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Open Days Brussels 10 October 2006 Structural Funds Management: the Western Scotland Partnership Experience Laurie Russell Formerly Chief Executive Strathclyde.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Days Brussels 10 October 2006 Structural Funds Management: the Western Scotland Partnership Experience Laurie Russell Formerly Chief Executive Strathclyde."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Days Brussels 10 October 2006 Structural Funds Management: the Western Scotland Partnership Experience Laurie Russell Formerly Chief Executive Strathclyde European Partnership

2 European Funds in Scotland 2000 -2006 Objective 1 transition 308m euro Objective 2 73m euro Objective 2 480m euro Objective 2 250m euro Objective 3 507m euro

3 Characteristics of the Scottish system Regional economic and social regeneration based on agreed 7 year Programmes Flexible co-finance for projects Partnership - agencies have equal status and decisions are made by consensus Targeting resources on areas of economic opportunity and of greatest need Balance between top down and bottom up approaches Visibility of Europe on the ground Sharing our knowledge and experience


5 What does SEP Ltd do? Pre-application advice and assistance Managing the project life cycle Managing the decision making process and committee system Processing project applications, issuing offers of grant, processing claims, carrying out monitoring visits Specialist support on horizontal themes Disseminating good practice and learning Publicising European Funds

6 The Wider Environment Partnership starts with the regional strategy and Programme developed in partnership by wide range of agencies Local economic development companies promote an integrated approach and work in partnership at a local level Scottish Executive social justice, employability, regeneration and community planning policies Intermediary bodies that can deliver projects on a partnership basis

7 Drivers of partnership Is it just the desire to distribute the money that gets people involved? The sense of being part of a strategic approach to regional regeneration - being part of a bigger picture The ability to learn from the experience of other partners, see other projects and compare with your own experience Positive political profile Personal development from being able to do new things and learn from others

8 Challenges and threats Partnership needs to happen at all stages in the Structural Funds cycle Decision making by consensus can be difficult Role of social partners and others Dealing with vested interests and conflicts of interest Can the centre relinquish power? The threats from political and institutional changes in the external environment

9 Conclusion Partnership can be slower and therefore more expensive, but there are long-term benefits Able to survive institutional or political change Works with political priorities Transparent and accountable Equitable and inclusive - all partners have an equal voice Balances objective appraisal criteria with expertise and experience of partners

10 Structural Funds Management: the Western Scotland Partnership Approach Laurie Russell Formerly Chief Executive Strathclyde European Partnership Tel:+44 141.572.4400 Fax:+44. 141.572.4499 Email: Web Site:

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