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Values I.Values -definition -importance of values -types of values: Rokeach.

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Presentation on theme: "Values I.Values -definition -importance of values -types of values: Rokeach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Values I.Values -definition -importance of values -types of values: Rokeach

2 Values II. Hierarchy of Values -dependent on when we entered the fulltime workforce A. Reactive: any time B. TRADITIONAL/Mature 1. Tribalistic. 2. Egocentric 3. Conformists

3 Values C. BABY BOOMERS 1. Sociocentric 2. Existential 3. Manipulators D. Generation X -reasons for their values -historical conditions affecting them -their politics

4 Values E. Generation Y, Bridgers, or Echo-Boomers -characteristics -gender roles F. Examine yourself: do you fit into these value structures? Why or why not?

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