, Sept 25 Allison Posey.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Session 7 Revere Wed, Sept 25 Allison Posey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Session 7 Revere Wed, Sept 25 Allison Posey

2 How are you?!

3 3 Workshop Session Goals: To more deeply explore… how UDL addresses learner variability, the UDL Guidelines, lessons strategies & observations

4 This series: explore, prepare, integrate

5 Agenda today Review Activity: goals UDL Refresher Share ideas from your work so far Lesson plan, a UDL lesson

6 Variability in UDL background: Rate yourself, 0-5: Actively using & applying UDL Taking small steps thinking about UDL Not using UDL Have never heard of UDL!

7 UDL Review: Goals The Marshmallow Challenge

8 Rules 18 minutes, team of 4 build the tallest freestanding structure – Cannot be suspended – Entire marshmallow on top Use as much/little of the contents in bag (not the bag); can break, cut… Cannot hold onto the structure

9 Begin!

10 Watch the TED talk (optional)

11 Reflection  UDL Design: – Collaborative – Iterative process – Goal driven Feedback: what works/not (prototypes)

12 How do I ‘do’ UDL? 1.Goal 2.Variability 3.Assessment

13 Goal: to design a tall free-standing structure with the full marshmallow on top Clear, easy to understand – CCSS, MCAS Posted Is the means included? – If so, how is it supported

14 Clarify Goal CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.

15 Clarify Goal CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.

16 Clarify goal CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent show a data set with several categories. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 New Goal: draw a bar graph that shows (1) a scale and (2) data

17 How do I ‘do’ UDL? 1.Goal 2.Variability 3.Assessment

18 Old view…

19 New understanding… (DTI images)

20 Support Variability: 3 UDL Principles Representation: background, language, perception Action & Expression: executive function, tools, motor Engagement: interest, persistence, self regulation

21 Variability  design for all to reach goal Barriers to learning in the curriculum, not student

22 New Goal: draw a bar graph that (1) shows a scale and (2) shows data

23 Support variability: New Goal: draw a bar graph that (1) shows a scale and (2) shows data

24 Support variability: New Goal: draw a bar graph that (1) shows a scale and (2) shows data

25 How do I ‘do’ UDL? 1.Goal 2.Variability 3.Assessment GOAL ASSESSMENT

26 Does assessment align with goal? Where can there be flexiblity & accessibility (UDL Guidelines)? Are there both formative & summative assessments?

27 UDL: ‘Desirable difficulties’ Keep challenge where you want it: emphasize what is relevant Flexible means where you can: reduce barriers that are irrelevant

28 UDL A mindset, a framework Barriers in curriculum, not student Design learning experiences tight goals, flexible means for ALL to reach goal

29 Questions, thoughts?

30 Share: what has UDL meant for your work?

31 Your UDL Lesson Goal: to design & deliver a ‘UDL’ lesson Assessment: share your work and reflection, Nov 5

32 Your Variability! Representation: Handout, UDL connect, model examples Action & Expression: work with peer, video, Prezi/PowerPoint, song, sock puppet, paper/poster, etc Engagement: Collaborate, process-based, choice, reflect, clear goal, resources-demands

33 Planning schedule: Today (~30 min) Work time to choose a lesson, clarify goal Oct (~90 min): If you haven’t delivered your lesson yet, continue to work on UDL design & collaboration If you’ve delivered your lesson already, reflect & plan how you will share Nov 5: Share & Celebrate (~30 min prep time): – Individual lessons 3-4 min – Groups visit & chat with others – Celebrate: Final sharing/reflection, Certificates, PDPs…

34 Questions? Return at 2:25 to share first steps & ideas: – Choose a lesson, part of lesson… handout, activity, lab, 1 hour unit, … – Clarify and write the goal for that lesson – Begin to design for variability: UDL Guidelines – How will you assess?

35 UDL Connect: For Online Resources & discussions

36 Share Progress

37 Note card formative evaluation: What are your goals related to UDL? What is most helpful for these sessions? What is least helpful for these sessions? Share any comments, suggestions, requests?

38 Evaluation See you October 16 Next time: 1 short activity & work time

39 UDL and … Good teaching Differentiated instruction

40 UDL and DI Proactive Evaluates environment, classroom, culture Intentional Design prior to student arrival Variability Plan for margins Values variety Reactive Evaluates student Cause/effect Retrofit instruction Focus on individual disability Modifies to individual margins Conforms to ‘normal’

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