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Men in children’s services in Hungary Marta Korintus National Institute for Family and Social Policy.

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2 Men in children’s services in Hungary Marta Korintus National Institute for Family and Social Policy

3 Percentage of men In the services: about 50 men in the country in services for 3-6 year olds None in services for under 3’s In training: maybe 2-3 each year in one college Who start to work in children’s services: not known

4 History First bölcsőde (nursery) was opened in 1852 First óvoda (kindergarten) was founded in 1828 First workers in óvoda were mainly men in 1828, probably reflecting the education tradition of the time

5 Who are the workers today? 1 Almost exclusively women (a few men in services for 3-6 year olds) Average age around 40 Specialists, with almost no horizontal or vertical mobility Low paid

6 Who are the workers today? 2 Great majority of workers are qualified  89% in services for under 3’s  97% in services for 3-6/7 year olds Further training compulsory Greatest challenge: finding future workers

7 Types of service 1 Divided system:  „bölcsőde” (nursery) for children under 3  „óvoda” (kindergarten) for those between 3-6 Services under the auspices of Welfare and Education, respectively „Nevelés”: holistic approach to care and education, with more emphasis on care for under 3’s and on learning for 3-6 year olds

8 Types of service 2 Decentralized service provision Almost entirely public Full time, center-based services Different types of other services offered by centers (e.g. mother-toddler group, take away meals, events for parents)

9 Coverage Maternal and parental leaves are offered until the child is 3 years old. All mothers are eligible. 8.4% of the age group in bölcsőde 92% of the age group in óvoda

10 Occupations Name of workers in bölcsőde, is gondozó (nursery worker), meaning a person looking after/taking care of children Name of workers in óvoda is óvodapedagógus (kindergarten pedagogue) meaning exactly a pedagogue working in kindergarten

11 150 years long tradition Gondozónő and óvónő. The word ending nő means „woman” in Hungarian. Óvónő képző = training schools for women kindergarten pedagogues. It has been only lately that the official gondozó and óvodapedagógus were introduced

12 Qualifications Qualification:  Upper medium level in „bölcsőde”  Tertiary in „óvoda”

13 Training 1 The basic training for nursery workers:  A 3-year course based on secondary level education, offered by secondary schools. The total number of hours is 4 600, which is divided into 50 – 50 % theory and practice. 192 hours are devoted to pedagogy.  There is a Central Educational Program (central curriculum)

14 Training 2 The basic training for kindergarten pedagogues: Tertiary, offered by teacher training colleges No Central Educational Program The curriculum of the colleges should include some obligatory subjects, (32-35%), and subjects preparing for work in kindergartens, (45-48%) The total number of hours is 2500, with about 200 hours for pedagogy, and 30% practice.

15 Do we need more men? Care Work interviewees and focus groups  yes Public opinion survey  yes Discussions with practitioners  yes All expressed doubts that men will come

16 Why? Care Work interviewees and focus groups  The number of children born outside marriage is growing  The proportion of single-parent families doubled between 1990 and 1999  Men are role models  Men can do things women have difficulties with, or cannot do

17 Challenges for men The majority of Hungarian society still believes in traditional male and female duties and roles Male workers to be accepted both by parents and female colleagues There has been no public discourse about the issue of gender, and there is no policy to promote men’s higher participation level

18 What has been done? Contact with  male workers in kindergartens  a male psychologist interested in running focus groups for fathers in centers  with centers interested in working with fathers  training school for kindergarten pedagogues Successful bid for a conference in June Newsletter + 2 journals covered the topic

19 Can we stop now? No

20 References Care Work in Europe reports: A short introduction to children’s services in Hungary: Children in Europe, Issue 8, April 2005

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