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Area Plan Logic Model FY 2014 Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health 3 16 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Area Plan Logic Model FY 2014 Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health 3 16 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Area Plan Logic Model FY 2014 Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health 3 16 2014

2 For Utah’s Area Plans Not for federal grants Not for submission to Evidence Based Workgroup Not for other state agencies Only for DSAMH Submit only to DSAMH, for Area Planning only

3 Area Plan Logic Model Utah, FY 2011 3 16 2010 GoalFactorsFocus PopulationStrategiesOutcomes Short Long USI Logic Measures & Sources

4 Column 1: GOAL Goal Logic Measures & Sources Substance Abuse Goal –Do not list related goals such as anti social behavior, reduce violence etc List Measures and Sources of data that justify the goal Reduce Underage Drinking 2007 SHARP

5 Column 2: Factors List which prioritized factor(s) are being addressed by this program/ practice. –Factors must be science based, valid, and measurable List measures & sources that justify the chosen risk factor Factors Logic Measures & Sources Family Management 2007 SHARP United Way Community Survey

6 Column 3: Population Who will receive this prevention service? List Measures and Sources of data used in evaluating who received this prevention service Focus Population Logic Measures & Sources Parents of 10 – 12 year olds within Beaver School District Program Logs Attendance Records

7 Column 4: Strategies What: –if a “canned” program is being used, list the name of the program –If not, list program’s strategies Where How Much/Often List Measures and Sources to be used for evaluation Strategies Logic Measures & Sources Guiding Good Choices Parenting Classes Elk Meadows 90 min, 2x Week, 6 Weeks Attendance Records

8 Column 5: Outcomes- Short Column 2- Factors, is to match directly to Column 5 Short Term Outcomes Short Logic Measures & Sources

9 If Factor is: Family Management— Short Outcome is: Family Management

10 Column 5: Outcomes- Short Column 2- Factors, is to match directly to Column 5 Short Term Outcomes This column is to show desired changes in Factors The narrative is to include baseline data and the year of the baseline Short Logic Measures & Sources Percent reporting problems will decrease from 15% in 2005 to 10% in 2011 Family Management

11 Area Plan Logic Model Utah, FY2011 3 16 2010 GoalFocus PopulationStrategiesOutcomes Short Long USI Logic Measures & Sources Factors FACTORS ARE MEASURED IN SHORT OUTCOMES

12 Column 5: Outcomes- Short Match Measures & Sources from FACTORS Column to Measures & Sources in Short Outcomes Column Short Logic Measures & Sources Percent reporting problems will decrease from 15% in 2005 to 10% in 2011 Family Management 2007 SHARP United Way Community Survey

13 Area Plan Logic Model Utah, FY 2011 3 16 2010 GoalFactorsFocus PopulationStrategiesOutcomes Short Long USI Logic Measures & Sources 2007 SHARP United Way Community Survey 2007 SHARP United Way Community Survey

14 Area Plan Logic Model Utah, FY 2011 3 16 2010 GoalFactorsFocus PopulationStrategiesOutcomes Short Long USI Logic Measures & Sources 2011 SHARP United Way Community Survey

15 Column 6: Long Column 6, Long Term Outcomes, is to match Column 1, Goal. If your goal is Underage Drinking, what should your long term outcome address? Long Logic Measures & Sources Underage Drinking

16 If Goal is: Underage Drinking- Long Outcome is: Underage Drinking

17 Column 6: Long Column 6, Long Term Outcomes, is to match Column 1, Goal. This column is to show desired changes in the Goal The narrative is to include baseline data, including year & projections Long Logic Measures & Sources Underage Drinking Underage drinking will decrease from 35% LTU in 2005 to 25% LTU in 2015

18 Column 6: Long Guiding Good Choices GoalFactorsFocus PopulationStrategiesOutcomes Short Long Logic Measures & Sources Underage Drinking

19 Column 5: Outcomes- Long Match Measures and Sources from Column 1 Long Logic Measures & Sources 2007 SHARP2015

20 Area Plan Logic Model Utah, FY2011 3 16 2010 Guiding Good Choices GoalFactorsFocus PopulationStrategiesOutcomes Short Long USI Logic Reduce underage Drinking Poor Family Management Parents of 10 – 12 year olds within Beaver School District Guiding Good Choices @ Elk Meadows, 90 min-2xweek for 6 weeks Percent reporting PFM will decrease from 15% in 05 to 10% in 11 Underage drinking will decrease from 35% LTU in 2005 to 25% LTU in 2015 Measures & Sources 2007 SHARP 2007 United Way Survey Program Logs Attendance Records 2011 SHARP Survey 2011 United Way Survey 2015 SHARP

21 For Utah’s Area Plans Not for federal grants Not for submission to Evidence Based Workgroup Not for other state agencies Only for DSAMH Submit only to DSAMH, for Area Planning only

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