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Alleged Bomber NORTHPARK BAPTIST CHURCH FALL 2010 ADULT LIFE GROUP SERIES Living Spirit-Filled Lives - Submission Ephesians 5:21-24.

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Presentation on theme: "Alleged Bomber NORTHPARK BAPTIST CHURCH FALL 2010 ADULT LIFE GROUP SERIES Living Spirit-Filled Lives - Submission Ephesians 5:21-24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alleged Bomber NORTHPARK BAPTIST CHURCH FALL 2010 ADULT LIFE GROUP SERIES Living Spirit-Filled Lives - Submission Ephesians 5:21-24


3 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber The State of Our Unions 2005 Only 63 percent of American children grow up with both biological parents, the lowest percentage among Western nations. The U.S. divorce rate has declined over the past 25 years, but that is offset by the even greater decline in marriages. Instead of marriage, couples are living together. Yet cohabiting couples have twice the breakup rate of married couples.

4 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber Submission is not subjugation. Subjugation turns a person into a thing, destroys individuality, and removes all liberty. Submission makes a person become more of what God wants him to be; it brings out individuality; it gives him the freedom to accomplish all that God has for his life and ministry. Subjugation is weakness; it is the refuge of those who are afraid of maturity. Submission is strength; it is the first step toward true maturity and ministry. Warren Wiersbe

5 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber “Submission/Feminism”

6 “Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.” Gloria Steinem

7 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber Very Egalitarian41-50 Generally Egalitarian36-40 Transitional31-35 Generally Traditional21-30 Very Traditional10-20


9 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber In 2003 only 51.5% of all households were married. In 1973 69% of all households were married. There were 2.2 million marriages in 2003, the same number of marriages in 1975. American Demographics, 2004

10 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 46% of all married Baby Boomers have been through divorce. 35% of married Christian’s have been divorced. Barna Research, 2004

11 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber A growing number of people are living together, 4.7 million. U.S. Census Bureau, 2004

12 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 1.What does Paul mean in (Eph. 5:21) when he instructs the Ephesians to be “subject to one another”? DISCUSSION GUIDE To willingly give up your rights to another

13 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 2.(Eph. 5:18) stated that one of the results of being filled with the Spirit is that believers submit to each other. What do the following verses teach about spiritual equality? A. (Rom. 10:12) B. (1 Cor. 12:13) C. (Eph. 2:15-15)

14 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 3. How are the words obey and submit different?

15 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 4. How were the wives instructed to submit to their husbands? (v. 22) As they submit to the Lord

16 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 5. What are the characteristics of a submitted life unto the Lord?

17 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 6.Why should a wife submit to a husband in marriage? (v. 23) God has given man the authority in the home. He is to be the spiritual leader

18 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 7.How are wives instructed to submit? In the same way the church submits to Christ’s leadership

19 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 8. What can happen in the church when the lines of authority are violated?

20 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 9. What can happen in a marriage when the lines of authority are violated?

21 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 10. Look up the following passages to identify the marriage truths in each: PassageMarriage Truth (Prv. 5:15-20)Be satisfied with your partner (Matt. 19:6-9)Divorce is not a good solution unless there is adultery (1 Cor. 7:1-5)Sexual union in marriage is good and one spouse should not deprive another (1 Peter 3:1-7)Live in mutual submission and be more concerned with your inner beauty

22 London bombing victim Alleged Bomber 105-year-old Percy and 100-year-old Florence Arrowsmith

23 Alleged Bomber NORTHPARK BAPTIST CHURCH FALL 2010 ADULT LIFE GROUP SERIES Living Spirit-Filled Lives - Submission Ephesians 5:21-24

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