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The EU experience with Organic Trade Jean-François Hulot Jean-François Hulot Head of the Organic Farming Unit, Brussels GOMA Conference, Nuremberg, 13-14.

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Presentation on theme: "The EU experience with Organic Trade Jean-François Hulot Jean-François Hulot Head of the Organic Farming Unit, Brussels GOMA Conference, Nuremberg, 13-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 The EU experience with Organic Trade Jean-François Hulot Jean-François Hulot Head of the Organic Farming Unit, Brussels GOMA Conference, Nuremberg, 13-14 February 2012

2 Imports - general tariff apply to organic products - specific import regime fixed by R.834/2007 - based on equivalence principle - import certificate required - EU logo may be used

3 Mutual recognition - not a rule in EU law - past : assymetric e.g. Argentina, India … - recent : mutual recognition e.g. CH, NZ, TU … - future : mutual recognition + cooperation e.g. CA (started), US (very soon), JP …

4 Other tools 1/3 if no governmental standard or no control system : the EU has no interlocutor No third country recognition possible

5 Other tools 2/3 - until now : « import authorisations » - delivered by (27) national authorities - based on equivalence - stop from 2014

6 Other tools 3/3 - from July 2012 : - direct recognition of Control Bodies - based on equivalence - will start with ~ 50-60 CB listed - cruising speed from 2014

7 Conclusion - EU system based on « equivalence » – not a science - Codex Alimentarius and ITF tools help - at TC level : EU seeks reciprocity and cooperation - at CB level : supervision is a challenge - « compliance » brings no added value to consumers

8 Ideas - EU consumer confidence = driver for exports to EU - Trade regime should not replace development policy - Equivalence best suited to the needs - local conditions accounted for - costs reduction (no re-certification) convergence of governmental standards- convergence of governmental standards path for the future

9 Thank you for your attention jean-franç

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