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Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Jim Edgar MPA Montana Office of Vital Statistics Rollout Training Options.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Jim Edgar MPA Montana Office of Vital Statistics Rollout Training Options."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Jim Edgar MPA Montana Office of Vital Statistics Rollout Training Options for Re–engineered Vital Records

2 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 1. Implementation training is included in software developers contract. 2. Contract with a professional trainer 3. Organize and conduct your own training. These are not mutually exclusive Implementation Options :

3 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Advantages of Implementation Being in the Development Contract 1. Developer knows software very well. 2. State does not have to be involved in training. –Scheduling. –Material development. 3. One package, no multiple contracts or RFPs.

4 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Disadvantage of Implementation Being in the Development Contract 1.Developer may focus on technical rather than system use. 2. Developer may not have the equipment needed to train large numbers. 3. Developer may not know filing procedures therefore cannot answer questions.

5 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Professional Trainer Advantages 1. Training will focus on system use. 2. Usually has the equipment needed for training large numbers. 3. Contract can include contacting participants. 4. Developed materials can be used after the contract to conduct future training.

6 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Professional Trainer Disadvantages 1. Goals of a successful contract may be difficult to define. 2. The trainer will have to be trained to use the system. 3. Trainer may be unable to answer questions regarding procedures or issues. 4. May need to write a separate RFP for the training

7 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 State Organized Training. Advantages 1. Complete control of the process and procedure. 2. Any question regarding the subject (birth or death) can be answered immediately. 3. Establishes rapport with users. 4. No additional RFP to write.

8 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 State Organized Training. Disadvantages 1. Loss of staff time when training. 2. Equipment issues. 3. Must make own contact. 4. Must develop own materials.

9 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Montana Electronic Birth Registration Implementation Opted to do our own training. Reasons: Finite number of facilities. Hospital were using an electronic system already. The filing standard was not being changed.

10 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 1. We conducted training on site in the hospitals and clerk and recorder offices Initial contact made with a letter asking about interest A “yes” response resulted in a phone call to schedule training in their facility 2. Midwives came to Helena for training Montana Electronic Birth Registration Implementation

11 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Electronic Birth System Users Total facilities on-line Hospitals (birthing)37 35 Midwives unknown 7 Clerk & Recorders56 53 Most recent hospital was trained Sept 2003

12 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Electronic Birth Registration (How Did We Do?) 1. 98% of all births are filed electronically through the web based system 2. Number of errors on certificates decreased dramatically 3. 53 of 56 county clerk and recorder offices are on line and can issue statewide birth certificates

13 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Montana Electronic Death Registration Implementation Opted to contract a professional trainer. Reasons: Unknown number of facilities. Diversified or limited electronic experience. The filing form was being changed to the 2003 format.

14 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Training Contract Requirements 1. Schedule statewide training Arrange classrooms at 12 specified cities Provide 2 four-hour classes per day at each location Provide computer and on-line access at each training site for each student 2. Develop training plan and course materials 3. Contact each individual to schedule the training 4. Train the trainer

15 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Death Reengineering Facts 1. System testing Jan 2003 2. Introductory training began at the Funeral Directors’ Association annual meeting June 21, 2003 3. Initial state wide training began July 14, 2003 ended Nov 3, 2003

16 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Death Re-engineering Facts Individual Facilities. Morticians 269 77. Physicians 2408 (1608)* 679. Physicians Assistants159 Licensed --. Coroners/ME 57 +Deputies 56. Hospitals NA 71. Total2893883. * Number of physicians who certify cause of death after first mailing.

17 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Implementation Lesson Learned 1. Once someone sees the system, they will want to use it. 2. When training is scheduled there will be enthusiastic response. 3. When anyone is trained and given access, they will immediately begin using the system.

18 Strengthening Partnerships: Shaping the Future Portland, OR June 6 th – 10 th, 2004 Electronic Death Registration How Are We Doing? Per Cent of Certificates Filed Electronically

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