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Table of Contents  General Presentation of different actions carried out by the MJC  “Secteur Enfance” (childcare sector)  “Secteur Jeunesse” (youth.

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2 Table of Contents  General Presentation of different actions carried out by the MJC  “Secteur Enfance” (childcare sector)  “Secteur Jeunesse” (youth sector)  participation in European Projects  “Youth in Action” program (YiA)  Action 1.1 Youth Exchanges  Action 2 European Voluntary Service

3 General Presentation On the occasion of the MJC’s 40th anniversary, the board stated: “The MJC is a place where everybody can come to meet each other, live and evolve. We lean on its solid and affirmed basis to constantly develop our actions for today and for the future.”

4 General Presentation "MJC Bertrand LE CHEVREL – VIRE“  MJC= community youth and culture centre  a non-profit organization (French law 1901)  affiliated to "la ligue de l'enseignement de Calvados“  our activities are of a sociocultural, educational and sportive nature  The MJC has different day-care facilities for children and adolescents (3 to 17 years old). Moreover, the organization owns a sailing school at a lake close by.  All activities are established to promote non-formal educational values as well as European values.

5 “The « secteur enfance » of the MJC proposes activities bearing in mind the values of our organization, particularly the different aspects of socialization and the development of the children. We always try to ensure the active participation of children in their leisure time.” - (Mme Christine Leblanc - Assistant Director)  Day-care facilities are opened every Wednesday as well as during school holidays.  There are also activities organized together with schools to create a link between formal and non-formal education. "Secteur Enfance“ Childcare Sector (3-14 year-olds)

6 "Secteur Jeunesse“ Youth Sector (11-17 year-olds)  developing activities adjusted to our youth  field trips on different occasions of the year  trips and camps during their school holidays  accompanying their own projects / initiatives  e.g. the organization of a rap-concert in Jan 2012  hosting young people at “Espace Jeunes”  a room at the MJC solely dedicated to our youth, equipped with a billard, board games, sofas,…  opening hours nearly every day  a place to meet up, play, discuss, etc.  Most of their projects begin here…

7 The main actions implemented by our youth sector:  living Europe through:  Vire‘s twin towns  youth exchanges (YiA)  activities organized in schools  hosting and sending of European volunteers  „ board games“ as a support of our actions:  game nights  proposing board games during lunch breaks at schools  „Board Game Festival“: a week in May dedicated to board games, open to the public All those activities allow us to reach out to people to enlarge our public and to get to know people in a different way. A very important aspect for us! "Secteur Jeunesse“ Youth Sector (11-17 year-olds)

8 European Projects  introducing two actions of the European Program “Youth in Action”:  Action 1.1: Youth exchanges  Action 2: the European Voluntary Service  the MJC functions as hosting and sending organization More about the YiA program in your country:

9 European projects  Action 1.1: Youth Exchanges  since 2008, the MJC organizes a youth exchange every year (except for 2009)  three different European partners are usually involved  (e.g. 2010: Spain, Germany, Italy; 2011: Spain, Latvia, Czech Republic)  In 2012, we also went to our twin town Baunatal in Germany for a Youth exchange  In 2013, four groups are leaving to participate in Youth exchanges in Spain, Finland, Germany and Bulgaria

10 European projects  Action 2: European Voluntary Service  since 2002, the MJC yearly hosts a volunteer from another European country for a period of one year  since 2012, we host two volunteers at the same time  the volunteers help us to "live Europe" in Vire, they enrich the intercultural aspects of our activities


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