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The EU Adaptation Strategy
Joan Canton Policy officer DG Climate Action, European Commission
EU Adaptation Strategy
The general aim To enhance the preparedness and capacity to respond to the impacts of climatic change at EU, Member State, regional and local levels The basis Commission White Paper (2009) 4 pillar action plan: knowledge base, mainstreaming, international cooperation, policy instruments 33 long-term actions implementation from
The objectives (1) Knowledge (2) Policy and markets
Improve and widen the knowledge base and identify gaps Further the understanding of vulnerabilities and adaptation options Facilitate knowledge use and exchange (2) Policy and markets Mainstream adaptation into policies at EU level, including revision of legislation to include climate adaptation Identify potential adaptation actions to make markets work more efficiently (3) Cooperation and facilitation Facilitate cooperation with and between Member States, regions, cities and other relevant stakeholders Provide guidelines for adaptation
1st Objective of the strategy
furthering the understanding of climate change vulnerability and adaptation addressing the issue of dealing with large array of uncertainties identifying knowledge gaps and defining a strategy on how to close these gaps outlining paths from knowledge generation to knowledge use enhancing access to related information The knowledge objective 4
1st Objective of the strategy
… feeds into … 5
2nd Objective of the strategy
The facilitation and cooperation objective facilitating exchange between and cooperating with Member States, regions, cities and all other relevant stakeholders providing guidelines for adaptation national level and for specific issues 6
3rd Objective of the strategy
The policy and market objective Policy related objectives: reviewing existing EU instruments in place proposing adaptation action (e.g. supportive measures such as EU financial mechanisms (e.g. MFF, Structural funds)) mainstreaming adaptation into policies at EU level 7
Relevant projects and reports
Completed Economic instruments project involves analysis of 3 types of instruments: Market based instruments (MBI), Risk management instruments (RMI) and Public private partnerships (PPP) in light of promoting adaptation actions and climate risk sharing. Insurance will be analysed in more detail. Climate-proofing: Identification of major threats and proposing policy actions to reduce the risks. It also involves estimating costs of proposed actions (i.e. implications on EU budget) On-going Climate-proofing Methodologies for climate proofing investments and measures under cohesion and regional policy and CAP: provide guidance, training and capacity building for the implementation of agricultural and cohesion/regional funds – results expected in June/July 2012. Guidelines for Project managers for climate proofing of vulnerable investments Adaptation Strategies in European Cities: Awareness raising and capacity building for preparation of adaptation strategies & implementation of adaptation measures. Results expected in 2013 8
Ongoing: Adaptation Strategies for European Cities
Awareness raising and capacity building Coaching of 16 cities by peer cities (as of September) Developing of training modules Get involved Get cities to fill out the survey until end May for-climate-change-in-cities/ Contribute to webpage: Participate in stakeholder dialogues Aalborg/DK: 6 June Ancona/IT: 29 June Burgas/BG: 11 July 9
Integration / Mainstreaming of CC adaptation into EU policies: examples
Environment EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 Water Green infrastructures Disaster risk prevention EU-wide overview of risks: cross-sectoral overview of the major natural and man-made risks that the EU may face in the future, taking into account the impacts of climate change Employment Contribution of climate change adaptation to green jobs discussed in the Employment package recently adopted
Mainstreaming adaptation into key policy areas: proposals
Cohesion Policy for Member States and Commission shall ensure that mitigation and adaptation are promoted in preparation and implementation of Partnership Contracts and programmes Thematic objectives include shift towards low-carbon economy and promoting adaptation EIA for major projects shall take adaptation and mitigation, and disaster resilience into account Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for Dedicate direct payments to practices that facilitate more sustainable use of natural resources Preservation and restoration of ecosystems and fight against climate change/adaptation two of the six priorities of rural development policy Contribution to EU AFRD to climate mitigation, adaptation and land management LIFE + programme Dedicated, inter alia, to adaptation, increased resilience to climate change Research agenda Horizon 2020
Adoption of the STRATEGY
Roadmap Adoption of the STRATEGY START January 2012 March 2013 from 2nd half 2012 onwards EU Adaptation Strategy 1st half 2012 October 2012 Impact Assessment to IA Board Background studies Consultations Cooperation with Commission services 12
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